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Continuar (to continue) conjugation

50 examples

Conjugation of continuar

Present tense
I continue
you continue
he/she continues
we continue
you all continue
they continue
Present perfect tense
he continuat
I have continued
has continuat
you have continued
ha continuat
he/she has continued
hem continuat
we have continued
heu continuat
you all have continued
han continuat
they have continued
Future tense
I will continue
you will continue
he/she will continue
we will continue
you all will continue
they will continue
Conditional mood
I would continue
you would continue
he/she would continue
we would continue
you all would continue
they would continue
Past perfect tense
havia continuat
I had continued
havies continuat
you had continued
havia continuat
he/she had continued
havíem continuat
we had continued
havíeu continuat
you all had continued
havien continuat
they had continued
Past impf. tense
I was continuing
you were continuing
he/she was continuing
we were continuing
you all were continuing
they were continuing
Imperative mood
let him/her continue!
let's continue!
let them continue!
Imperative negative mood
no continuïs
don't continue!
no continuï
don't let him/her continue!
no continuem
let's not continue!
no continueu
don't continue!
no continuïn
don't let them continue!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria continuat
I would have continued
hauries continuat
you would have continued
hauria continuat
he/she would have continued
hauríem continuat
we would have continued
hauríeu continuat
you all would have continued
haurien continuat
they would have continued
Future perfect tense
hauré continuat
I will have continued
hauràs continuat
you will have continued
haurà continuat
he/she will have continued
haurem continuat
we will have continued
haureu continuat
you all will have continued
hauren continuat
they will have continued
Preterite past tense
I continued
you continued
he/she continued
we continued
you all continued
they continued
Past anterior tense
haguí continuat
I had continued
hagueres continuat
you had continued
hagué continuat
he/she had continued
haguérem continuat
we had continued
haguéreu continuat
you all had continued
haguéren continuat
they had continued
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) continue
(so that you) continue
(so that he/she) continues
(so that we) continue
(so that you all) continue
(so that they) continue
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was continuing
(so that you) were continuing
(so that he/she) was continuing
(so that we) were continuing
(so that you all) were continuing
(so that they) were continuing
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi continuat
(so that I) have continued
hagis continuat
(so that you) have continued
hagi continuat
(so that he/she) has continued
hàgim continuat
(so that we) have continued
hàgiu continuat
(so that you all) have continued
hagin continuat
(so that they) have continued
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués continuat
(so that I) had continued
haguessis continuat
(so that you) had continued
hagués continuat
(so that he/she) had continued
haguéssim continuat
(so that we) had continued
haguéssiu continuat
(so that you all) had continued
haguessin continuat
(so that they) had continued
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi continuar
(so that I) continued
vagis continuar
(so that you) continued
vagi continuar
(so that he/she) continued
vàgim continuar
(so that we) continued
vàgiu continuar
(so that you all) continued
vagin continuar
(so that they) continued
Periphastic past tense
vaig continuar
I continued
vas continuar
you continued
va continuar
he/she continued
vam continuar
we continued
vau continuar
you all continued
van continuar
they continued
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver continuat
I had continued
vas haver continuat
you had continued
va haver continuat
he/she had continued
vam haver continuat
we had continued
vau haver continuat
you all had continued
van haver continuat
they had continued

Examples of continuar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Per tant, han de mantenir-se units si volen continuar garantint el creixement econòmic i ser capaços de competir a escala mundial amb les altres economies importants.They must therefore continue pulling together if they are to ensure economic growth and be able to compete on the world stage with other major economies.
A més, abans de cada nova ampliació, la UE ha d’avaluar la seva capacitat d’absorbir el nou membre i la capacitat de les institucions de continuar funcionant com cal.In addition, in advance of each new enlargement, the EU will assess its capacity to absorb the new member(s) and the ability of its institutions to continue to function properly.
Pot continuar tenint Europa un paper protagonista en l’escena mundial i ajudar en la protecció contra el terrorisme?Can Europe continue to play a leading role on the world stage and help protect against terrorism?
L’ideal és que els cursos introductorisincloguin l’ensenyament de la llengua i validin les habilitats existents.5.Els mètodes dinàmics per avaluar les habilitats dels nouvinguts -que es basen menysen criteris formals i valoren més l’experiència pràctica- són més útils per validarl’experiència i els coneixements obtinguts en el país d’origen.6.Les classes amb dedicació parcial, els cursos a distància, per Internet o similarspermeten als participants continuar amb els programes d’acollida sense haver dedeixar de treballar.7.El fet de reunir tots els recursos en un lloc permet als municipis dels voltants oferirdiferents tipus de cursos.Ideally courses integrate language and vocational training and validateexisting skills.5.Dynamic ways of assessing the skills of newcomers, relying less on formal criteria andvaluing different kinds of experience, are most useful for the validation of experienceand knowledge obtained in the country of origin.6.Offering part-time courses, distance or elearning and similar models enablesparticipants to continue with introduction programmes while at the same time takingon a job.7.The pooling of resources enables adjacent municipalities to offer different types ofcourses.
A més, els participants van decidir formar un nou òrgan polític per unir els esforços antigovernamentals i continuar les manifestacions contra els resultats electorals.Those who participated decided to form a new political body that would unite the anti-government effort and continue the protests against the elections.
Si continues veuràs que el passadís arriba a un carreró sense sortida, trobaràs que no és un carreró sense sortida en absolut.If you continue on to where the hall you're in dead-ends, you will find that it's not a dead end at all.
I el procés d’ampliació continua.The enlargement process continues to this day.
Tot i que es continua donant importància als temes socieconòmics, els governs tambédestaquen la rellevància de les dimensions personals de la integració i la freqüència i laintensitat de les interaccions socials.While the focus on socioeconomic topics continues, governments also increasinglyemphasise the importance of the socio-cultural sphere, the personal dimensions ofintegration and the frequency and intensity of social interactions.
Després del cop d'estat del 28 de juny de 2009 i les eleccions del novembre de 2009 que van donar la presidència a Porfirio Lobo, Hondures continua en una situació complicada quant a llibertat d'expressió.Following the June 28, 2009 coup d'etat and the November 2009 elections that gave the presidency to Porfirio Lobo, Honduras continues in a complicated situation for freedom of expression.
La indignació dels ciutadans nord-americans i dels internautes respecte del cas continua creixent i s'ha situat a la portada dels diaris, sobretot a la ciutat de Sanford on va tenir lloc l'assassinat.The indignation of American citizens and internauts regarding the incident continues to grow and is still making front-page headlines in the town of Sanford where the murder took place.
- #JoDebate, aquest vespre, 24 de març, al Jordan Debate Club. Debat sobre si el moviment que continua dominant el carrer és representatiu dels jordans.- #JoDebate, today evening, March 24, by the Jordan Debate Club on whether the movement that continues to take to the streets is representative of Jordanians.
No dubtem que els blocaires del Carib tindran molt més de què parlar (els resultats de les eleccions recents a Jamaica, per exemple) i esperarem seguir la blocosfera regional mentre continuem esforçant-nos per un intercanvi d'idees significatiu.We have no doubt that in 2012, Caribbean bloggers will have a lot more to talk about - the outcome of Jamaica's recently-held general elections is just one topic that comes to mind - and we look forward to following the regional blogosphere as we continue to strive to facilitate a meaningful exchange of ideas.
I continuem centrats en l'assimilació.And we continue that focus on assimilation.
Au, va, continuem.And let's continue.
Si vols que continuem aquesta relació, has d'acceptar les regles.These are my terms now, if we're going to continue hanging out. We're hanging out?
A partir d'aquí serà millor si Bronn i jo continuem sols.From here it might be best if Bronn and I continue alone.
La Comissió ha donat suport a la participació activa dels nous Estats membres en la política de desenvolupament de la UE a través d’un full de ruta, programa adoptat el 2003 i que ha continuat i s’ha ampliat durant el període 2004-2005.The Commission has supported the active participation of the new Member States in EU development policy through a “Road Map” programme adopted in 2003 which has continued and expanded in 2004-2005.
Paral·lelament, els activistes independentistes han continuat pressionant els polítics per tal de passar de la retòrica a l'acció.Meanwhile, pro-independence activists have continued to pressure politicians to match rhetoric with swift action.
A través de la xarxa, els ciberciutadans catalans han continuat agitant la blocosfera, per tal d'articular les seves posicions.Online, Catalan netizens have continued to surge the blogosphere to articulate their position.
Aquest any, les tàctiques repressives contra blocaires i internautes iranians han continuat.This year repressive tactics against Iran's bloggers and netizens continued.
Fins i tot al període postcolonial açò ha continuat, encara que de manera diferent i a través d'altres vies.Even in the post-colonial period this has continued albeit in different forms and through different channels.
A menys que continueu qüestionant el meu dret a elles.Unless you continue to dispute my claim to it.
D’altres, amb més tradiciód’immigració, s’afegeixen al grup centrant-se en la població immigrant nouvinguda, peròtambé continuen promovent la participació dels immigrants ja establerts alhora quecanvien les polítiques que s’han estat aplicant fins al moment, perquè ja no donen elsmateixos resultats.Older immigration countries join them in the focus on newlyarrived immigrants, but they also continue to promote the participation of settledimmigrants while changing previous policies which have turned out not to be successfulenough.
Un estudi d'Amnistia Internacional del 2010 afirmava que els presos "continuen reclosos en condicions cruels, inhumanes o degradants", sovint en instal·lacions sobreocupades.A report by Amnesty International in 2010 said detainees “continued to be held in cruel, inhuman or degrading conditions”, often facing overcrowded facilities.
Encara que el Departament de Justícia i l'FBI hagin obert una investigació sobre "els fets i les circumstàncies" relacionats amb l'assassinat de Trayvon Martin, els internautes continuen fent pressió al govern nord-americà per assegurar-se que es faci justícia.Even though the US Department of Justice and the FBI have initiated an investigation as to the "facts and circumstances" surrounding the murder of Trayvon Martin, the internet community continues to put pressure on the US government to render justice.
Avui, un any després dels incidents, les protestes continuen, les tensions augmenten i Jordània és més fragmentada que mai i cansada de debats reformistes.Today, a year later, protests continue, tensions are growing, and Jordan is more fragmented than ever with evident reform talk fatigue.
Des de llavors, col·lectius ciutadans continuen en acció mitjançant assemblees populars, comissions i grups de treball que permeten debatre els temes que afecten els ciutadans i dur a terme accions socials de cooperació.Citizen collectives continue to act through popular assemblies, commissions, and work groups that allow for debate on topics that affect the people and carry out acts of cooperation.
Manteniment de En matèria de política exterior, el Consell de Ministres continuarà decidint perla unanimitat unanimitaten la majoria dels casos.With regard to foreign policy, the Council will continue to decide unanimouslyin most cases.
Com ja és el cas actualment, la Unió continuarà actuant dins l’àmbit de lacooperació judicial en matèria civil,encara que es tracti de matèries denaturalesa transnacional.As is already the case, the Union will continue to act in the area of judicialcooperation in civil matters, provided the matters in question are of crossborder relevance.
Si això és el que els jutges blancs volen, lluitar contra nosaltres, la massacre que dura ja 512 anys continuarà, saps per què?If this is what the white judge wants, to fight against us, the massacre that has lasted 512 years will continue, you know why?
Oleg Kashin o Dimitri Bikov escriuran un article quan s'inauguri i el cicle continuarà.Oleg Kashin or Dmitry Bykov will be happy to write an opening column, and so the cycle will continue.
El duo encara actualitza KermlinRussia i Bobrovski, segons es rumoreja, continuarà escrivint articles per a Forbes.ru; de fet, un dels seus articles més recents (irònicament, donades les revelacions de la setmana) atacava justament la Lliga per una Internet Segura.The duo is still updating KermlinRussia, and Bobrovsky by all accounts will continue to write articles for Forbes.ru, where one of his most recent compositions (ironically, given this week’s revelations) attacked none other than the League for a Safe Internet.
"Naturalment, anirem més enllà i, naturalment, continuarem protestant", afirmà Lara Alcázar, líder del moviment Femen a Espanya, després d'haver estat alliberada de qualsevol possibilitat de ser acusada d'alteració de l'ordre públic a causa de l'incident al Congrés."Of course, we will go further and of course we will continue protesting," said Lara Alcázar, leader of the Femen movement in Spain, after being released from potentially being charged with disorderly conduct following the incident at the Congress.
Nosaltres continuarem afegint continguts produïts per la comunitat de Global Voices, com els àudios de les sessions seleccionades de les darreres trobades, de les sèries de conversa de GV Face, i del podcast de GV que va guanyar el premi al millor podcast de la categoria ONG dels European Podcast Awards del 2011.We will continue to feature content produced by our Global Voices community, such as our award-winning GV podcast, audio from select sessions from our recent summit, and audio from our GV Face conversation series.
Les famílies han sigut informades de la seua desaparició, que continuarem cercant-los... Vols dir que els menteixes.The families are informed that they have gone missing, that we will continue to look for them-- you mean you lie to them.
Igualment, el continuarem investigant.However, we will continue to investigate him.
Les nostres arrels persegueixen conscienciar i demanar polítiques, lleis i pràctiques que consoliden i reconeguen que els drets de les dones continuaran.Our grassroots approach in raising awareness and demanding for policies, laws, and practices that empower and recognise the rights of women and girls will continue.
Les negociacions continuaran de seguida que la Birgitte em proposi com a cap de les negociacions.Negotiations will continue - as soon as Birgitte has proposed me to chair the negotiations.
Un cop hagis passat la frontera, quatre membres del teu equip continuaran cap al sud a Nodesheh, on creuaran les muntanyes i continuaran a peu fins a Lavasan, una petita ciutat als afores de Teheran.Once you're inserted at the border, four members of your team will continue south to Nodesheh, where they cross the mountains and make their way overland to Lavasan, a small city just outside Tehran.
I continuaran fent-ho quan tornis a casa.They will continue to do so when you go home.
Jo no volia que es veiés implicat en aquest assumpte, Sr. Reese, perquè tenia l'esperança que, si jo no tornava, vostè continuaria amb el que hem començat.I didn't want to involve you in this business, Mr. Reese, because I had hoped that, if I hadn't returned, you would continue what we had started.
Sona aleshores un salvatge grinyol d'agonia, i el gos ana passadís amunt; els grinyols continuaren, i també el viatge del gos; creua la casa per davant l'altar, i fugí cap a l'altre passadís; passa per davant les portes; vocifera de trobar-se a la darrera etapa de sa correguda; la seva tortura cresqué amb la seva progressió, fins que al cap de poc no fou sinó un cometa llanut que es movia en la seva orbita amb el llampegueig i la velocitat de la llum.Then there was a wild yelp of agony and the poodle went sailing up the aisle; the yelps continued, and so did the dog; he crossed the house in front of the altar; he flew down the other aisle; he crossed before the doors; he clamored up the home-stretch; his anguish grew with his progress, till presently he was but a woolly comet moving in its orbit with the gleam and the speed of light.
Per això, els protagonistes d’aquesta aventura sense precedents han de sospesar les seves responsabilitats per actuar de manera que el sistema institucional de la UE continuï funcionant eficaçment.That is why everyone involved in this unprecedented adventure must shoulder their responsibilities to make sure the EU’s institutional system can continue to work effectively.
Esperem que Déu ens continuï proveint.”We hope that God will continue to provide.”
Mentre la crisi política entre el govern i el poble, sobretot amb la comunitat xiïta, continuï, és molt probable que la intimidació reforci el problema.But as the political crisis continues between the government and the people, mainly the Shia community, intimidation is very likely to bolster the problem.
Sí. És de lluny més segur que permetre que Hal continuï ocupant-se de coses.That's far safer than allowing Hal to continue to run things.
És de lluny més segur que permetre que Hal continuï ocupant-se de coses.Yeah. That looks far safer than allowing Hal to continue running things.
Et pagaran perquè continuïs amb la teva recerca.They will pay you to continue your research.
Encara que els llibres de text continuïn tributant un 4% d'IVA, s'ha reduït un 70% del pressupost d'ajudes per a la compra de llibres de text, cosa que significa que moltes famílies han hagut d'assumir aquesta despesa.Even though textbooks continue to be taxed at 4%, the budget for grants to help with the purchase of books has been reduced by 70%, which means that many families have been forced to cover the cost.
Registrant-se en els llocs web i completant enquests registres en la xarxa social, o simplement pujant fotografies a l'Istagram, inevitablement estem contribuïnt amb la base de dades global, continuant les històries de les nostres vides virtuals.By registering on websites, filling in surveys on social networks, or uploading photos to Instagram, we are inevitably adding to the overall database, continuing the story of our virtual life.

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