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Continuar (to continue) conjugation

134 examples

Conjugation of continuar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I continue
you continue
he/she/it continues
we continue
you all continue
they continue
Present perfect tense
he continuado
I have continued
has continuado
you have continued
ha continuado
he/she/it has continued
hemos continuado
we have continued
habéis continuado
you all have continued
han continuado
they have continued
Past preterite tense
I continued
you continued
he/she/it continued
we continued
you all continued
they continued
Future tense
I will continue
you will continue
he/she/it will continue
we will continue
you all will continue
they will continue
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would continue
you would continue
he/she/it would continue
we would continue
you all would continue
they would continue
Past imperfect tense
I used to continue
you used to continue
he/she/it used to continue
we used to continue
you all used to continue
they used to continue
Past perfect tense
había continuado
I had continued
habías continuado
you had continued
había continuado
he/she/it had continued
habíamos continuado
we had continued
habíais continuado
you all had continued
habían continuado
they had continued
Future perfect tense
habré continuado
I will have continued
habrás continuado
you will have continued
habrá continuado
he/she/it will have continued
habremos continuado
we will have continued
habréis continuado
you all will have continued
habrán continuado
they will have continued
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I continue
(if/so that) you continue
(if/so that) he/she/it continue
(if/so that) we continue
(if/so that) you all continue
(if/so that) they continue
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya continuado
I have continued
hayas continuado
you have continued
haya continuado
he/she/it has continued
hayamos continuado
we have continued
hayáis continuado
you all have continued
hayan continuado
they have continued
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have continued
(if/so that) you have continued
(if/so that) he/she/it have continued
(if/so that) we have continued
(if/so that) you all have continued
(if/so that) they have continued
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have continued
(if/so that) you have continued
(if/so that) he/she/it have continued
(if/so that) we have continued
(if/so that) you all have continued
(if/so that) they have continued
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera continuado
I had continued
hubieras continuado
you had continued
hubiera continuado
he/she/it had continued
hubiéramos continuado
we had continued
hubierais continuado
you all had continued
hubieran continuado
they had continued
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese continuado
I had continued
hubieses continuado
you had continued
hubiese continuado
he/she/it had continued
hubiésemos continuado
we had continued
hubieseis continuado
you all had continued
hubiesen continuado
they had continued
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have continued
(if/so that) you will have continued
(if/so that) he/she/it will have continued
(if/so that) we will have continued
(if/so that) you all will have continued
(if/so that) they will have continued
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere continuado
I will have continued
hubieres continuado
you will have continued
hubiere continuado
he/she/it will have continued
hubiéremos continuado
we will have continued
hubiereis continuado
you all will have continued
hubieren continuado
they will have continued
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's continue!
Imperative negative mood
no continúes
do not continue!
no continúe
let him/her/it continue!
no continuemos
let us not continue!
no continuéis
do not continue!
no continúen
do not continue!

Examples of continuar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Aunque sea una mentira, quiero continuar viviendo dentro de Segawa.""Even if it's a lie, I want to continue living inside Segawa."
"El Presidente llama al Congreso para apoyar a Justicia y continuar su demanda contra el tabaco" ."The president calls on Congress to fund the Justice Department tobacco lawsuit at the levels necessary to continue this litigation. "
"Estimada Directora, solo quiero decirle cuánto estoy disfrutando mi tiempo en el colegio y espero continuar por muchos años más."Dear Headmistress, "just to say how much I'm enjoying my time at the school "and I hope for it to continue for many years to come.
"Lucy quisiera continuar con el ballet""Lucy would like to continue with ballet this term."
"Muchos inversores salieron querer continuar.""loads of investors came forth wanting to continue."
"miedoa nodesaparecer mientras yo continúo creciendo."fear will never go away as long as I continue to grow.
"y Disertante en Psicología y Religión en Harvard de la cátedra William James" Pero si la fortuna me sonríe y continúo trabajando como un burro... en mis problemas y exámenes... "14 Años de Edad"Uh, but if fortune smiles on me... and I continue to work like a dog on my problem sets and exams and whatnot... eventually what I hope to do with this is-- is to apply fundamental quantum theory... to quantum information processing.
- Siga con lo que estaba diciendo. - Sí, sí, continúo.- Just continue speaking naturally, please.
- Todavía no he decidido. - ¿Qué? Si continúo estudiando o no.I've got to decide whether to continue or stop.
- ¿Le molesta si continúo?- Do you mind if I continue?
'Tengo 555000 votantes y no van a comprar productos Procter Gamma si continúas anunciándote en ese programa' de repente no tiene tanta gracia."Yeah, I got 555,000 constituents, and they're not going to buy Proctor Gamble products if you continue to put your ads on this show." All of a sudden it's not so funny anymore.
- Dee, tú continúas siendo inútil.- Okay, Dee, you continue to be useless.
- Oye, ¡no voy a bailar un paso más... - ..contigo, si continúas burlándote de él!Look here, I won't dance another step if you continue to make jokes about him!
- Si continúas mejorando.You will continue to get better.
- Todos estos años y continúas engañándote a tí...- All these years you continue to deceive yourself
"Doce divisiones armadas dirigiéndose al sur El aumento de la infantería a lo largo de la frontera continúa Todo indica, repito, todo indica que la invasión es inminente repito, inminente.""Twelve armoured divisions heading south. Infantry build-up along border continues. "Every indication, repeat, every indication that invasion is imminent.
"El clima continúa encantador.""The weather still continues charming."
"El descenso de Haven continúa"."Haven's descent continues."
"El envenenamiento del agua y el aire continúa""The poisoning of water and air continues."
"El estado de emergencia ha sido declarado en Polonia mientras el éxodo en masa continúa"A state of emergency has been declared in Poland as the mass exodus continues...
"Habiendo decidido que el camino musical podría ser algo fastidioso si vivieras cerca de él, continuamos la ruta y finalmente llegamos a Willow Springs".'Having decided the musical road might be a bit annoying 'if you live near it, we continued onwards and eventually arrived 'at Willow Springs.
"Los Jóvenes Leninistas continuamos su trabajo.""Young Leninists continue this work."
' .. continuamos en nuestro camino . "'..we continued on our way.'
'Habiendo probado -como equipo- que nuestros coches son más seguros que los utilitarios deportivos, 'continuamos hacia adelante, hasta que pronto nos encontrabamos en un lugar muy especial.''Having proved, as a team, that our cars are safer than hot hatches, 'we continued onwards and soon, we were in a very special place. '
- No lo sé. No recuerdo porque continuamos con la conversación a partir de eso, Pero creo que estuvimos hablando diez minutos la primera vez.I don't remember exactly why the conversation continued past that point, but I think we talked ten minutes that first time.
De cualquier manera, si continuáis desafiándome, vuestras vidas serán reducidas a una secuencia interminable de agonizante tortura.Either way, if you continue to defy me, your lives will be reduced to an unending sequence of agonizing torture.
La oposición a los Ori claramente es desesperada pero continuáis luchando contra lo inevitableOpposition to the Ori is clearly hopeless, but you continue to struggle against the inevitable...
Os empujáis el uno al otro, y como resultado, continuáis evolucionando como personas y agentes de manera que no dejáis de impresionarme.You constantly push each other, and as a result, you continue to evolve as people and operatives in ways that never cease to impress me.
Pero Mr. Gaskin ha escuchado rumores de que ha estado dando consejos poco cristianos a algunas de las chicas de la fábrica e informará de esto a la Junta si continuáis con vuestra absurda cruzada.But Mr Gaskin has heard rumours that she has been giving un-Christian advice to some of the girls at the factory, and he will be reporting this to the board if you continue your absurd crusade.
Pero dejadme mostraros lo que puede suceder si continuáis por este camino.But let me show you what can happen if you continue down this path.
"Arthur y Annie Pope continúan eludiendo la captura..."Arthur and Annie Pope continue to elude capture...
"Asuntos matrimoniales continúan agravándose.""Marital concerns continue to bedevil me."
"Cargos: prácticas laborales injustas y turnos de 16 horas sin poder ir al baño continúan las inspecciones en Shinwong fábrica productora de muchos mercancías""Charges of unfair labor practices and 16-hour shifts without bathroom breaks continue to be leveled at the Shinwong factory which manufactures many products".
"Cuanto más tiempo las pérdidas continúan, más probable es un traidor aparecerá.""The longer the losses continue, the more likely a traitor will appear."
"Las negociaciones continúan sin parar".Negotiations continue on a 24 hours basis.
- continué haciéndolo.I continued to do that.
A principios de marzo, me llamaron para el centro juvenil de allí continué hasta Vaasa y fui enrolado en la compañía de Melin.In the beginning of March, I was called to the youth center, from where I continued to Vaasa and enrolled in Melin's company.
Así que continué el experimento.So I continued the experiment.
Así que continué mis viajes en soledad, en la oscuridad.'So I continued my journeys alone - into the darkness.
Así que continué.So I continued on.
Anderson, fuiste contra mi asesoramiento, y continuaste con una operación que condujo a la muerte violenta de dos ciudadanos chinos bajo tu protección en suelo americano.Anderson, you went against my advice, and you continued with an operation that led to the violent deaths of two Chinese citizens under your protection on American soil.
Anderson, fuiste contra mi consejo, y continuaste con una operación que dejó muertes violentas de dos ciudadanos chinos bajo tu protección.Anderson, you went against my advice, and you continued with an operation that led to the violent deaths of two Chinese citizens under your protection.
Bien, pero tú continuaste dando a entender que yo no lo estaba diciendo correctamente.Right, but you continued As if to imply I wasn't saying it correctly.
Cuando salió no había ni un metro y tu continuaste.When I took off there wasn't a meter left and you continued.
Y luego, en un momento, ellos fueron llevados, y tú continuaste.And then in a moment, they were taken, and you continued.
"... y la policía continuó haciéndole miserable su vida". - Incluso hay una fotografía tuya.He wept, saying he was innocent... and the police have continued to make his life a misery."
"Angela Davis no es idiota," continuó."Angela Davis is no fool," he continued.
"El ritual demoníaco no continuó""The demon ritual was discontinued."
"La maldición de Blitz" continuó."The Curse of The Blitz" continued.
"Pagar por la nariz", por otro lado... continuó presentando problemas."Paying through the nose, " on the other hand... continued to present problems.
- ¿Pero continuaron pagando?-But you continued to pay?
15.000 máquinas y humanos simpatizantes continuaron su protesta en frente de la corte de Albania en lo que se llamó la "Marcha del Millón de Máquinas."Fifteen thousand mechanicals and human sympathizers have continued their demonstration in front of the Albany courthouse in what has been dubbed the "Million Machine March."
7 equipos continuaron compitiendo en Daka Bangladesh.Seven teams continued racing through Dhaka, Bangladesh.
A medida que sus sesiones continuaron, Greenbaum vio a Turing no sólo como paciente sino también como un amigo.As their sessions continued, Greenbaum saw Turing not just as a patient but also as a friend.
Al final, las mujeres siguieron unidas con Kim y continuaron su dominio sobre los hombres.In the end, the women Stuck with kim and continued Their dominance over the men.
"Naturalmente, continuaré escribiéndoos todas las semanas."Of course, I will continue to write to you every week.
- ...ahora todos seremos felices. - Te prometo que continuaré mostrándome en favor de Lady María.- I promise you that I will continue to show favour to the Lady Mary.
A pesar de eso, continuaré ganando la inmunidad, les guste o no.Nevertheless, I will continue to gain the immunities, like it or not.
Ahora, con su permiso continuaré...Now, with your permission, I will continue.
Apoyo a larga distancia... eso es lo que continuaré siendo.Long-distance support-- that's what I will continue to be.
Entonces ¿continuarás destruyendo todo lo que piensa, vive y es imperfecto?Then you will continue to destroy that which thinks and lives and is imperfect?
Sharona, prométeme que continuarás escribiendo.Sharona, promise me that you will continue to write.
Si obedeces las reglas, continuarás siendo amada.If you obey the rules, you will continue to be loved.
Sé que continuarás su legado.I know you will continue his work.
" Y la batalla entre el Bien y el Mal continuará sobre la Tierra "."And so the battle between good and evil will continue on the Earth. "
"Este ciclo continuará..."This cycle will continue
"Una razón para amar" continuará tras la publicidad.A Reason To Love will continue after these messages.
"Vamos a suponer que el actual métodos de interrogatorio continuará"We will assume that the current methods of interrogation will continue
"Y les aseguro, mis estimados colegas, que desde la muerte de nuestro mutuo amigo y compañero Samuel Norman, la Alianza de Obreros Automovilistas ha tenido una recuperación sustancial y continuará...I assure my esteemed colleague... that since the death of our mutual friend and coworker Samuel Norman... the Auto Workers Alliance has made a substantial recovery and will continue...
"Amos Force, Editor en Jefe" Y continuaremos los ataques editoriales... en la primera plana hasta nuevo aviso.And we will continue these... editorial attacks on the front page until further notice.
- Y continuaremos hasta identificar- We will continue to identify
- Y los tres continuaremos...- And the three will continue...
A medida que más reportes fluyen de todo el mundo, nosotros en CCAC Noticias, continuaremos nuestra cobertura.As more reports flood in from around the world, we at CCAC News will continue our coverage.
Ahora continuaremos pasando lista.The assembly will continue the roll call.
En cada puesto tendréis que conseguir una llave, que se usaréis para abrir el cofre, pondréis el cofre en el carro y continuaréis.Eachpostwillhave that you get a key, Youwillwearthattoopenthechest, shall put the hood on the car and you will continue
Mientras Niklaus se quede en Nueva Orleans, tú y todos tus seres queridos continuaréis sufriendo su suplicio.As long as Niklaus remains in New Orleans, you and your loved ones will continue to suffer his torment.
"Yo Marco Antonio, cónsul de Roma garantizo que nuestros ejércitos continuarán protegiendo y preservando el trono de Cleopatra Hija de Ptolomeo, reina de Egipto señora de la juncia y la abeja, etcétera, etcétera"."I Mark Antony, consul of Rome, "guarantee that our armies will continue "to protect and preserve the throne of Cleopatra,
- La Iglesia. Cuando le interesa. Hasta que se detengan, continuarán quemándolas.Until you can prove that witches don't exist, the church will continue to burn them.
- Si durante el viaje hay un fallo en uno, todos los demás continuarán funcionando.Why? The trips will mean that if there's a fault in one, all the others will continue to function.
- Y, hasta entonces, continuarán los campos de entrenamiento.- And, until then, the people's training camps will continue.
...continuarán buscándote a lo largo de toda tu vida.Uh, will continue to seek you out over your lifetime.
- La reacción continuaría.- The reaction would continue.
A los 43 años, Colin McKenzie compró su primera bebida... y comenzó un loco fin de semana que continuaría durante 5 años.At the age of 43, Colin McKenzie, bought his first drink. and began a lost weekend that that would continue over five years.
Además, sólo volverías a nacer y la búsqueda continuaría.Besides, you'd just be reborn again, and then the search would continue.
Aun así, continuaría hasta 1975.Still, it would continue until 1975.
Cuando Galileo dijo "Eppur si muove" significaba que continuaría estudiando y publicando...When Galileo said "Eppur si muove" it meant he would continue to study and publish...
Tambien dije que continuaríamos eliminando amenazas.I also said we would continue to eliminate threats.
Tenemos que sacarlo todo, y una vez lo tengamos hecho aquí, continuaríamos en la otra ubicación. Casi han acabado en la terminal Este, pero tenemos unos asuntos con aduanas.we need to get everything out and once we have done here in would continue at the other location they almost done or where the East terminal but we have some issues with customs
En junio de 1942, las fuerzas estadounidenses derrotaron a la Armada japonesa en Midway y comenzaron la estrategia de ir saltando de isla en isla que continuarían durante más de tres años.And in June, 1942, U.S. forces defeated the Japanese Navy at midway and began an island-hopping strategy that would continue for more than three years.
Las bacterias continuarían trabajando con el tiempo.Bacteria would continue to break down over time.
Primero habrían formado a la gente para el autogobierno, y segundo, habrían asegurado que su propio comercio y cultura continuarían.First, you have trained a people in self-government, and second, to have ensured that their own commerce and culture would continue.
Sabíamos que continuarían creando vida artificial.We knew they would continue to create artificial life.
y que continuarían con las vistas de extradición el 14 de noviembre.and said they would continue with the extradition hearing on November 14th.
"... y debido a que es mi deseo que continúe siendo asi..." "..."and because it is my wish that he continue to do so,
"Aunque la prohibición de armas de asalto haya acabado, el debate no, y lucharé contra este congreso mientras dure este sinsentido, y la violencia gratuita continúe.""While the assault weapons ban may have ended, the debate has not, and I will fight this Congress as long as the senseless, needless violence continues."
"El campeón de 'La vuelta a la Bahía' de Hamilton, Ralph Walker quien recientemente perdió su casa a raíz de un incendio espera que su racha ganadora continúe en Boston.who recently lost his house to fire... hopes that his winning ways continue in Boston.
"El presidente ha ordenado que continúe el programa Sky Hook bajo la dirección de Russell Marvin."The president has ordered Project Sky Hook rebuilt, and the space exploration program continued under the direction of Dr. Russell A. Marvin.
"Ese experimento exige que continúe".And the scientist only says 'the experiment requires that you continue.
Ahora queremos que vuelvas a tu mesa y continúes con tu rutina normal.Now we'd like you to go back to your table and continue with your usual routine.
Ahora, necesito que continúes siendo una buena soldado.Now, I need you to continue to be a good soldier here.
Antes de que continúes, la fiesta debe haber disipado tus dudas sobre Sarah.Before you continue, the party must have dispelled your doubts about Sarah.
Antes de que continúes, te advierto que consideres el rango de cada una de nosotras en la jerarquía de esta organización.Before you continue, I'd advise you to consider where each of us rank in the hierarchy of this organization.
Bien, la condición de tu libertad probatoria es que continúes la terapia, y espero que trates de hallar un nuevo grupo.All right, a condition of your probation is that you continue therapy, and I hope that you will try finding a new group.
- Bien, continuemos...Well, let's continue ...
- Bien, continuemos.- Let's continue. - No.
- Cállate marica. - Por favor continuemos.Please, let's continue.
- Oye, y que continuemos estando del lado correcto de la ley...- Hey, may we continue to stay on the right side of the law...
- Sugiero que continuemos el viaje a pie.- I suggest we continue the journey on foot.
A menos que continuéis cuestionando mi derecho a ellas.Unless you continue to dispute my claim to it.
Ciertamenta, señor, pero os ruego que continuéis y excuséis mi interrupción.Certainly gentlemen , but I ask you now to continue and to excuse my interruption.
Espero que todos continuéis trabajando duro.I hope you'll all continue to work hard.
Intentaré encontrar a alguien para que continuéis.I will be more than happy to try and find someone for you to continue this, but I cannot--
Mientras que continuéis entrenando juntos, va a haber rumores y susurros e insinuaciones .It is. As long as you continue to train together, there's gonna be gossip and whispering and innuendo.
"Para que tú y la persona que amas continúen por cientos de años"♫ For you and the person you love to continue on for a hundred years ♫
"Se espera que las temperaturas desorbitadas continúen toda la semana"."Record-breaking temperatures expected to continue all week."
"Sé que puedo confiar en que ellos continúen administrando el hotel en la misma forma tradicional."I know I can trust them to continue running the hotel in the same traditional manner."
"que continúen llevándose bien"that you two continue to get along
- Equipo 1, continúen estabilizando su cuerpoTeam 1 continues, stabilizes Bonnie.
Bien, continuad hasta el final.Good, continue to the end.
Continuad con nuestra exploración de la Tierra, continuad cultivando nuestra relación con los Weaver.Continue our exploration of earth, continue growing our relationship with the weavers.
Disculpadme, continuad sin mí.Excuse me, please continue without me.
Déjadlo cinco minutos. Después continuad.Leave him for five minutes, then continue.
Equipo uno, continuad por el norte hasta la 68.Follow One, continue north to 68.
- Ay-yi-yi. - Oh. Por desgracia, su caso separador tendrá que ser continuado.Unfortunately, your stripper case will have to be continued.
... y continuado para encontrar voces únicas.And continued to find unique voices.
...durante todo el día de ayer y aún durante la noche, han continuado las operaciones de rescate....throughout yesterday and even during the night, the rescue operations continued.
A pesar de que ha estado en la cárcel Nick Cannon Ultra-Max durante los últimos ocho años, este hombre ha continuado llevando a cabo actividades criminales a distancia, estando entre rejas.Even though he's been in the Nick Cannon Ultra-Max prison for the past eight years, this man has continued to run criminal activities remotely from behind bars.
Ambos dicen que están agradecidos por el apoyo fiel y continuado de oraciones de todos los creyentes.Both say they are grateful for the faithful approach and continued prayers of all believers.
- ... continuando a Atenas.- continuing on to Athens.
- Descubrí que el Dr. Chiles... estaba continuando con la investigación del Dr.Volson sobre el genoma.I discovered that Dr. Chiles was continuing Dr. Volson's genome research.
- La gente gasta el 90% de su tiempo... continuando cualquier cosa que hayan comenzado.-People spend 90 % of their time - continuing with something they once started.
- Y continuando...- And continuing...
- continuando hacia la dominación.- continuing to dominate.
El dióxido de carbono es exhalado y la oxigenación de la sangre continuá pasando a las venas dentro de la aurícula izquierda al ventrículo izquierdo volviendo afuera nuevamente.Carbon dioxide is exhaled... and oxygenated blood continues passing through the veins... into the Ieft auricIe... through the Ieft ventricle, passing out again.

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