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Percaya (to believe) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of percaya

Present tense
I believe
Past tense
sudah percaya
I believed
Present perfect tense
sudah percaya
I have believed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah percaya
I will have believed
Future recent tense
percaya nanti
I will believe
Future distant tense
percaya kelak
I am going to believe
Present continuous tense
sedang percaya
I believe
Past distant tense
dulu percaya
I (a long time ago) believed
Past recent tense
percaya tadi
I (recently) believed
Past very recent tense
baru saja percaya
I (just now) believed

Examples of percaya

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Aku tak percaya orang hanya hidup untuk dirinya sendiri.I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention.
Saya percaya itu adalah keracunan Illios.I believe it's Illios poisoning.
Saya sekarang percaya bahwa meskipun ayahku benar tentang ... tentang sifat ancaman yang menggantung di atas kita semua, dia ... dia sepenuhnya salah dalam matematika moralnya.I now believe that though my father was right about... about the nature of the threat that hangs over all of us, he... he was entirely wrong in his moral mathematics.
Apa yang kau percaya, Matt?What do you believe in, Matt?
...kau bilang kau percaya alien?...you're saying you believe in aliens?

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