La seva mare era en unes aigües profundes i, tot i que estava morta de por, també la vam poder rescatar. | Their mother was in deep water nearby & although terrified, we finally managed to rescue her also. |
Els crits de la cria van atraure la mare, que va acudir de pressa a rescatar-la, però aleshores ella també s'hi va quedar encallada.” | The calf’s cries attracted her mother who rushed to her rescue, only to get stuck in the mud herself.” |
Conjunt de persones intentant rescatar els elefants. | Team trying to rescue the elephants. |
En els primers dies després que l'estructura cedís el 24 d'abril de 2013 es van rescatar 2.428 persones de sota l'edifici esfondrat. | In the first few days after the structure caved in on April 24,2013, 2,428 people were rescued from the collapsed building. |
La Migrant Offshore Aid Station ajuda a rescatar refugiats al mar. | The Migrant Offshore Aid Station helps rescue refugees at sea. |
Un guardacostes italià rescata dos dels 156 supervivents de la tragèdia del 3 d'octubre a l'illa de Lampedusa. | The Italian coastguard rescues two of the 156 survivors of the October 3 tragedy off Lampedusa Island. |
Ella rescata a tots els desafortunats i repudiats i els hi dóna una llar. | She rescues the wretched and unloved and gives them a home. |
Aquí rescatem gossos de lluita. | We rescue fighting dogs here. |
Molt bé, simplement rescatem-los i fotem el camp d'aquí. | All right, let's just rescue them and get out of here. |
El rescatem d'uns agents del govern a Califòrnia. | We rescued him from government agents in California. |
I has mort el comte Dooku, i has rescatat el canceller... mentre em duies inconscient al llom. | And you killed Count Dooku, and you rescued the chancellor... carrying me unconscious on your back. |
Un festa per el paio que va ser rescatat en aquella illa... | Party for the guy that got rescued off that island... |
La policia diu que va ser rescatat pel Justicier. | The police are saying that he was rescued by the Vigilante. |
He rescatat l'Eva. | I rescued Eva. |
Sé que vas de bona fe , Hiro, però no he demanat que em rescatin. | I know you meant well, Hiro, but I didn't ask to be rescued. |
Només volia que seguís rescatant gent. | He just wanted me to keep rescuing people. |