Controla (to control) conjugation

43 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to master, verify, oversee, to oversee, to check, check

Conjugation of controla

Present tense
I control
you control
he/she/it controls
we control
you all control
they control
Present perfect tense
am controlat
I have controlled
ai controlat
you have controlled
a controlat
he/she/it has controlled
am controlat
we have controlled
ați controlat
you all have controlled
au controlat
they have controlled
Past preterite tense
I controlled
you controlled
he/she/it controlled
we controlled
you all controlled
they controlled
Future tense
voi controla
I will control
vei controla
you will control
va controla
he/she/it will control
vom controla
we will control
veți controla
you all will control
vor controla
they will control
Conditional mood
aș controla
I would control
ai controla
you would control
ar controla
he/she/it would control
am controla
we would control
ați controla
you all would control
ar controla
they would control
Subjunctive present tense
să controlez
(so that/if) I control
să controlezi
(so that/if) you control
să controleze
(so that/if) he/she/it control
să controlăm
(so that/if) we control
să controlați
(so that/if) you all control
să controleze
(so that/if) they control
Subjunctive past tense
să fi controlat
(so that/if) I have controlled
să fi controlat
(so that/if) you have controlled
să fi controlat
(so that/if) he/she/it have controlled
să fi controlat
(so that/if) we have controlled
să fi controlat
(so that/if) you all have controlled
să fi controlat
(so that/if) they have controlled
Past impf. tense
I was controlling
you were controlling
he/she/it was controlling
we were controlling
you all were controlling
they were controlling
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu controla
do not control!
nu controlați
do not control!
Past pluperfect tense
I had controlled
you had controlled
he/she/it had controlled
we had controlled
you all had controlled
they had controlled
Future alternative 1 tense
am să controlez
I am going to control
ai să controlezi
you are going to control
are să controleze
he/she/it is going to control
avem să controlăm
we are going to control
aveți să controlați
you all are going to control
au să controleze
they are going to control
Future alternative 2 tense
o să controlez
I am going to control
o să controlezi
you are going to control
o să controleze
he/she/it is going to control
o să controlăm
we are going to control
o să controlați
you all are going to control
o să controleze
they are going to control
Future perfect tense
voi fi controlat
I will have controlled
vei fi controlat
you will have controlled
va fi controlat
he/she/it will have controlled
vom fi controlat
we will have controlled
veți fi controlat
you all will have controlled
vor fi controlat
they will have controlled
Future in the past tense
aveam să controlez
I was going to control
aveai să controlezi
you were going to control
avea să controleze
he/she/it was going to control
aveam să controlăm
we were going to control
aveați să controlați
you all were going to control
aveau să controleze
they were going to control
Conditional past tense
aș fi controlat
I would have controlled
ai fi controlat
you would have controlled
ar fi controlat
he/she/it would have controlled
am fi controlat
we would have controlled
ați fi controlat
you all would have controlled
ar fi controlat
they would have controlled
Presumptive tense
oi controla
I might control
oi controla
you might control
o controla
he/she/it might control
om controla
we might control
oți controla
you all might control
or controla
they might control
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi controlând
I might be controlling
oi fi controlând
you might be controlling
o fi controlând
he/she/it might be controlling
om fi controlând
we might be controlling
oți fi controlând
you all might be controlling
or fi controlând
they might be controlling
Presumptive past tense
oi fi controlat
I might have controlled
oi fi controlat
you might have controlled
o fi controlat
he/she/it might have controlled
om fi controlat
we might have controlled
oți fi controlat
you all might have controlled
or fi controlat
they might have controlled

Examples of controla

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" Ce bine s-ar fi simţit dacă l-aş fi putut controla""I'm so proud that I have so much self-control."
" Nu-mi controla inima mea""My heart's not in my control."
" eu nu pot le controla""l can't control them."
". Rasa pe care le putem controla" pamantenilor și a pus în această nouăearthlings and put in this new "breed that we can control."
". Se va controla lui Dumnezeu baraj meu""it will control my dam's god."
"Eu mânuiesc toate sforile şi-ţi controlez sentimentele."I hold all your strings I control all your feelings
"Lăsaţi-mă să controlez mass media !" Dacă poţi controla poveştile, nu trebuie să ai soldaţi în orice colţ, pentru a stăpâni. Poţi controla minţile oamenilor şi imaginaţia lor."Let me control the media." If you can control the stories you don't need to have soldiers on the street corners to control them, you can control people in their own heads and their own imaginations.
"Lăsaţi-mă să emit şi să controlez banii unei naţiuni şi nu-mi pasă cine face legile.""Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes its laws."
"Pot să mă controlez. " Tu poţi."I can't control myself. " You can.
"Pot să-l controlez"."I can control him.
! Tu încerci mereu să controlezi totul.You're the one who's always trying to control things.
" Nu te controlezi in acest moment de fericire""Don't control yourself in this moment of happiness."
"Dacă vrei să ai controla pe ceilalţi trebuie mai întâi te controlezi.""If you wish to control others you must first control yourself."
"Fiule, astăzi vei învăţa să-ţi controlezi emoţiile.""Son, today you're going to learn to control your emotions."
"Trebuie să înveţi să te controlezi, scumpule."You gotta learn to control yourself, sweetie.
"Brigada Haosului" controlează distribuţia din Rancho Rosa, dar cred că dacă ne mutăm acum, ne putem muta în Stratton.Chaos Brigade controls distribution over in Rancho Rosa but if we move right now, we can move into Stratton and... What's up, my brothers?
"Cel care controlează banii natiunii nu are grijă de legile ei.""He who controls the nation's money supply cares not who makes its laws."
"Cel care controlează cerul va controla războiul. ""He who controls the skies controls the war."
"Cine controlează săritura, câştigă meciul...'He who controls the rebounds, wins the match'
"La urma urmei, este greu de imaginat un mister mai important sau mai fundamental decât ce sau cine a creat şi controlează Universul.After all, it is hard to think of a more important or fundamental mystery than what or who created and controls the Universe.
"Ce armă secretă putem folosi să controlăm viitorul?""What secret weapon can we use to control the future?"
"Dacă înţelegem mecanismele şi motivele ce guvernează acţiunile unui grup, nu ar fi posibil să controlăm şi să înregimentăm mase după voinţa noastră fără ca ei s-o ştie?""If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the groups mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it?"
"Noi controlăm râurile purpurii.' '"We control the crimson rivers."
- Ar fi trebuit să controlăm parterul.-We should have controlled downstairs.
- Ce înseamnă asta, sa-l controlăm ?What does "control" mean?
"Am efectuat un experiment controlat"I conducted a controlled experiment
"Nici unui călător interstelar care a fost în zone de spaţiu necunoscute nu îi va fi permis accesul în spaţiul controlat de Terra decât după o carantină de 60 de zile.""No interstellar traveler who's been in unknown space shall be allowed within Earth-controlled space until after a 60-day quarantine period."
"Participaţi la un proiect controlat de cercetare şi veţi primi o sută de dolari pentru a vă depăşi temerile".Participate in a controlled research project and you'll receive 100 bucks to get over your anxieties.
"Poate fi controlat"."He can be controlled."
"Timpul morţii, controlat de Carnetul Morţii, este de 23 de zile.""Time of death, controlled by Death Note, is 23 days."
Lucru despre o masina de tuns de echitatie este vă oferă o reducere superioară, vă permite să controlați terenul.The thing about a riding mower is it gives you a superior cut, lets you control the terrain.
Când controlai impulsul, ai observat că era parabolic?When you were controlling the feed, did you notice it was parabolic?
Mă... Mă controlai. Da.You... you were controlling me.
Astfel, trebuie să vă întrebaţi, era Mamitu şi toţi aceşti zei ai destinului vreun gen de extratereştri, ce ne controlau vieţile?So you have to wonder was the Mamitu and these other gods of fate some kind of extraterrestrials that were controlling our lives?
Căpitanul Sisko mi-a dat claritatea de a vedea dincolo de minciunile, de autodecepţiile ce-mi controlau viaţa.Captain Sisko gave me the clarity to see beyond the lies, the self-deceptions that were controlling my life.
Ei te controlau, aşa că ai fugit, iar acum te porţi de parcă părinţii tăi nu există.they were controlling over you, so you ran away, and now you act like your parents don't exist.
Forţele de securitate irakiene controlau estul şi sudul oraşului.The safety forces of Iraq they were controlling the East and the south.
Miliţiile sunnite controlau mai multe cartiere sunnite importante.The militias suníes were controlling... several quarters suníes important.
"Sclavia este doar deţinerea muncii şi aduce cu sine îngrijirea muncitorilor, în timp ce planul european este cã, capitalul sã controleze munca controlând salariile."Slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborers, while the European that capital shall control labor by controlling wages."
"Vreau să-ţi imaginezi că te afli în sala de operaţie. controlând zona în care te afli, domeniul tău. Imaginează-ţi că te afli acolo, în halat.I want you to imagine you're standing in an operating theatre, controlling the area you stand in - your domain - imagining standing there in your scrubs, the patient is prepped and the field sterile.
- Am controlat-o controlând informaţia.- We controlled it by controlling information.
Aceasta poate fi fãcutã controlând banii.This can be done by controlling the money.
Am ceva probleme controlând copii, Earl.I'm having a little trouble controlling the kids, Earl.

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