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Herstellen (to produce) conjugation

19 examples

Conjugation of herstellen

Present tense
stelle her
I produce
stellst her
you produce
stellt her
he/she/it produces
stellen her
we produce
stellt her
you all produce
stellen her
they produce
Past preterite tense
stellte her
I produced
stelltest her
you produced
stellte her
he/she/it produced
stellten her
we produced
stelltet her
you all produced
stellten her
they produced
Future tense
werde herstellen
I will produce
wirst herstellen
you will produce
wird herstellen
he/she/it will produce
werden herstellen
we will produce
werdet herstellen
you all will produce
werden herstellen
they will produce
Past perfect tense
habe hergestellt
I have produced
hast hergestellt
you have produced
hat hergestellt
he/she/it has produced
haben hergestellt
we have produced
habt hergestellt
you all have produced
haben hergestellt
they have produced
Pluperfect tense
hatte hergestellt
I had produced
hattest hergestellt
you had produced
hatte hergestellt
he/she/it had produced
hatten hergestellt
we had produced
hattet hergestellt
you all had produced
hatten hergestellt
they had produced
Future perf.
werde hergestellt haben
I will have produced
wirst hergestellt haben
you will have produced
wird hergestellt haben
he/she/it will have produced
werden hergestellt haben
we will have produced
werdet hergestellt haben
you all will have produced
werden hergestellt haben
they will have produced
Subjunctive II preterite tense
stellte her
(so that I) would produce
stelltest her
(so that you) would produce
stellte her
(so that he/she) would produce
stellten her
(so that we) would produce
stelltet her
(so that you all) would produce
stellten her
(so that they) would produce
Subjunctive II future tense
würde herstellen
I would produce
würdest herstellen
you would produce
würde herstellen
he/she/it would produce
würden herstellen
we would produce
würdet herstellen
you all would produce
würden herstellen
they would produce
Subjunctive II future perfect tense
würde hergestellt haben
I would have produced
würdest hergestellt haben
you would have produced
würde hergestellt haben
he/she/it would have produced
würden hergestellt haben
we would have produced
würdet hergestellt haben
you all would have produced
würden hergestellt haben
they would have produced
Subjunctive I present tense
stelle her
(so that I) produce
stellest her
(so that you) produce
stelle her
(so that he/she) produce
stellen her
(so that we) produce
stellet her
(so that you all) produce
stellen her
(so that they) produce
Subjunctive I present perfect tense
habe hergestellt
(so that I) have produced
habest hergestellt
(so that you) have produced
habe hergestellt
(so that he/she) has produced
haben hergestellt
(so that we) have produced
habet hergestellt
(so that you all) have produced
haben hergestellt
(so that they) have produced
Subjunctive I future tense
werde herstellen
(so that I) will produce
werdest herstellen
(so that you) will produce
werde herstellen
(so that he/she) will produce
werden herstellen
(so that we) will produce
werdet herstellen
(so that you all) will produce
werden herstellen
(so that they) will produce
Subjunctive I pluperfect tense
hätte hergestellt
(so that I) would have produced
hättest hergestellt
(so that you) would have produced
hätte hergestellt
(so that he/she) would have produced
hätten hergestellt
(so that we) would have produced
hättet hergestellt
(so that you all) would have produced
hätten hergestellt
(so that they) would have produced
Subjunctive I future perfect tense
werde hergestellt haben
(so that I) will have produced
werdest hergestellt haben
(so that you) will have produced
werde hergestellt haben
(so that he/she) will have produced
werden hergestellt haben
(so that we) will have produced
werdet hergestellt haben
(so that you all) will have produced
werden hergestellt haben
(so that they) will have produced
Present Nebensatz tense
I produce
you produce
he/she/it produces
we produce
you all produce
they produce
Preterite past Nebensatz tense
I produced
you produced
he/she/it produced
we produced
you all produced
they produced
Present subjunctive Nebensatz tense
(so that I) produce
(so that you) produce
(so that he/she) produce
(so that we) produce
(so that you all) produce
(so that they) produce
Preterite subjunctive Nebensatz tense
(so that I) would produce
(so that you) would produce
(so that he/she) would produce
(so that we) would produce
(so that you all) would produce
(so that they) would produce
Imperative mood
stell her
stellt her

Examples of herstellen

Example in GermanTranslation in English
Angenommen, man könnte einen Menschen ohne genetische Merkmale herstellen sollte man diesen mit uns gleichstellen?But if one were to produce a man without genetic inheritance would it then be ranked as we are?
Brennen Sie den auch selbst? Wenn nicht, wär's wohl das Einzige, was Sie nicht auf Reata herstellen.If not, it's about the only thing you don't produce on Reata yourself.
Die Qualität des Metalls ist höher, als wir sie heute herstellen könnten.The quality of metal is higher than we could produce today.
Dieses Wettbewerbsmodell soll erreichen, dass die Verbraucher die eigenen Produkte denen der Konkurrenz beim Kauf vorziehen ...die genau dasselbe tut, nämlich Waren zugleich konkurrenzfähig und erschwinglich herstellen.This competitive strategy, of course is to make sure the public buys their goods rather than from a competing producer ...which is doing the exact same thing to also make their goods both competitive and affordable.
Fast Fashion möchte schnell herstellen, somit müssen die Fabrikarbeiter schneller und billiger produzieren.Fast Fashion wants to produce fast, so the textile worker has to produce faster and cheaper.
"Erzähl's mir nicht, du wirst mir das Essen noch verderben", ist die übliche Antwort beim Versuch, jemandem zu erzählen, wie jenes Essen hergestellt wurde."Don't tell me, you'll spoil my dinner" is the usual reply to any attempt to tell someone just how that dinner was produced.
"Nichts, was hergestellt wird, darf eine Lebensdauer besitzen, die länger ist als zur Aufrechterhaltung des zyklischen Konsums notwendig.""Nothing produced can be allowed to maintain a lifespan longer than what can be endured in order to continue cyclical consumption."
Buchstäblich alles was hergestellt und auf dem Internationalen Markt zum Kauf angeboten werden soll, ist bereits im Moment seiner Fertigstellung rückständig, denn rechnerisch es ist unmöglich, die wissenschaftlich fortschrittlichsten effizientesten und strategisch nachhaltigsten Produkte herzustellen.Literally everything created and set for sale in the global economy is immediately inferior the moment it is produced for it is a mathematical impossibility to make the most scientifically advanced, efficient and strategically sustainable products.
Das Labor hat genug Anthrax hergestellt, um tausend solcher Beutel zu füllen wie den, der Apollo Mercer getötet hat.This lab produced enough anthrax to fill thousands of bags like the one which killed Apollo Mercer.
Das Material wurde von professionellen, kommerziellen Produzenten hergestellt. Diese kontrollierten dann das Erlebnis und richteten sich an Individuen die am passiven Empfangsende der kulturellen Konversation saßen.The materials were produced by some set of professional commercial producers, who then controlled the experience and located individuals at the passive receiving end of the cultural conversation.
Sagen Sie das denen, deren Erde die Hälfte von dem gibt, was sie könnte. Denen, die in Schlangen auf den Dünger warten, den ich hier herstelle.Tell that to the farmers whose crops fail, who stand in line for every sack of fertilizer that I produce.
Bloß weil kein bekannter militärischer oder ziviler Munitionshersteller so was herstellt, bedeutet das nicht, dass es nicht existiert, 007.The fact that no recognised munitions manufacturer, military or civil, produces such a bullet doesn't mean it doesn't exist, 007.
In der Fabrik, die die Montechristo herstellt, war die Lieblingsgeschichte der Arbeiter...At the factory which produces the Montecristo, the workers' favourite story was...
Mr. Jones hat eine Fabrik, die Geheimwaffen herstellt.Mr. Jones is the president of a plant which produces a secret war weapon.
Wie ist es möglich, dass jemand so etwas herstellt.How is it possible that somebody produces something like this?
Wir haben eine der Firmen überprüft, die dieses bestimmte Papier herstellt und fanden eine Firma, die medizinische Geräte herstellt.We checked one of the companies that produced that particular paper stock and found a company that produces medical equipment.
Er ist ein alter bekannter Hitlers und ehemaliger Anwalt der IG Farben, des Konzerns. der das Gift für die Gaskammern herstellte, bevor er zerschlagen wurde in seine Töchter Bayer, Agfa and BASF.He is an old acquaintance of Hitler and former lawyer of IG Farben the company that produced the chemicals used in the gas chambers before it was separated in its subsidiaries: Bayer, Agfa and BASF.
Das KZ Dachau dient der Industrie, indem es billige Arbeitskräfte liefert für die großen BMW-Fabriken, die damals Flugzeugmotoren herstellten.The Dachau concentration camp serves the industries as it provides cheap work force to the large BMW factories that produced airplane motors at the time.
Das war das letzte Modell, das die Russen herstellten.This was the last model the Soviets produced.

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