Produce (to produce) conjugation

49 examples

Conjugation of produce

Present tense
I produce
you produce
he/she/it produces
we produce
you all produce
they produce
Present perfect tense
am produs
I have produced
ai produs
you have produced
a produs
he/she/it has produced
am produs
we have produced
ați produs
you all have produced
au produs
they have produced
Past preterite tense
I produced
you produced
he/she/it produced
we produced
you all produced
they produced
Future tense
voi produce
I will produce
vei produce
you will produce
va produce
he/she/it will produce
vom produce
we will produce
veți produce
you all will produce
vor produce
they will produce
Conditional mood
aș produce
I would produce
ai produce
you would produce
ar produce
he/she/it would produce
am produce
we would produce
ați produce
you all would produce
ar produce
they would produce
Subjunctive present tense
să produc
(so that/if) I produce
să produci
(so that/if) you produce
să producă
(so that/if) he/she/it produce
să producem
(so that/if) we produce
să produceți
(so that/if) you all produce
să producă
(so that/if) they produce
Subjunctive past tense
să fi produs
(so that/if) I have produced
să fi produs
(so that/if) you have produced
să fi produs
(so that/if) he/she/it have produced
să fi produs
(so that/if) we have produced
să fi produs
(so that/if) you all have produced
să fi produs
(so that/if) they have produced
Past impf. tense
I was producing
you were producing
he/she/it was producing
we were producing
you all were producing
they were producing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu produce
do not produce!
nu produceți
do not produce!
Past pluperfect tense
I had produced
you had produced
he/she/it had produced
we had produced
you all had produced
they had produced
Future alternative 1 tense
am să produc
I am going to produce
ai să produci
you are going to produce
are să producă
he/she/it is going to produce
avem să producem
we are going to produce
aveți să produceți
you all are going to produce
au să producă
they are going to produce
Future alternative 2 tense
o să produc
I am going to produce
o să produci
you are going to produce
o să producă
he/she/it is going to produce
o să producem
we are going to produce
o să produceți
you all are going to produce
o să producă
they are going to produce
Future perfect tense
voi fi produs
I will have produced
vei fi produs
you will have produced
va fi produs
he/she/it will have produced
vom fi produs
we will have produced
veți fi produs
you all will have produced
vor fi produs
they will have produced
Future in the past tense
aveam să produc
I was going to produce
aveai să produci
you were going to produce
avea să producă
he/she/it was going to produce
aveam să producem
we were going to produce
aveați să produceți
you all were going to produce
aveau să producă
they were going to produce
Conditional past tense
aș fi produs
I would have produced
ai fi produs
you would have produced
ar fi produs
he/she/it would have produced
am fi produs
we would have produced
ați fi produs
you all would have produced
ar fi produs
they would have produced
Presumptive tense
oi produce
I might produce
oi produce
you might produce
o produce
he/she/it might produce
om produce
we might produce
oți produce
you all might produce
or produce
they might produce
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi producând
I might be producing
oi fi producând
you might be producing
o fi producând
he/she/it might be producing
om fi producând
we might be producing
oți fi producând
you all might be producing
or fi producând
they might be producing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi produs
I might have produced
oi fi produs
you might have produced
o fi produs
he/she/it might have produced
om fi produs
we might have produced
oți fi produs
you all might have produced
or fi produs
they might have produced

Examples of produce

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" cauza am auzit de el a fost trebuia pentru a produce bixel stradă .'cause we heard he was supposed to produce bixel street.
"Ea produce un popor fără energie, fără un spirit de întreprindere."It produces a people without energy, without a spirit of enterprise.
"Fondat în 1930, I.A.S. este dedicat gândirii originale, deseori speculative care produce evoluţia cunoştinţelor ce schimbă modul în care înţelegem lumea.""Found in 1930, I.A.S. Is dedicated to "the original, often speculative thinking "that produces advances in knowledge
"Noua cultura de un miliard de dolari" Canepa a fost promovata sustinandu-se ca poate produce mai mult de 5000 de produse textila din fibra sa si mai mult de 25.000 din celuloza sa, de la dinamita pana la celofan.Hemp was touted as being able to produce more than 5,000 textile products from its threadlike fiber and more than 25,000 products from its cellulose, ranging from dynamite to cellophane.
"Nu putem produce un număr aşa de ridicat de maşini electrice.""Look, we can't produce these increasing numbers of the battery electric vehicles."
"Oameni care produc.""People who produce. "
"Pentru ca unele dintre aceste tipi sunt packin "out-of-sezon produc.'Cause some of these guys are packin' out-of-season produce.
- Albinele produc mai mult decât mănâncă ele.- Bees produce more than they eat.
- Ce este el produc?- What's he produce?
- Compun şi produc.- Write and produce.
"Este ilegal să dezvolţi, produci, obţii prin alte mijloace, transferi direc sau indirect, primeşti, depozitezi, ai la îndemână, deţii, posezi, sau să foloseşti ori să ameninţi cu folosirea oricărei arme chimice."It is illegal to develop, produce, otherwise acquire, transfer directly or indirectly, receive, stockpile, retain, own, possess, or use or threaten to use any chemical weapon.
"Nu ai putut sã îţi dai seama cã rãzboiul era inevitabil când produci lipsuri?"Dad, couldn't you see, that war was inevitable when you produce scarcity when you produce scarcity?
- Atunci de ce nu o produci?- Then why won't you produce it?
- Cânţi sau doar produci ?- You play, or just want to produce?
- Câteodată încerc să-i explic că pentru ca să produci în muzică ceva decent în sensul muzicii serioase trebuie să ai o atmosferă potrivită.I sometimes try to explain to her that if you're going to produce anything decent in the way of serious music you must have the right atmosphere.
(Lucy) Am reusit sa ne producem singuri energia, si comunicam prin unde radio.(Lucy) We managed to produce our own power and communicate over radio waves.
- Aceste panouri solare combinate ne vor permite să producem 34 de megawaţi de energie...- These solar arrays combined will allow us to produce 34 megawatts of power...
- Producţia noastră este încă lentă. Nu putem moderniza nimic, darmite să producem ceva nou şi imprevizibil.We can't even produce enough of existing types of bombs, much less begin to work on something completely new and completely unpredictable.
- unde o producem şi azi.- Where we still produce it today.
-Trebuie doar să producem mai mult.- We must mass-produce it. - Take care of this.
"Căpitanul Abisha Slade avea un sclav... se numea Stephen... care a produs prima frunză de tutun în 1839 în Caswell County.""Captain Abisha Slade had a slave... "his name was Stephen... "who produced the first bright leaf tobacco in 1839 Caswell County."
"Eu l-am produs."I produced that."
"Nici unui produs nu-i poate fi permis să-şi menţină o durată de viaţă mai mare decât ce poate fi suportat astfel încât să continue consumul ciclic.""Nothing produced can be allowed to maintain a lifespan longer than what can be endured in order to continue cyclical consumption."
"Pantofi rosii a fost un mare succes "Atunci când a produs la Monte Carlo cu Lermontov de balet, "Dar înca nu a fost vazut în aceasta tara.The Red Shoes was a great success... when produced at Monte Carlo last year with the Ballet Lermontov... but has not yet been seen in this country.
"Praful Lunii" produs în acest fel se aseamãnã de fapt cu nisipul.The "moon dust" produced this way actually resembles sand.
"Chiar daca agricultorii produse alimentare de cereale.""Even though farmers produced food-grains."
- Aţi făcut nişte produse grozave.You guys produced good product.
- Dar si produse de corp... sunt si grasimi fabricate in noi.Yes. Also produced by the body, or manufactured by the body, these very same fats.
100 din ăstea pe zi sunt produse... şi trimise la sclavii oraşului... unde e produsă această otravă pentru prietenii noştri, cei iubiţi, copiii noştri.A hundred of these are produced every day and sent to sweatshops where urban slaves prepare this poison for our friends, our loved ones, our children.
380 de tone de heroină şi morfină sunt produse în Afghanistan şi transportate în Europa.380 tons of heroin and morphine is produced in Afghanistan and trafficked up into Europe.
În 1990, produceam Premiile Cinematografiei Americane, care au onorat vedete legendare ale cinematografiei, precum şi mari muzicieni.In 1990, I was producing the American Cinema Awards, which honoured legendary stars of the cinema, as well as great musical entertainers.
Am auzit zvonuri că produceai filme.I'd heard through the grapevine you were producing movies.
"Înregistrezi orice vrei, când vrei şi priveşte..." La mijlocul anilor '80, Sony producea prima cameră pentru consumatoriRecord what you want when you want, and watch-... by the mid-19803, Sony was producing its first consumer-quality CCD camcorders.
Am găsit doar o genă pentru gălbenuş în genomul ornitorincului care era funcţională şi care producea proteinele gălbenuşului.We found only one egg yolk gene in the platypus genome that really was functional and was producing the egg yolk protein.
Da, producea griu, porumb, cartofi, fasole... si doream sa pastrez o parteYes, it was producing wheat, corn, potatoes, beans... and i was meant to keep a part of it
În 1910, SUA producea 10 miliarde de ţigări pe an.In 1 91 0, the U.S. was producing ten billion cigarettes a year.
Ce vedem azi sunt muncitori care produceau pentru aceasta companie si munceau din greu acesti oameni sunt cei care sunt arestati.What we see today is workers who were producing for this company and working hard-- those are the people who get arrested.
Deşi revoluţia a avut multe motive, unul iese în evidenţă că motiv principal acela că Regele George III al Angliei a scos în afara legii banii fără dobândă pe care coloniile le produceau pentru uz propriu, pentru a-i forţa să împrumute bani de la Banca Centrală Engleză, cu dobândăAlthough many reasons are cited for the revolution, one in particular sticks out as the prime cause: that King George III of England outlawed the interest free independent currency the colonies were producing and using for themselves, in turn forcing them to borrow money from the Central Bank of England at interest, immediately putting the colonies into debt.
In momentul in care vila a fost nou, doar cateva mii de ani in urma, romanii produceau 80.000 de tone de plumb pe an.By the time this villa was new, just a couple of thousand years ago, the romans were producing 80,000 tons of lead a year.
"'Iubeşte şi produ.'Love and produce!
"Şi lumea aude doar "Iubeşte şi produ""And the world hears only the 'love and produce' cackle.
Doctore, fă calculele necesare şi produ acest ser.Doctor, make the necessary computations and produce this serum.
Iubeşte şi produ!"Love and produce!
Quincy îi produsese pe Frank Sinatra,Quincy had produced Frank Sinatra, icon.
"ale unei afecţiuni a discului precum şi de o hernie de disc L4-L5, " "producând o durere rad-i-cu-lara... ""with herniation of the L-4, 5 disk, producing radi-cululer..."
"ale unei afecţiuni a discului precum şi de o hernie de disc L4-L5," "producând o durere rad-i-cu-lara...""disc disease with herniation of the L4-5 disc, producing rad-i-cu-ular..."
2 miliarde de dolari, locuita de 615 persoane, producând 300 000 barili pe zi.Two thousand million dollars and 615 personnel producing 300 thousand barrels of oil a day.
Aceste fosile intră adânc în pământ, producând rezerve enorme de cărbune şi petrol brut.Those fossils sunk deep underground, producing enormous reserves of coal and crude oil.
Apăs o clapă... aceasta trimite aer comprimat într-un anumit tub, producând unde sonore.I press a key... it sends compressed air into a particular pipe, producing sound waves.

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