Encara que la qüestió del Tibet sembla que queda molt lluny de nosaltres, sí que hi podem fer alguna cosa: com a mínim, podem resar pels que hi han perdut la vida. | Tibet question seems so far away from us, but as a human being, it doesn’t mean that we can do nothing. At least, we should pray for the death. |
Minuts després que fós oficialment entronitzat, el Patriaca Neofit va prometre resar per la pau i la unitat del poble búlgar. | Minutes after he was officially enthroned, Patriarch Neofit vowed to pray for peace and unity of the Bulgarian people. |
Mubarak, (beneït) karim (generós) o tranquil són les paraules que normalment vénen al cap durant el ramadà, el mes que l'islam dedica al dejuni i en què famílies i comunitats es reuneixen alegrement per resar i trencar amb els hàbits alimentaris de cada dia. | Mubarak, (blessed) kareem (generous) or peaceful, are the usual words that come to mind during Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting when families and communities joyfully come together to pray and break their daily fasts. |
Mantinc però l'esperança que ho podem fer millor perquè sempre recordaré aquell dia després de l'oració de divendres a la gran mesquita de Masqat, a Oman, on vaig resar, sense saber-ho en un principi, al costat d'un ibadita i d'un xiïta. | But I have hope that we can do better because I will always remember that day after a Friday prayer at the great mosques of Muscat in Oman when I unknowingly prayed next to an Ibadi and a Shiite by my side. |
Les pluges no han cessat des de bon matí i jo tampoc no he deixat de resar ni de pensar en les persones desallotjades, amb els seus domicilis força danyats, o en les que viuen al carrer. | It hasnt stopped raining since the morning & I havent stopped praying & thinking about displaced & homeless people here & everywhere. #Gaza — Omar Ghraieb (@Omar_Gaza) October 19, 2014 |
Encara reso per tu, Kai. | I still pray for you, Kai. |
Ja no reso mai. | I don't pray anymore. |
T'ho prego, dóna'm forces per protegir la meva família. Per això jo et reso, solta'm, oh, Senyor. | I pray, give me the strength to protect my family, that's why I pray to you Lord, hear my prayer, Oh God. |
*Si espero i reso* *podria funcionar algun dia.* | ♪ If I hope and if I pray ♪ Ooh, well, it might work out someday ♪ |
Per què reses? | What are you praying for? |
Quan hi reses, quines són les seves respostes? | When you pray to them, what's their answer? |
Què han fet per tu els seus déus? Quan hi reses, quines són les seves respostes? | What have their gods done for you? Hmm? When you pray to them, what's their answer? |
Per qui reses? | For whom were you praying? |
M'hi fico, ell dispara, jo el guio, tu reses. | I get in, he fires, I steer, you pray. |
Ja el coneixes: resa i treballa, treballa i resa. | You know him, he prays and works, works and prays. |
Com a membre de la família d'un dels tripulants del vol 370 i en representació de tots, resem pel vol 17. | As the family member of the crew MH370, and on behalf of all them, we pray for MH17. |
Que aquells que ens hem quedat darrere en aquesta costa, mirant el bot del fugitiu, resem per tal d'estar sempre orgullosos dels nostres presidents en el futur, presents i passats. per tal que no hi haja tantes tones d'amargura en els llibres dels expresidents. | Let those of us that have remained behind on this coast, looking at the fugitive's boat, pray that we are always proud of our presidents in the future, both present and past. that there will not be so many tons of bitterness in the books of e-presidents. |
Tots resem per la total recuperació del príncep Joffrey. | We are all praying for Prince Joffrey's full recovery. |
Més val que resem per a què | We better pray that |
Vicky i jo resem per això. | Vicky and I both prayed on it. |
He resat per ell totes les nits. | I prayed for him every night. |
He resat dia i nit perquè em vinguessis a veure'm. | I have prayed day and night for you to come to me. |
Però avui, quan m'he llevat, he resat a Déu. | But when I got up today, I prayed to God. |
Els musulmans resen com poden una o dues de les seves cinc oracions diàries. | There are Muslims who are just trying to go through their praying rituals. |
Li resen a un sol déu, un déu verd, inmisericòrdia. | They pray to one god-- a green, merciless god. |
Resa perquè no et trobi! Que resi? | You better pray I don't find you, prick. " Pray"? |
Em permets que resi per tu? | Would you permit me to pray for you? |
Estava resant. | I was praying. |
- ¿Estàs resant? | - Are you through praying? |
Estava resant com una dona. | L was praying like a woman. |
El meu pare em solia dir això quan m'enxampava resant. | My father told me that when he caught me praying. |
No, ella em va veure resant un dia... en el garatge. | No, she saw me praying one day... in the garage. |