Però en el context de Taiwan i el seu Estret, utilitzar l'expressió "defensa de Taiwan" per refusar, oposar-se i rebutjar la gent i els assumptes relacionats am la Xina i el seu govern no és un fenomen aïllat, i ha de situar-se en el marc de l'estructura hegemònica liderada pels Estats Units, que vostè ha descrit de manera que la puguem entendre completament. | However, in the context of Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait, using the name of “defending Taiwan” to refuse, oppose, and reject all people and matters relating to China and the Chinese government is not an isolated phenomenon, and it needs to be placed in the hegemonic structure led by the United States that you have described so we can fully understand it. |
Oncle Jack, no pensaràs refusar la mà del teu germà? | Uncle Jack, you are not going to refuse your own brother's hand? |
Podiá pas refusar l'ofèrta. | - Made him an offer he couldn't refuse. |
Li farai una ofèrta qu'òm pòt pas refusar. | I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. |
- Vòl qu'òm manda Mike per ausir son ofèrta, e promet qu'òm poirà pas refusar. | He wants us to send Michael to hear the proposition. He promises that the deal is too good to refuse. |
I si refuso anar-hi? | And if I refuse to go? |
Per què refuses d'obeir el teu destí? | Why refuse you to obey your destiny? |
Vosaltres manteniu les vostres portes i les vostres ments tancades a tot el que ve de fora dels vostres murs, però Qarth no pot seguir sent la ciutat més gran que hi ha hagut mai si refusa canviar. | You would keep your gates and your minds closed to everything outside your walls, but Qarth cannot remain the greatest city that ever was if it refuses to change. |
Digues-li que si refusa la vergonya caurà damunt seu pel que li queda de vida, i Odí mai permetrà que entri en el Valhalla. | Tell him, if he refuses, shame will stalk him for the rest of his life, and Odin will never permit him into Valhalla. |
El passatger refusa retirar-se, i no tinc temps. | (Automatic gunfire continues) Passenger refuses to withdraw, and I'm out of time. |
I si Jon Neu refusa al noi amb aquest pergamí, què diu el noi? | And if Jon Snow refuses the boy with the scroll, what does the boy say? |
Ai refusat de dançar coma una mariòta pendent que los caïds tiravan los cordilhs. | And I refused to be a fool, dancing on a string held by all those big shots. |
La detectiu superintendent Gibson, que dirigeix la investigació de l'assassinat de Sarah Kay, relacionat avui amb dos assassinats recents més a Belfast, ha refusat comentar si l'assassí, en cas de ser capturat, s'enfrontaria a càrrecs per matar un no nascut. | Detective Superintendent Gibson, who's leading the investigation into the murder of Sarah Kay, which was today linked with two other recent murders in Belfast, refused to comment on whether the killer, if caught, would face charges of child destruction. (Hammering at door) JlMMY: |
Ho he refusat per que no volia que es posessin d'acord amb les seves histories. | I refused because I didn't want them to get their stories straight. |
La detectiu superintendent Gibson, que dirigeix la investigació de l'assassinat de Sarah Kay, relacionat avui amb dos assassinats recents més a Belfast, ha refusat comentar si l'assassí, en cas de ser capturat, | 'Detective Superintendent Gibson, 'who is leading the investigation into the murder of Sarah Kay, 'which was today linked to two other recent murders in Belfast, 'refused to comment on whether the killer, if caught, 'would face charges of child destruction.' |
I ells han refusat protegir els nostres grangers. | And so they refused to protect our farmers. |
Ragnar ha dit que si refuseu el desafiament, la vergonya us perseguirà la resta de la vostra vida. | Ragnar said that if you refuse his challenge, then shame would follow you the rest of your life. |
Es podria dir, també, que Coral Herrera forma part d'una nova generació de lluitadors que comencen per la igualtat de gènere, però que refusen quedar-se allà. | Coral Herrera is also part of a new generation of activists who start with gender equality but refuse to stay there. |
Ulf demana un pagament en sang, que Shagga i Gunthor refusen pagar. | Ulf is demanding blood money, which Shagga and Gunthor refuse to pay. |
A la fi les fragils cametes de Becky refusaren de portar-la més enlla. | At last Becky's frail limbs refused to carry her farther. She sat down. |