Aga ma ravin seda! | I will cure it! |
Ja ravin seda jälle uue mehega, mis paneb mind taas kahetsema ja end põlgama ja nii üha edasi. | So I cure that with a new man... which makes me feel regret and self-contempt all over again. |
Kas sa arvad, et mina ravin su vähi, Serena? | Do you think I'm gonna cure your cancer, Serena? |
Kuid esmalt ravin su terveks su elu suurimast veast - absurdsest pühendumisest vaimuhaige perekonna vastu. | But first, I'm going to cure you of your greatest flaw... This absurd devotion to your lunatic family. |
Algul ajad pada ja siis ravid? Hr. | You give subversion a name and then you cure it? |
Algul ajad pada ja siis ravid? | You give subversion a name and then you cure it? |
Issi, kas sa ravid nad kõik terveks? | Are you gonna cure them all, Daddy? |
Ja siis sa ravid mind märgist? | And you'll see to it that I'm cured of this? |
Kui sa tema terveks ravid, Ma näitan sule oma privaatset vesilauda. | You actually cure this guy,i'll show you my private water board. |
- Jah, ravib küll. | Yes, it cures. |
- Loodan, et see kursus ravib mu terveks. | - I hope this class cures me. |
4400 kes ravib sünnidefekte? | A 4400 who cures birth defects? |
Kui mõni laps haiglasse streptokokiga sisse astub, siis me ei lähe uurima, milliselt klassikaaslaselt ta selle sai, vaid me ravime seda. | A kid comes in with a strep, we don't conduct a search to see which classmate he got it from, we cure it. |
Kui ravime nende eemale- tõukava juurviljahulluse sündroomi, siis võime küülikud vabaks lasta, ilma et nad uuesti patustaksid. | Once cured of their antisocial veg-ravaging behavior, the rabbits can be safely released without fear of re-offending. |
Kuidas täpselt me selle välja ravime? | How exactly do we cure this? |
- Kuidas neid ravite? | How do you cure them? |
Dr. Goldfine, kas te tõesti ravite inimesi, ma mõtlen, isegi kui nad on väga hullud? | Dr. Goldfine, do you ever really cure people, I mean, even if they're really crazy? |
Kas te ravite mind? | Are you... gonna c-cure me? |
Inimesed, kellel on üks 65st terviserikkest, mida Külalised ravivad, ummistavad keskuseid, lootuses kogeda imet isiklikult. | People afflicted With one of the 65 ailments the v's can cure Are jamming the centers, hoping for their own personal miracle. |
Jah, selliseid mis inimesi ravivad ja mida isegi Ameerikas kasutatakse. | - Yes. The kind that cure people. The kind that can't be made in the United States. |
Kes usuks, et sisalikud ravivad vähki? | Who would believe lizards would cure cancer? |
Ristimine teid ei ravi. | Baptism does not cure you. |
Mis ravitakse kiiresti kui kohtume oma saatusega | Which is cured very quickly When we meet our fate |
Varem või hiljem ravitakse kõik terveks. | Everyone is cured sooner or later. |
- Mina ravisin? | - I cured you? |
Kas näed, ma ravisin ta terveks. | - What do you mean still? I just cured him with my own delicate treatment! |
Ma ravisin Utheri kõhutuulest ja kiilaspäisusest terveks. | I have cured Uther of his farting and his baldness. |
Jätad välja selle koha, kus nad tegelikult ravisid teda. | You're leaving out the part where they apparently cured him. |
Külalised ravisid ta terveks. | The V's cured her. |
Midagi juhtus, kui nad ravisid tööstushaiguse. | Something happened when they cured the industrial disease. |
- Aga ta ravis mind terveks. | But she cured me. |
- Andsin neile sama ravimit, mis külaelanikke ravis. | I have given them the same compound that cured the villager, Sire. |
- Ta ravis mu riista terveks. | She cured my prick. |
Afganistani sõjaveteran, tõsine posttraumaatiline stress, mille ära ravisime. | Afghanistan war vet, severe ptsd, Which we cured. |
Ja me ravisime ohtlikke haigusi, nagu lastehalvatus. | And we cured fearsome diseases like polio. |
Kui ta teada sai, et me linnu terveks ravisime, vihastas ta hirmsasti. | When he found out we'd cured the bird, he became terribly angry. |
Ma mõtlesin, et te ravisite mu terveks. | I thought you just cured me. |
Nii et te ravisite nad vähist terveks? | -- So you have actually cured cancer? |
Te ravisite ta terveks, braavo! | You cured him, bravo! |
- Mind raviti. | - I was cured, sir. |
Inimesed arvavad sellest kui Keskaja tegevusest, mis mingil moel kadus ja raviti tänu teadusele ära, aga tegelikult on asi nii, et see pole kunagi kuhugi kadunud. | People think of it as being a scourge of the Middle Ages that somehow went away and was cured by science, but the fact of the matter is it's never gone away. |
See ei saa mu süda olla, mind raviti terveks. | Can't be my heart. I was cured. |
"Sa peaksid meditsiinilist ravi ära kasutama, sest Allah ei ole loonud haigust, mille vastu poleks ravi." | "You should make use of Medical Treatment," "For ALLAH has not created any disease for which is not also a point at a cure." |
- Ega see inetust ravi. | - It don't cure ugly. |
- Ei mingit pärismaist ravi ega ðamaane. | - No. No native cures. No witch doctors. |
- Ei mingit pärismaist ravi ega šamaane. | - No. No native cures. No witch doctors. |
Teie Püha Annie, teie Neitsi Maarja, jah, ravige mu tütar terveks. | Your Saint Annie, your Weeping Virgin, yeah, cure my little girl. |
- Sa pead end ravima... | You must cure yourself... |
- Ta tuli siia preili Bunti ravima. | - Ah! So he´s here to cure Fraulein Bunt. |
Ait pidi ravima kõigist pahedest, kui ma tapan Nathani selle inimese, keda armastan. | The... The barn was going to cure everyone's Troubles if I killed Nathan, the person that I love. |
Andsid mulle ümbriku, ütlesid.. ühel mehel võib see viirus olla. Et ma pean ta ravima. | You gave me an envelope, said... a man may have the virus that I was to cure him. |
"Rahune, mees". Et sa teaksid, kõik olendid omavad võimet ise end ravida, Mark. | For your information, all beings have the capacity to cure themselves, Mark. |
- Aga kui ravida... Välistatud. | - But if he can be cured? |
- Aga kuidas seda siis ravida? | - Then how do you cure it? |
- Kas sa oskad ravida? | - Do you know the cure? |
"Hr Bovary, väljapaistev tegutseja, on terveks ravinud kompjala..." | "M. Bovary, a distinguished practitioner... has cured the club foot..." |
Igatahes ei ravinud mina terveks Kanaani ja teisi hübriide. | Well, anyway, it wasn't me that cured kanaan and the other hybrids. |
Kas mitte 4400 poolt disainitud seade ei ravinud teid terveks? | Wasn't it a device engineered by a 4400 that cured you? |
Ma olen paljusid ravinud. | I've cured many. |
Amara on terveks ravitud, nii teispoolsuse saatus lasub elavatel, hingavatel inimolenditel, keda me nüüd kaitsma peame. | Amara's been cured, so the fate of the other side, rests on a living, breathing human being that we now need to protect. |
Lugematu arv inimesi üle terve maailma on ravitud terveks invaliidsust tekitavatest haigustest. | Countless people from around the globe have been cured of debilitating afflictions... |
Ma olen terveks ravitud! | I've been cured! |