Vaig pujar a una barca i vaig remar enllà de la Badia de les Foques. | Got in a boat and rowed past the Bay of Seals. |
No arribarà enlloc, ni tan sols sap remar. | - Let go! Don't be a fool. You can't even row. |
- Ràpid, remeu! | - Quickly, row! |
Vinga, remeu! | Man: Come on, row! |
Els dos equips remen amb gràcia i refinament. | Now, both crews are rowing with almost perfect style and lots of polish. |
Sinistres, amb barba, bàrbars pudents que remaríeu travessant el Mar Estret i ens prendríeu dels nostres llits. | Grim, bearded, stinking barbarians that would row across the Narrow Sea and steal us from our beds. |
Descrigué com havia maldat amb ella i l'havia convençuda, i com Becky gairebé morí de joia en haver anat a les palpentes fins a l'indret on veié, talment, la blava taqueta de la llum del dia, i com ell, d'una embranzida, eixí del forat, i després l'ajuda a ella a fer-ho; com segueren allí i cridaren d'alegria; com uns homes passaren en una barca, i Tom els crida i els digué llur situació i llur famolenc estat; com els homes no cregueren, a la primeria, la brofega historia, «perque», digueren, «us trobeu cinc milles més avall d'on és la cova», i després els pujaren a la barca, remaren cap a una casa, els donaren sopar, els feren reposar fins a dues o tres hores després de caure la nit, i en acabat els portaren al poble. | He described how he labored with her and convinced her; and how she almost died for joy when she had groped to where she actually saw the blue speck of daylight; how he pushed his way out at the hole and then helped her out; how they sat there and cried for gladness; how some men came along in a skiff and Tom hailed them and told them their situation and their famished condition; how the men didn't believe the wild tale at first, "because," said they, "you are five miles down the river below the valley the cave is in"--then took them aboard, rowed to a house, gave them supper, made them rest till two or three hours after dark and then brought them home. |
Desferma el bot a popa, llisca dins ell, i aviat ana remant cautelosament, corrent amunt. | He untied the skiff at the stern, slipped into it, and was soon rowing cautiously upstream. |
Seguiu remant! | Keep rowing! |