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Jatkaa (to continue) conjugation

111 examples
This verb can also mean the following: stretch, extend, keep on, lengthen, go on kotus type 56/kaivaa, no gradation

Conjugation of jatkaa

Present tense
I continue
you continue
he/she continues
we continue
you all continue
they continue
is continued
Past tense
I continued
you continued
he/she continued
we continued
you all continued
they continued
was continued
Conditional mood
I would continue
you would continue
he/she would continue
we would continue
you all would continue
they would continue
would be continued
Imperative mood
let's continue!
be continued!
Potential tense
I probably continue
you probably continue
he/she probably continues
we probably continue
you all probably continue
they probably continue
probably is continued
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
to continue
to continue
while continuing
while continuing
just about to continue
Passive infinitives
while not continuing
not continuing
Passive participles
not continued
not continued
Present negative tense
en jatka
I do not continue
et jatka
you do not continue
ei jatka
he/she do not continue
emme jatka
we do not continue
ette jatka
you all do not continue
eivät jatka
they do not continue
ei jatketa
is not continued
Past negative tense
en jatkanut
I did not continue
et jatkanut
you did not continue
ei jatkanut
he/she did not continue
emme jatkaneet
we did not continue
ette jatkaneet
you all did not continue
eivät jatkaneet
they did not continue
oli jatkettu
had been continued
Conditional negative tense
en jatkaisi
I would not continue
et jatkaisi
you would not continue
ei jatkaisi
he/she would not continue
emme jatkaisi
we would not continue
ette jatkaisi
you all would not continue
eivät jatkaisi
they would not continue
Imperative negative mood
älä jatka
do not continue!
älköön jatkako
let him/her/it not continue!
älkäämme jatkako
let's not continue!
älkää jatkako
do not continue!
älkööt jatkako
do not continue!
Potential negative tense
en jatkane
I probably do not continue
et jatkane
you probably do not continue
ei jatkane
he/she probably does not continue
emme jatkane
we probably do not continue
ette jatkane
you all probably do not continue
eivät jatkane
they probably do not continue
Present perfect tense
olen jatkanut
I have continued
olet jatkanut
you have continued
on jatkanut
he/she has continued
olemme jatkaneet
we have continued
olette jatkaneet
you all have continued
ovat jatkaneet
they have continued
on jatkettu
has been continued
Past perfect tense
olin jatkanut
I had continued
olit jatkanut
you had continued
oli jatkanut
he/she had continued
olimme jatkaneet
we had continued
olitte jatkaneet
you all had continued
olivat jatkaneet
they had continued
Conditional perfect tense
olisin jatkanut
I would have continued
olisit jatkanut
you would have continued
olisi jatkanut
he/she would have continued
olisimme jatkaneet
we would have continued
olisitte jatkaneet
you all would have continued
olisivat jatkaneet
they would have continued
olisi jatkettu
would has been continued
Imperative perfect tense
ole jatkanut
you have continued!
olkoon jatkanut
he/she have continued!
olkaamme jatkaneet
we have continued!
olkaa jatkaneet
you all have continued!
olkoot jatkaneet
they have continued!
olkoon jatkettu
has been continued!
Potential perfect tense
lienen jatkanut
I probably have continued
lienet jatkanut
you probably have continued
lienee jatkanut
he/she probably has continued
lienemme jatkaneet
we probably have continued
lienette jatkaneet
you all probably have continued
lienevät jatkaneet
they probably have continued
lienee jatkettu
probably has been continued
Present perfect negative tense
en ole jatkanut
I have not continued
et ole jatkanut
you have not continued
ei ole jatkanut
he/she has not continued
emme ole jatkaneet
we have not continued
ette ole jatkaneet
you all have not continued
eivät ole jatkaneet
they have not continued
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut jatkanut
I had not continued
et ollut jatkanut
you had not continued
ei ollut jatkanut
he/she had not continued
emme olleet jatkaneet
we had not continued
ette olleet jatkaneet
you all had not continued
eivät olleet jatkaneet
they had not continued
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi jatkanut
I would not have continued
et olisi jatkanut
you would not have continued
ei olisi jatkanut
he/she would not have continued
emme olisi jatkaneet
we would not have continued
ette olisi jatkaneet
you all would not have continued
eivät olisi jatkaneet
they would not have continued
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole jatkanut
you have continued!
olkoon jatkanut
he/she have continued!
olkaamme jatkaneet
we have continued!
olkaa jatkaneet
you all have continued!
olkoot jatkaneet
they have continued!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene jatkanut
I probably have not continued
et liene jatkanut
you probably have not continued
ei liene jatkanut
he/she probably has not continued
emme liene jatkaneet
we probably have not continued
ette liene jatkaneet
you all probably have not continued
eivät liene jatkaneet
they probably have not continued

Examples of jatkaa

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
" Presidentti on päättänyt jatkaa Sky Hookia" "ja hanke jatkuu tri Russell A. Marvinin johtamana.""The president has ordered Project Sky Hook rebuilt, and the space exploration program continued under the direction of Dr. Russell A. Marvin.
"Assange oli jo sisällä, ja nainen antoi hänen jatkaa.""He was already inside of her and she let him continue."
"Enrique Goded jatkaa kuvaamista yhtä intohimoisesti.""Enrique Goded continues filming with the same passion"
"Hän jatkaa rikosten vastaista taistelua" "L.A:n apulaispiirisyyttäjänä."Next week, the recent law school graduate will continue his crime fighting as Los Angeles' newest assistant district attorney.
"Itkupilli" jatkaa kauhun levittämistä itärannikolla.In other news, the serial killer now known as Tearjerk Jack... continues to spread terror across the East Side.
"Ja koska teillä ei ole kykyä iskeä takaisin, jatkan hyökkäystä - kunnes teidät, miehenne ja linnoitus on tehty toimintakyvyttömiksi."And as I currently sit fully outside your means of retaliation, this response will continue unabated until you, your men, and that structure are rendered fully incapacitated.
- Ei huono ajatus, olisiko "viidakkokivaa"? - Haluatko, että jatkan kuvaamista?Hey, do you want me to continue?
- Haluatko, että jatkan?You want me to continue?
- Jos jatkan Empire Grillin hoitamista...- If I'm to continue running the Empire...
- Jos jatkan samalla linjalla... - Motorinen herätepotentiaali hidastuu.And if I continue along this plane, I...
"Mutta jos jatkat tätä linjaa, mitä olet luvannut, sinä lähdet. ""But if you continue to try to keep these policys you promised... ah... You gonna go!"
- Asianajaja, ennen kuin jatkat...- Counselor, before you continue--
- En, jos jatkat tuohon sävyyn.- Not if you continue in that tone of voice, I won't.
- Ja silti sinä jatkat.- And yet you continue.
- Jos jatkat uhkapeliä...You continue to gamble.
- Emme halua myöhästyä lounaalta. - Aivan, jatkamme harjoittelua huomenna.We don't want to miss launch Yeah,we will continue the training tomorrow
- En. Me jatkamme.- No, we continue.
- Ennen kuin jatkamme, herra tuomari, oikeus jätti ehkä huomioimatta muutamia menettelytapa-asioita eilen.- Before we continue, Your Honour, the coun may have overlooked a few procedural matters yesterday.
- Haluan puhua Sheppardin kanssa ennen kuin jatkamme tätä keskustelua.Before we continue this conversation, l want to speak with Sheppard.
- Hyvät neuvoston jäsenet. Kaupunkina jatkamme kasvua, kasvu on tuskallista.My fellow Council members, as a city we continue to grow, and growth is painful.
"Koe vaatii, että te jatkatte."And the scientist only says 'the experiment requires that you continue.
"Pyydän perheeni ja ystävieni rukoilevan edelleen, "että jatkatte anteeksiantamista, "jatkatte tätä taistelua."I ask my family and friends that you all continue to pray, that you all continue to forgive, continue to fight this fight.
- Jos jatkatte yhteistyötä, ongelmaa ei ole.As long as we have your continued cooperation, that shouldn't be a problem.
- Mikäli jatkatte tätä - voin viedä teidät asemalle ja syyttää herjauksesta.Mister, if you continue like this l can take you back to the station and charge you with abuse
- Mitä pidempään jatkatte riitelyä, - sitä enemmän ärsyynnyn. Cho Cow, sananne loukkaavat minua.- The more you continue to argue, the more insulted I become.
"Jos republikaanit jatkavat tätä väittelyä" "saamme luopua dollarista maailmanlaajuisena varavaluuttana."My Goldman source says, "If the House Republicans continue this debate, I hope they're willing to mark the end of the dollar as a global reserve currency."
"Sarjamurhaajia on riippuvuus ja he jatkavat tappamista kunnes jäävät kiinni. ""Serial killers have an addiction and will continue to kill until they're caught."
"jatkavat yhä pakomatkaansa.""... continue to elude their would-be captors!
- Anteeksi. ...kuten päällikkö Horrall jatkavat asiaan tarttumista - niin kauan kuin olen tämän kaupungin pormestari....like Police Chief Horall, the efforts we have spearheaded will continue with all the vigor and resources at our disposal as long as I am mayor of this great city.
- Esimerkiksi, hän ihmetteli, - miksi eläimet jatkavat elämistään saalistajiensa pelossa, - kun teoriassa, niillä on kyky koordinoida - ja tappaa mikä ikinä uhkaava laji.Well, uh, for instance, he wondered why animals, uh, continue to live in fear of their predators, when in theory... right? In theory, they have the ability to coordinate and kill whatever species is a threat.
- Mutta minäpä jatkoin alan tutkimusta.Yes, but unlike you, I continued to work in the field.
14-vuotiaana minä jatkoin kuvaamista.From the age of 14 upwards, I continued.
Alunperin jatkoin tutkimuksiani Meksikossa, - mutta viimeiset kolme vuotta olin Väli-Amerikassa.I originally continued my research in Mexico, but for the last three years I spent my time in Central America.
Ja itseasiassa jatkoin syömistä.And actually continued to eat.
Joten jatkoin kokeiluja.So I continued the experiment.
-Silti jatkoit.And yet you continued.
Hän käski keskeyttämään, mutta sinä jatkoit.She did call the mission. You continued on.
Ja vaikka ehdotin sinun uskovan ja lopettavan. Sinä jatkoit tällä törmäyskurssilla.you continued on this reckless course.
Mutta jatkoit valehtelua ja miehesi ja poikasi pettämistä.But you continued to lie and deceive both your husband and son.
Mä tein kaksi kertaa ja sä jatkoit.I slapped twice and you continued.
"Hän jatkoi kirjoittamista uskoen, että hänellä oli tarina kerrottavanaan."He continued to write..." believing he had a story to tell.
"Sitten hän kääntyi kuninkaan puoleen ja jatkoi:Then she turned toward the king's privy council and continued.
"Sophie syvästi kunnioitti Bradia hänen rehellisyydestään - ja jatkoi kuuntelemista tarkkaan."Sophie deeply respected Brad for his honesty "and continued to listen attentively.
"Vaikeuksiin hankkiutuminen," toisaalta, - jatkoi ongelmien muodostumista."Paying through the nose, " on the other hand... continued to present problems.
- Gob jatkoi samalla linjalla.But Gob continued to fine-tune his first one.
- Asuttavia planeettoja ei havaittu, joten jatkoimme matkaa.No habitable planets were observed, so we continued on.
Alussa kukaan ei kuunnellut mutta jatkoimme rukoilua, ja lopulta meitä alettiin kuunnella.I b? Rjan nobody listened. But we continued to pray and finally B?
Bat, Bill ja minä jatkoimme.Bat, Bill and myself, we continued on.
Hankkiuduimme Varaderosta eroon ja jatkoimme etelään, Costa Ricaan.So we ditched the Varadero, and continued south to Costa Rica.
Koska se oli oikea, me jatkoimme.And then, because this choice paid in term of results, we continued.
- Joten jatkoitte tutkimuksia?So you continued your investigation?
En. Uskoitte hänen olevan murhaaja, mutta jatkoitte suhdettanne?So you believed him to be a murderer, but you continued to be romantically involved?
Ja silti jatkoitte tapaamisia?Yet you still continued to see each other?
Jos tiesitte valokuvasta, mutta jatkoitte vakuutusmaksujen saamista se todistaa, että kuvalla ei ole merkitystä.Does that matter? If you knew about the photo yet continued to receive premiums, it's de facto acceptance that the injury was not material.
Neiti Quested, te ja vanki jatkoitte luolille asti?Miss Quested, you and the prisoner continued up to the caves?
- Puolan rajalla, kun Venäjän joukot jatkoivat voimannäyttöään vastauksena Solidaarisuusliikkeen aiheuttamaan kasvavaan levottomuuteen.As Soviet troops continued their show of force In response to growing unrest Inspired by the solidarity trade union movement.
Afganistanin hallituksen joukot ja heidän venäläiset toverinsa- jatkoivat taistelua ClA:n tukemia kapinallisia vastaan...In Afghanistan today, democratic government forces assisted by their Soviet comrades in arms continued their sweep against fascist, CIA backed rebels in the Panshir Valley...
Clintonin hallinnon aikana rahoitusmarkkinoiden vapauttamista jatkoivat Greenspan ja valtiovarainministerit Robert Rubin investointipankki Goldman Sachsin entinen toimitusjohtaja sekä Larry Summers, Harvardin taloustieteen professori.During the Clinton administration... deregulation continued under Greenspan. And Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, the former CEO of the investment bank... Goldman Sachs... and Larry Summers, Harvard economics professor...
Conrad ja Dylan jatkoivat jutteluaan squashin parissa. Ensimmäistä kertaa Dylan voitti.Conrad and Dylan continued their weekly conversations over squash and, for the first time, Dylan won.
Farmarit jatkoivat Meredithin hakkaamista.Farmers continued s? hitting her? Meredith.
Presidenttinä jatkaisin sitä.As president Of these united states, I would continue to do so.
En voinut kertoa agentti Mulderille, vasta itse selville saamaani tietoa, - että minussa todettu syöpä, oli alkanut muodostaa etäpesäkkeitä. Lääkärit kertoivat minulle eräänlaisen ihmeen. Syöpä jatkaisi voimakkaasti kehoni valtaamista, - edeten joka päivä nopeammin kohti väistämätöntä.[Scully] What couldn't tell Agent Mulder-- what l had only just learned myself-- was that the cancer which had been diagnosed in me... several months earlier had metastasized, and the doctors told me short of a miracle... it would continue to aggressively invade my body... advancing faster each day towards the inevitable.
Jos sinä lähtisit, Dynamic jatkaisi.If you were to leave, Dynamic would continue.
Kun Hodges pidätettiin, - hän huusi minulle jostain laajemmasta ryhmästä, joka jatkaisi hänen jälkiään.As Hodges was taken into custody, he yelled at me about some larger group that would continue on after his arrest.
Kun Hodges pidätettiin, hän huusi minulle jostain laajemmasta ryhmästä, joka jatkaisi hänen jälkiään.As Hodges was taken into custody, he yelled at me about some larger group that would continue on after his arrest.
Mutta jos kirkkoherra jatkaisi sopimusta... - Älkää olko huolissanne.But if the Pastor would continue the lease...
Vastaus oli, että jatkaisimme korvaavan aineen etsimistä-I was told that we would continue to work on a substitute.
En vain ymmärrä miksi jatkaisitte sotaa kun on olemassa vaihtoehto.I just don't understand why you would continue a war when there's a choice.
Ne jatkaisivat meidän metsästämistä ja etsisivät asutusta. Menisivät kohti Lontoota, kohti Jota.'They would continue to hunt us down, find populated places, march towards London.
- Ei, jatka ohjelmaa.- No, continue the program.
- Hiljaa, tai en jatka!- Shut up, or I won't continue.
- Jatka, jatka...- You awful machine. - Continue, continue...
- Jean-Phi, jatka.- Jean-Phi, to continue.
- Me emme jatka tätä peliä.We will not continue this game
Hän jatkakoon matkustajananne. -Asia selvä.- He may continue as your passenger.
Jumalat jatkakoon sinun suosimista ja maineesi korottamista.May the gods continue to favor you and increase your fame.
Olkoon tulevat vuodet hyviä sinulle, - jatkakoon muusasi inspiraatiotasi, - sekä tehköön joku holo-ohjelman tarinoistasi - jotta voit haravoida latinumia.May the years continue to be good to you may your muse continue to inspire you and may someone make a holoprogram out of one of your stories so you can start raking in the latinum.
Todistaja jatkakoon.The witness may continue.
-Tulkaa, jatkakaamme peliä.- Come, gentlemen, let's continue our play.
Naiset ja herrat, jos kaikki ovat valmiina jatkakaamme peliä.Ladies and gentlemen, if everybody's ready, let's continue the game.
- Anteeksi, jatkakaa vain.Sorry, please continue.
- Bruno 65, jatkakaa 030, olemme yhä liikkeellä.Bruno 65, continue 030, we're still a go.
- Herra Ewing, jatkakaa.Uh, prey, Mr. Ewing, continue.
- Ja jatkakaa.And continue.
- Oho, jatkakaa vain.Oh, please, continue.
Aaron Williams poistui tänään iltapäivällä sairaalasta - jatkaakseen jo kuusipäiväiseksi venynyttä otteluaan Poolen kanssa.Aaron Williams checked himself out of his hospital this afternoon to continue his ludicrous, now six-day match against Poole.
Aina, kun tyyppi repii kätensä jatkaakseen taistoa, on hauskaa.Yeah. I would say anytime you get to watch a guy rip off his own arm to continue fighting, that's a really good night.
Aloimme laskea hengissä olevia. Heitä, jotka selviytyivät jatkaakseen ihmiskunnan tarinaa.We began to count the living, those of us who survived to continue the saga of the human race.
He tekevät mitä vain poistaakseen esteet tieltään, mutta he näköjään tarvitsevat Emilyä jatkaakseen kokeita.Because as much as they will do anything to remove what gets in their way, It seems that they need Emily to continue the tests.
Hän on liian sairas jatkaakseen.He's too ill to continue.
Frank olisi nauranut ja sanoisi, että lankesin vanhimpaan huijaukseen, - tyrkytä kohteelle ruokaa ja juotavaa jatkaen samalla kuulustelua.Frank would have laughed and said I fell for the oldest trick in the book ply the subject with food and drink, but all the while continuing the interrogation.
Hetkinen, et kai tosissasi ole jatkamassa?Wait a minute, you're not actually considering continuing, are you?
Kunnes hän tekee jotain uhkaavampaa meillä ei ole syytä estää häntä jatkamasta töitään.Until he does something more menacing I see no reason why we should prevent him from continuing his work.
Mutta kukaan ei voi estää teitä jatkamasta harjoituksia keskenänne, luokkaprojektina.However, there's absolutely nothing to prevent you on you own continuing to practice as a class project.
- No, kun - pelaaja ei ole kykenevä jatkamaan - mistä tahansa syystä, heidät poistetaan.Well, if a player is no longer capable of continuing, for whatever reason, then they are eliminated.
-Bill elvytti sen ja pakotti jatkamaan.Yes, well, Bill revived it this afternoon and committed us to continuing with the program.
Hyvästelin ja poistuin käytävälle jatkamaan selostustani.And with that, I said good-bye, and swooped out the doorway, my voice-over continuing down the hallway.
Kriisistä huolimatta presidentti pistää parastaan politiikassa - jatkamalla kampanjaohjelmaansa.Despite this crisis, the president put on his best political face.. . . .. continuing on his campaign schedule.
Meidän on kunnioitettava heitä jatkamalla elämäämme - parhaamme mukaan.So we have to honor them by continuing to live as best we can.
Mutta nyt kun Manning oli pidätetty, kysymys kuuluikin, laittaisiko WikiLeaks Manningin pahempaan pulaan jatkamalla hänen aineistojensa julkaisua?But now that Manning was arrested, the question became, would WikiLeaks put Manning in greater jeopardy by continuing to release his materials?
Olette jo vaarantaneet asemani työntekijöiden keskuudessa jatkamalla kyselemistä.You already compromised my position here With the staff by continuing to ask about this.
Otin vapauden olla jatkamatta hissipalvelua.I've taken the liberty of discontinuing the elevator service.
Ettekä vastusta presidentti Palmerin viranhoidon jatkamista.That you have no further objections to President Palmer continuing his presidency.
Matilda, oletko miettinyt koulun jatkamista?It's just too much. By the way, Mathilda. Have you given any thought to continuing school?
Mutta jos rouvan turvallisuus on tärkeää - harkitsisin ennen etelään jatkamista.But if you have any regard for the safety of the lady... l'd think twice before continuing on south.
Pyydän kaikkia niitä, jotka kannattavat kilpailun jatkamista - nostamaan kätensä.So, I'm going to ask... all of those who are in favor of continuing the race... to please raise your hands.
"Syrjäytetty Keith Mars on erottamisestaan asti" "jatkanut itse väsymättä tapauksensa tutkintaa" "yhteisön karttelusta huolimatta. ""Since his removal from office, Keith Mars, the ousted sheriff... has tirelessly and single-handedly continued his own investigation... despite being shunned by the community at large. "
- Epäilen, että joku on - jatkanut tutkimuksiani.I suspect someone has continued my research.
-Jos tämä loinen olisi jatkanut myrkkyjen pumppaamista Angeliin...So if this parasite continued pumping its toxins into Angel...
Ennakkoasenteita uhmaten Babylon 5 on jatkanut toimintaansa vapaana satamana - diplomatian keskuksena - ja malliesimerkkinä Maan Allianssin Resurssi ja Teknologia Divisioonalle.Babylon 5 has defied the odds and continued to operate as a free port... a center for diplomacy... and a showpiece for the Earth Alliance Resources and Technologies Division.
Hän olisi jatkanut, kuvittele!She would have continued. Do you understand?

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