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Fortsette (to continue) conjugation

30 examples

Conjugation of fortsette

Bokmål present tense
I continue
Bokmål past tense
I continued
Bokmål future tense
vil fortsette
I will continue
Bokmål conditional tense
ville fortsette
I would continue
Bokmål imperative tense
I continue
Bokmål present perfect tense
har fortsatt
I have continued
Bokmål past perfect tense
hadde fortsatt
I had continued
Bokmål future perfect tense
vil ha fortsatt
I will have continued
Bokmål conditional perfect tense
ville ha fortsatt
I would have continued

Examples of fortsette

Example in NorwegianTranslation in English
Når man tar hensyn til herrens omtanke for senatorene og det faktum at han har talt i 71/2 time og må være trøtt, tillater han at vi tar pause til i morgen? Det vil da være lettere for ham å fortsette den dype bablingen.In view of the gentlemen's touching concern for the senators and the fact that he's been talking for 7 1/2 hours and must be very, very tired would he permit a motion to recess until the morning at which time he may better continue with his profound babblings.
Vi ble instruert om å fortsette jakten. Og for at det tyske skipet ikke skulle fatte mistanke, skulle vi ikke melde fra om ugjerningen før myndighetene bestemte seg for å avsløre den.We were instructed to continue the search and in order that the German ship not be alerted to make no mention of the atrocity until the authorities decided to release the news.
Jeg har brukt livet mitt på det og har tenkt å fortsette.I've devoted my life to it, and I intend to continue.
Hvis begge mennene ligger nede og nekter å fortsette kampen... skal treneren skjære over strupen på dem som kyllinger.If both men are down and refuse to continue to fight... your trainer will slit their throats like chickens.
Dette været ventes å fortsette i en uke til.The weather is expected to continue like this for another week.
Om det tar meg resten av livet, så skal jeg fortsette å jakte på dem.If it takes the rest of my life, I'll continue to hunt them down.
Når man tar hensyn til herrens omtanke for senatorene og det faktum at han har talt i 71/2 time og må være trøtt, tillater han at vi tar pause til i morgen? Det vil da være lettere for ham å fortsette den dype bablingen.In view of the gentlemen's touching concern for the senators and the fact that he's been talking for 7 1/2 hours and must be very, very tired would he permit a motion to recess until the morning at which time he may better continue with his profound babblings.
Jeg vet tilfeldigvis at du har ventet på ordre, og du vil fortsette å vente, til alle kompetente offiserer er beordret i aktiv tjeneste.I happen to be well aware that you've been awaiting for orders and you'll continue to wait until every competent officer has been assigned to active duty.
Vil Petterson fortsette.Please continue, Mr. Petterson.
- Kan vi fortsette...- Could we continue...
GREEN HlLL SKOLE Gattard fortsetter med... andre- og tredjeårs fransk på torsdager... som erstatter dr. Spitzers naturfagtimer... som flyttes til fredag ettermiddag.Monsieur Gattard will continue with... second and third form French on Thursdays... which will replace Dr. Spitzer's science section... moved up to Friday afternoon.
Hun får ikke en sjanse, hvis det fortsetter å koke i Sørafrika.She may not have the chance if things continue to pop in South Africa.
- Betjenten fortsetter oppropet.The clerk will continue with the roll call.
- Fiendens fremmarsj fortsetter."- Enemy advance continues."
Herr Widgren fortsetter.Please continue, Mr. Widgren.
"Jeg avskyr dette stedet, " fortsatte hun."I'm bored with this place," she continued.
Da vi kom dit, fortsatte han under jorda....untiltheday wemarchedin. And even after that, he continued to print scandal sheets in his cellar.
Dronning Enid var død, men ryktene om at hun hadde født en sønn fortsatte å plage kong Aella.Queen Enid had died... but the rumor that she had given birth to a son... continued to plague King Aella.
- Vent. "Morderen, fortsatte Harricott, gjorde en feil."Wait. " 'The murderer,' continued Harricott, 'made one error.
Så han forlot skonnerten han hadde mønstret på og fortsatte reisen til fots.And so he left the schooner on which he had embarked and continued his travels on foot.
- Bare fortsett.Please continue.
"La Huset Iyi fortsett å omfavne dette prinsippet," "og din lykke vil sikkert vokse i årene som kommer."Let the House of Iyi continue to embrace this principle, and your fortunes are sure to prosper for ages to come."
Min kjære, vær så snill og fortsett.-My darling queen, please continue.
- Vennligst fortsett.-Please continue, please.
Batteri en, tre og fire, åpne ild og fortsett etter ønske. Batteri en, tre og fire...Batteries one, three and four open fire and continue at will.
Dette var for å legitimere at Bill Dietrich fortsatt var fri.This was to justify the continued liberty of Bill Dietrich.
-Jobber du fortsatt på det?- Have you continued to work on it?
Hadde vi fortsatt med å fjerne vannet, hadde vi tilintetgjort dem alle sammen.If we had continued to remove that water, we would have destroyed them all.
Sovjets opprustning av tanks og fly har fortsatt.Soviet build-up of tanks and aircraft has continued.
Jeg håper du stemmer imot fortsatt finansiering.l hope you vote against continued appropriations.

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