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Croire (to believe) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of croire

Present tense
je crois
I believe
tu crois
you believe
il/elle/on croit
he/she/it believes
nous croyons
we believe
vous croyez
you all believe
ils/elles croient
they believe
Present perfect tense
j’ai cru
I believed
tu as cru
you believed
il/elle/on a cru
he/she/it believed
nous avons cru
we believed
vous avez cru
you all believed
ils/elles ont cru
they believed
Past impf. tense
je croyais
I was believing
tu croyais
you were believing
il/elle/on croyait
he/she/it was believing
nous croyions
we were believing
vous croyiez
you all were believing
ils/elles croyaient
they were believing
Future tense
je croirai
I will believe
tu croiras
you will believe
il/elle/on croira
he/she/it will believe
nous croirons
we will believe
vous croirez
you all will believe
ils/elles croiront
they will believe
Past perfect tense
j’avais cru
I had believed
tu avais cru
you had believed
il/elle/on avait cru
he/she/it had believed
nous avions cru
we had believed
vous aviez cru
you all had believed
ils/elles avaient cru
they had believed
Past preterite tense
je crus
I believed
tu crus
you believed
il/elle/on crut
he/she/it believed
nous crûmes
we believed
vous crûtes
you all believed
ils/elles crurent
they believed
Past anterior tense
j’eus cru
I had believed
tu eus cru
you had believed
il/elle/on eut cru
he/she/it had believed
nous eûmes cru
we had believed
vous eûtes cru
you all had believed
ils/elles eurent cru
they had believed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai cru
I will have believed
tu auras cru
you will have believed
il/elle/on aura cru
he/she/it will have believed
nous aurons cru
we will have believed
vous aurez cru
you all will have believed
ils/elles auront cru
they will have believed
Present subjunctive tense
que je croie
that I believe
que tu croies
that you believe
qu’il/elle/on croie
that he/she/it believe
que nous croyions
that we believe
que vous croyiez
that you all believe
qu’ils/elles croient
that they believe
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie cru
that I have believed
que tu aies cru
that you have believed
qu’il/elle/on ait cru
that he/she/it have believed
que nous ayons cru
that we have believed
que vous ayez cru
that you all have believed
qu’ils/elles aient cru
that they have believed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je crusse
that I would believe
que tu crusses
that you would believe
qu’il/elle/on crût
that he/she/it would believe
que nous crussions
that we would believe
que vous crussiez
that you all would believe
qu’ils/elles crussent
that they would believe
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse cru
that I had believed
que tu eusses cru
that you had believed
qu’il/elle/on eût cru
that he/she/it had believed
que nous eussions cru
that we had believed
que vous eussiez cru
that you all had believed
qu’ils/elles eussent cru
that they had believed
Conditional mood
je croirais
I would believe
tu croirais
you would believe
il/elle/on croirait
he/she/it would believe
nous croirions
we would believe
vous croiriez
you all would believe
ils/elles croiraient
they would believe
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais cru
I would have believed
tu aurais cru
you would have believed
il/elle/on aurait cru
he/she/it would have believed
nous aurions cru
we would have believed
vous auriez cru
you all would have believed
ils/elles auraient cru
they would have believed
Imperative mood
let's believe!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie cru
have believed
ayons cru
let's have believed
ayez cru
have believed

Examples of croire

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
! Je n'arrive pas à y croire.I can't believe it, but it got even crappier.
! Je ne peux pas croire que tu étais mort?Can't honestly believe that you were dead?
! Je peux pas croire que tu nous trahis, toi?I can't believe you would betray us like that?
! arg! je ne peux croire que je dois t'expliquer tout ça .i can't believe i have to explain all this to you.
! je peux pas y croire.I can't believe it.
! Je les ai cru aussi, papa.I believed them, too, Dad.
"Amber, depuis que je t'ai adoptée, tu as cru que j'étais ta mère, mais en vérité...Amber, you always believed I was your mother... but the truth is...
"Dans un passé déjà lointain, des hommes "ont cru en la possibilité d'être libres et indépendants "et c'est pourquoi ils luttèrent,Many years ago a bunch of men believed they could be free and independent and so they decided to fight for it.
"Honnêtement, je n'ai jamais cru à cette histoire d'or caché à notre motel, dans l'Arkansas."Honestly, I never quite believed the story "you told me about the gold you hid at our motel" in Arkansas.
"J'ai toujours cruJenny: "i have always believed
" Il montre sa flèche pour le prouver. " T'y crois, toi ?"Has arrow to prove it." You believe that?
" Je crois et professe tout ce que la sainte église Catholique croit, enseigne, et proclame, comme étant révélé par Dieu.""I believe and profess all that the holy Catholic church believes, teaches, and proclaims, to be revealed by God."
" Je crois qu'il s'appelle Pierre. "I believe his name is Pierre.
" Je crois qu'on peut influencer les choses, et que chaque acte à ses conséquences.I believe we have more control than we think, and that every action has a reaction. After all....
" Je crois que c'est sa seconde femme. ""l believe she's his second wife."
" Henry, croyez-moi quand je vous dit que je suis innocente."Henry, believe me when I tell you I'm innocent.
"Enfin, croyez, croyez dur comme fer."Believe, really believe.
"Il sait tout de moi." Vous le croyez ?"He knows everything about me." You really believe that?
"Le jardin de l'espoir." Vous y croyez, Mlle Lynn ?The garden of hope. Do you believe in hope, Miss Lynn?
"Les cartes"? Vous n'y croyez pas? Ni aux racines de persil, ni aux lignes de la main?You don't believe in cards or in palm-reading?
"Et moi qui la menais à la rivière la croyant pucelle" "Etre ou ne pas être, là est la question" et tant d'autres de lui ..."And l who took her to the river believing she was a maiden,"... "To be or not to be, that is the question" ... and so many others that he composed.
"Il continua d'écrire, croyant qu'il avait une histoire à raconter."He continued to write..." believing he had a story to tell.
"Sous l'influence du petit déjeuner psychédélique, "il a attaqué deux officiers, "croyant que ceux-ci étaient des girafes armées..."Under the influence of this psychedelic breakfast, he attacked two officers, believing them to be giraffes and armed and dangerous.
"croyant en un système truqué contre moi"believing in a system rigged against me
- Devait-il mourir en croyant qu'on se fichait qu'il vive ou qu'il meure?- Could we let him die believing that none of us cared whether he lived or not?

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