ビッツィー 我々の人生はすべて 死を止めることにある 食べる 発明する 愛する 祈る | Bitsey, we spend our whole lives trying to stop death. |
朝と夜に母に 祈ります 貴女の子は 彼女が返してくれるでしょう | I pray to the mother every morning and night that she return your child to you. |
祈った? | - Now, did you pray? |
♪ 長く長く 私たちは 祈った セルキーの歌を 聴くために ♪ | Long, long we prayed to hear the selkie song |
お前が寝た後 考え 祈った | I did a lot of thinking and praying after you went to bed. |
祈って 赦しを請うのよ | You pray, little girl. Pray for forgiveness. |
食べて 祈って 恋をして? | Eat, Pray, Love? |
♪祈って 息子を戦から守る ♪ | ♪ save our sons from war, we pray. ♪ |
食べて 祈って 恋をして? 僕もお気に入りなんだ | What? You don't have to do that. - It's nothing, it's my favorite book. |
- 祈れ | -Dad, I can't do that. |
さあ 祈れ | Go ahead. |
祈れ | Seriously, pray. |
目をそらすな 祈れ! | You are pretty naive, young girl. |
祈れば | What if it doesn't work? |
祈ろう | Okay, fingers crossed. |
祈ろう. . | Yeah, me too. |
♪ 再び 祈ろう 彼女の歌が 途絶えないように ♪ | And now we pray again that her song will never end |
...そして 永き日々の... 子供達と人生の健やかな発展を 聖母マリアと 全ての聖人の名において 祈ろう | ...and grant length of days, fair children, progress in life and faith through the prayers of the holy Theotokos and all of his saints. |
だがすぐに我々のように話し 祈り 戦う... そういえば千人の少年はどうした | But soon yöu talked like us, prayed like us, fought like us... speakig of which... |
生産性、祈り、浄化 | productivity, prayer, and purification. |