! - N-ar fi trebuit să fie aşa. | It wasn't supposed to be. |
! Ar fi o nebunie. | That would be crazy. |
! Ar putea fi un terorist cu o armă biochimică. | It might be a terrorist using a biochemical agent. |
! Ce motiv ai sa fi fericit? | What reason have you to be merry? |
! E de 2 ori mai barbat decit vei fi tu vreodata! | He´s twice the man you´ll ever be! |
! Cine crezi ca sunt? | Who do you think I am? |
! Da, dle, sunt o femeie. | I am that, sir, yes. |
! Nimic, dar acum sunt un om umblat. | Nothing, but I am an international jet-setter now. |
" Dar eu sunt doar o licărire în galaxie existenței dumneavoastră | "But I am just a glimmer in the galaxy of your existence |
" Dar nu sunt o bestie. " | ♫ But l am not a beast ♫ |
" De ce ești atât de atașat la această lume" | "Why are you so attached to this world?" |
" Deci, ești iertat. " | "So, you are forgiven." |
"Ce ești tu, un pește homosexual?" | "What are you, a gay fish?" |
"Tu ești cel mai amabil, persoana cea mai pacient știu. | "You are the kindest, most patient person I know. |
"Tu ești parte din existența mea, o parte din mine." | "You are part of my existence, part of myself. " |
! - Testamentul lui Carter este legal. | Mr. Carter's wishes are legally binding. |
! Aceasta este ceea ce te face confuz! | This is what makes you confused! |
! Acest lucru este absurd. | This is absurd. |
! Asta este tot ce poţi? | Oh, is that it? |
! Asta nu e o lampă, este tubul de evacuare. | That's not a lamp, is the outlet tube. |
" Nu suntem fericiţi , dar nici nefericiţi..." | announcer: We are never so happy, nor unhappy.. |
" Pentru ca suntem . | 'Cause we are. |
" Toata lumea zice, ca suntem o pereche buna." | Everyone else says, we are a fine pair. |
"Aici suntem"? | "Here we are"? |
"Al treisprezecelea trib de pe Kobol" "se afla exact în acelaşi loc" "unde suntem noi acum." | The 13 Tribes of Kobol stood exactly on the same spot that we are right now. |
" Bărbatul găsit ieri mort la "Kimberly Stone Circle" " a fost identificat ca fiind Anthony Breal." | The man found dead yesterday at the Kimberly Stone Circle has been identified as Anthony Breal. |
" Casa a fost confiscata şi a fost ridicat" " fără permitere adecvată de planificare." | The house has been condemned, as it was erected without proper planning permission. |
" Pe pământ, el a fost altfel." | "On earth he had been different." |
" a fost folosit în limba engleză | "has been used in the English language |
" inclusiv unul sau două care în mod inexplicabil nu au fost acuzați a dormit cu mine . " | "including one or two who inexplicably haven't been accused of sleeping with me." |
"Oricine ai fi, oricine credeți că sunteți, cred că ești, de asemenea, o prințesă tăcut. | "Whoever you are, whoever you think you are, believe that you're also a silent princess. |
"Voi sunteți doar glonț colecționari." | "You guys are just bullet collectors." |
(Gina) Bine, voi doi sunteți evident versiunile alfa. | (Gina) Okay, you two are obviously the alphas. |
- Ce este? - Vreau să vă reamintiti cine sunteți. | - I want you to remember who you are. |
- Cine sunteți ? | - Who are you? |
Tu, sclav al meu, asa cu raportezi, fusei atunci al ei servitor; | Thou, my slave, as thou report'st thyself, wast then her servant; |
În timp, minunata sabie fuse uitată. | And in time, the marvellous sword was forgotten. |
- e că eram acolo. | - was, was being there. - Dodee. |
Cînd eram tînara am fost curtata de un anchetator. | When I was young, I was being courted by an investigator. |
Dacă aş fi avut toate calităţile tale, sunt sigur că eu eram cel care te-ar fi salvat. | If I was as skilled as you are, I could have saved that goze who was being beaten. |
Eu eram cel care sângera. | I was being bled myself. |
Eu eram imposibila. | I was being impossible. |
Nu? Unde erai? Unde erai tu când eram bătuţi de el? | Where were you when we were being beaten up? |
Ştie cumva că erai sarcastic ? | Does he know you were being sarcastic? |
"ca aceasta lume era urmarita atent | "that this world was being watched keenly |
'Atunci am inteles.' 'Sonny era motivul pentru care erau draguti.' | I saw it was because of Sonny that everyone was being so nice. |
- Da, am reacţionat prosteşte, era la Iggy. | Yeah, I was being silly, he was at Iggy's. |
- Dacă era ascultat, nu. | Not if he was being bugged. |
- Furculiţa era ilară. | - This fork was being hilarious. |
A doua ţintă a fost ferma de plopi Jefferson, unde grupul credea că arbori modificaţi genetic erau dezvoltaţi pentru fabricarea hârtiei. | The second target was the Jefferson Poplar Tree Farm, where the group believed that genetically engineered trees... were being developed for paper production. |
Donaţiile erau furate fără să ştie nimeni. | Donations were being siphoned off without anyone knowing. |
Luptătorii indieni supravieţuitori erau încercuiţi de armata SUA. | The surviving Indian warriors were being rounded up by the US Army. |
Mi-a spus ca drogurile erau pregatite pentru export, dar Cary a fost acuzat fiindca i-a sfatuit cum sa importe droguri, nu cum sa le exporte. | He said the drugs were being readied for export, but Cary was charged with giving advice on how to import drugs, not export them. |
P Moore nu era chiar Alan Greenspan, dar n-a fost nevoie de un economist genial ca să-ţi dai seama că sute de dolari erau transferaţi săptămânal. | P Moore wasn't exactly Alan Greenspan, but it didn't take an economic genius to figure out that hundreds of dollars were being shifted around weekly |
! De ce, Dave, trebuie sa fii. | Why, Dave, you've got to be. |
! Vrei să fii înaintea altora? | You wanna beat them to it? |
"... la mistuitoare ura sa-i asmut." "Si daca Edward Rege fii-va bun si drept..." | And if King Edward be as true and just as I am subtle, false and treacherous this day should Clarence be mew'd up about a prophecy that says that G of Edward's heirs the murderer shall be. |
"...înainte să fii tu, şi după tine" "Nu a existat iubire..." | "there was no love, there will be no love..." |
"A fii aici pentru a mă vedea" cam aşa e. | "Here to be seen seeing me" is more like it. |
- Sã nu fiți descurajat. | - You must not be discouraged. - I'm not. |
A trecut ceva timp, așa că fiți blânzi. | It's been a little while, so please be kind. |
Am încerca sã vã trateze cu respect , vã permit sã fiți oameni. | - I try to treat you all with respect, let you be men. |
Au trimis aici niște țânci! Trebuie să fiți nimiciți, nemernicilor! | I'm thrown here like the guys, to be stamped down as nits! |
Când ah thanky să fiți una pe un profesor pe un palmier. | When ah thanky you be One on a teacher on a palm tree. |
"fusese arestat cu o zi înainte, duminică." | "had been arrested the day before, on Sunday." |
- Cum spuneam, Parkman fusese mentorul lui Frost, de când era adolescent. | Like I said, Parkman had been Frost's mentor since he was a teenager. |
- În curând a fost momentul ca Steve Holt să-şi prezinte materialul care fusese produs de noul său manager de campanie, Ann Veal. | - Soon it was time... for Steve Holt to play his video... which had been produced by his new campaign manager, Ann Veal. |
A sunat ca să se informeze, dar i-au spus că Frank fusese mutat. | She called to enquire and was told Frank had been transferred. |
Acela era idealul ştiinţific al unui om care investise enorm, aproape o viaţă întreagă în acea teorie. Iar acum se bucura că, deşi se înşelase amarnic, adevărul ştiinţific fusese în sfârşit rostit. | That was the scientific ideal of somebody who had a lot invested, a lifetime almost invested in a theory, and he was rejoicing that he had been shown wrong, and scientific truth had been advanced. |
Alţi oameni erau la pământ, alţi oameni care fuseseră împuşcaţi. | I noticed other people on the ground, other people that had been shot. |
Am apucat microfonul să chem ajutoare, dar fusese oprit curentul electric pe scenă, iar paramedicii fuseseră opriţi. | I grabbed the mike to call for help, but power had been cut to the stage and the paramedics had been blocked. |
Am spus că fusese pentru că mi-a spus că urşii fuseseră văzuţi prin preajmă. | I said that it was because he told me bears had been seen around. |
Aşa că atunci când au ajuns acasă, a trebuit să le dau toate scrisorile pe care i le trimiseseră lui Chris în vara aceea, şi care fuseseră trimise înapoi la pachet. | So when they got home, I had to hand them all the letters that they had sent Chris that summer, which had been returned in a bundle. |
Așa cum am fost iese, am văzut obiectivul aparatului foto de securitate fuseseră proaspăt stropite cu vopsea neagră. | As we were coming out, I saw the security camera lens had been freshly sprayed with black paint. |
! Îmi pare rău. Mi-am imaginat asta ca fiind un moment de conexiune. | I pictured that being much more of a bonding moment. |
"Dar eu, fiind sărac..." am doar visele mele." | "But I, being poor... have only my dreams." |
"Eu, Nikolai Alexeyich Onegin, născut în anul 1768, fiind în deplinătatea facultăţilor mele mintale, plecând de pe această lume pentru a mă înfăţişa lui D-zeu, las toată averea mea imobilă şi celelalte bunuri ce-mi aparţin, singurului fiu al fratelui meu mai tânăr, | "I, Nikolai Alexeyich Onegin, born in the year 1768, being in healthy mind and stable memory, departing from this transitory world to face God, leave all the real estate and other property that belongs to me to... the only son of my younger brother, |
"Iadul" fiind cuvântul operativ. | "Hell" being the operative word. |
"Inevitabilul, fiind inevitabil, a fost forţat să se producă... | "The inevitable, being inevitable, was bound to happen... |