Merampok (to rob) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of merampok

Present tense
I rob
Past tense
sudah merampok
I robbed
Present perfect tense
sudah merampok
I have robbed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah merampok
I will have robbed
Future recent tense
merampok nanti
I will rob
Future distant tense
merampok kelak
I am going to rob
Present continuous tense
sedang merampok
I rob
Past distant tense
dulu merampok
I (a long time ago) robbed
Past recent tense
merampok tadi
I (recently) robbed
Past very recent tense
baru saja merampok
I (just now) robbed

Examples of merampok

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Aku tahu kau ingin merampok urusanku.I know you want to rob my deal.
Itu artinya kita punya banyak waktu untuk merampok berlian.Which means we have a lot of time to rob the diamonds.
-ia merampok saya-Bastard robbed me blind.
Dan satu hari yang dingin, ketika usia telah merampok pikiranmu dari masa aktif dan tanganmu dari kecekatannya, semua keberhasilan tidak akan mampu melindungimu dari penyebab rasa sakitmu dan rasa malumu selayaknya.And one cold day, when age has robbed your mind of its fertile phrases and your hand of its dexterity, all the success won't be able to shield you from the pain you've caused and the shame you deserve.
Aku merampok rumah.I was robbing a house.

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