Controlar (to control) conjugation

46 examples

Conjugation of controlar

Present tense
I control
you control
he/she controls
we control
you all control
they control
Present perfect tense
he controlat
I have controlled
has controlat
you have controlled
ha controlat
he/she has controlled
hem controlat
we have controlled
heu controlat
you all have controlled
han controlat
they have controlled
Future tense
I will control
you will control
he/she will control
we will control
you all will control
they will control
Conditional mood
I would control
you would control
he/she would control
we would control
you all would control
they would control
Past perfect tense
havia controlat
I had controlled
havies controlat
you had controlled
havia controlat
he/she had controlled
havíem controlat
we had controlled
havíeu controlat
you all had controlled
havien controlat
they had controlled
Past impf. tense
I was controlling
you were controlling
he/she was controlling
we were controlling
you all were controlling
they were controlling
Imperative mood
let him/her control!
let's control!
let them control!
Imperative negative mood
no controlis
don't control!
no controli
don't let him/her control!
no controlem
let's not control!
no controleu
don't control!
no controlin
don't let them control!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria controlat
I would have controlled
hauries controlat
you would have controlled
hauria controlat
he/she would have controlled
hauríem controlat
we would have controlled
hauríeu controlat
you all would have controlled
haurien controlat
they would have controlled
Future perfect tense
hauré controlat
I will have controlled
hauràs controlat
you will have controlled
haurà controlat
he/she will have controlled
haurem controlat
we will have controlled
haureu controlat
you all will have controlled
hauren controlat
they will have controlled
Preterite past tense
I controlled
you controlled
he/she controlled
we controlled
you all controlled
they controlled
Past anterior tense
haguí controlat
I had controlled
hagueres controlat
you had controlled
hagué controlat
he/she had controlled
haguérem controlat
we had controlled
haguéreu controlat
you all had controlled
haguéren controlat
they had controlled
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) control
(so that you) control
(so that he/she) controls
(so that we) control
(so that you all) control
(so that they) control
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was controlling
(so that you) were controlling
(so that he/she) was controlling
(so that we) were controlling
(so that you all) were controlling
(so that they) were controlling
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi controlat
(so that I) have controlled
hagis controlat
(so that you) have controlled
hagi controlat
(so that he/she) has controlled
hàgim controlat
(so that we) have controlled
hàgiu controlat
(so that you all) have controlled
hagin controlat
(so that they) have controlled
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués controlat
(so that I) had controlled
haguessis controlat
(so that you) had controlled
hagués controlat
(so that he/she) had controlled
haguéssim controlat
(so that we) had controlled
haguéssiu controlat
(so that you all) had controlled
haguessin controlat
(so that they) had controlled
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi controlar
(so that I) controlled
vagis controlar
(so that you) controlled
vagi controlar
(so that he/she) controlled
vàgim controlar
(so that we) controlled
vàgiu controlar
(so that you all) controlled
vagin controlar
(so that they) controlled
Periphastic past tense
vaig controlar
I controlled
vas controlar
you controlled
va controlar
he/she controlled
vam controlar
we controlled
vau controlar
you all controlled
van controlar
they controlled
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver controlat
I had controlled
vas haver controlat
you had controlled
va haver controlat
he/she had controlled
vam haver controlat
we had controlled
vau haver controlat
you all had controlled
van haver controlat
they had controlled

Examples of controlar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Per aconseguir una energia de fusió contínua, el plasma s’ha de controlar, escalfar i contenir mitjançant uns poderosos camps magnètics.For continuous fusion power, the plasma must be controlled, heated and contained using powerful magnetic fields.
Keshi és un bon amic meu i no vaig poder controlar-me en veure'l perdre, però no tenia cap intenció de deixar en mal lloc les seues virtuts o caràcter.Keshi is a good friend of mine, I could not control myself to see him failing, but I had no intention to undermine his qualities or character.
En un apunt del 16 de novembre de 2011 titulat "Anzhi Makhachkala FC y el dinero de la era Yeltsin" , Global Voices va descriure l'economia russa des de l'esfondrament de la Unió Soviètica, l'origen dels "oligarques", així com els intents de Putin per controlar-ne i dirigir-ne les activitats:In a November 16, 2011, post entitled "FC Anzhi and the Yeltsin Era Money," Global Voices described Russia's economy since the fall of the Soviet Union, the origin of the "oligarchs," as well as Putin's attempts to control and direct their activities:
@Nadlakha: Només perquè un parell d’homes no puguin controlar una erecció, les dones també han de quedar-se assegudes a casa.@Nadlakha: Just because a couple of men can't control an erection, women have to sit at home.
Des de fa un temps relativament llarg fins els nostres dies, els japonesos hem tractat de controlar la natura mitjançant les més avançades tecnologies.For a relatively long time until now, the Japanese have been trying to control nature by using advanced technologies.
No m'agrada la idea de què no controlo la meva vida.I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.
Gordon, jo no la controlo.Gordon, l can't control her, you know?
Jo en controlo un 45 per cent, i queda pendent un 10 per cent.You control 45 percent of Queen Consolidated stock.
No controlo quan vaig al bany, Marshall.I don't control when my deuces happen, Marshall.
Tu controles la teva vida... ...recordes?You're in control of your own life. Remember?
I com ho controles?.- And control it how?
Com es pot apostar en una cosa que controles el resultat?How can you wager on this when you control the outcome?
Quan somnies la rata, controles el somni... o el somni et controla a tu?When you dream that the rat is there, do you control the dream? Or does the dream control you?
Tu controles la teva vida recordes?You're in control of your own life. Remember?
Qui controla l'execució del pressupost?Who controls spending?
Açò ocorre en un estat considerat "progressista", com n'és Maharashtra, la família controla la vida i les decisions reproductives de les filles.This is happening in a so- called ‘progressive’ state of Maharashtra, the family controls a girls life and reproductive decisions.
També és al consell de direcció d'una altra institució financera, BIC Portugal, i té accions a Amorim Energia, que controla quasi el 40% de Galp, un dels principals grups petroliers i gasístics d'Europa.She is also on the board of directors of another financial institution, BIC Portugal, and has shares in Amorim Energia, which controls nearly 40 per cent of Galp, one of Europe’s leading petroleum and gas groups.
Newshold controla Sol, el tercer setmanari de Portugal, i té accions en dues revistes principals, Visâo i Expresso, com també a Correio da Manhâ, el diari populista de més tiratge de Lisboa, i l'econòmic Jornal de Negocios.Newshold controls Sol, Portugal's third largest weekly, and owns stakes in two leading magazines, Visâo and Expresso, as well as Correio da Manhâ, the largest-circulation Lisbon tabloid, and the business paper Jornal de Negocios.
En zones alliberades i fora del control del règim, amb tot, la participació de les dones oscil·la entre el paper molt actiu i l'anecdòtic, segons qui controla la zona.In areas free of regime control, however, the participation of women has ranged from very active to anecdotic, depending on who controls the area.
Quan dormim, una altra. De dia, controlem els nostres somnis.The difference is that we control our daydreams.
És la maledicció dels homes grans adonar-se que al final, no controlem res.It's the curse of old men to realize that in the end, we control nothing.
A més dels diaris, el canal de televisió Citi TV, també controlat per Want Want China, va emetre el 29 i el 30 de gener un programa en què es comentaven les notícies per «aclarir» la posició de Chomsky.In addition to the newspapers, the Citi TV channel, also controlled by Want Want China, ran a one-hour news commentary program on January 29 and 30, 2013 to “clarify” Chomsky's position.
Segons les paraules d'Ilià Ponomariov, un dels dos únics diputats de l'oposició parlamentària russa, la idea d'un cercador controlat per l'estat es va formar al 2008 durant el conflicte militar contra Geòrgia, quan els extremistes van acordar que els portals web que existien llavors difonien informació que s'oposava als interessos geopolítics russos.According to Ilya Ponomarev, one of only two opposition deputies in the Russian parliament, the idea of a state-controlled search engine was born during the 2008 military conflict with Georgia, when hardliners determined that existing Web portals favor news and information that is biased against Russia’s geopolitical interests.
És tranquil·litzador creure que el món pot estar controlat, fins i tot si això implica que no sigui un lloc bonic."It's reassuring to believe the world can be controlled, even if that means it's not a nice place."
Els mitjans de comunicació estatals iranians que han participat en aquestes acusacions sense corroborar contra Shaheed inclouen l'agència de noticies Mehr, filial de l'organització estatal per a la promoció islàmica, i el periòdic Hemayat, dirigit i controlat per l'oficina de comunicació de la judicatura.Iranian state media outlets that have participated in the current uncorroborated allegations against Dr. Shaheed include the Mehr news agency, which is a branch of the state-owned Islamic Promotion Organization, and the Hemayat newspaper, which is run and controlled by the Judiciary’s media arm.
Motors de recerca, serveis de correu electrònic, buscadors, sistemes operatius i certificats SSL nacionals s'han presentat com a part d'aquest esforç per implementar un Internet nacional controlat per l'estat.National search engines, email services, browsers, operating systems, and SSL certificates have all been introduced as part of this effort to implement a state-controlled National Internet.
@Sandmonkey: Com que els islamistes consideren antiislàmica la comunitat laica i creuen que els qui no són musulmans controlen les seves celebracions religioses, qui em vol ajudar a redactar lleis laiques?@Sandmonkey: Because Islamists view secular people as being unIslamic, and see that non-Muslims are controlling their religious rituals, who wants to write with me a secular law?
Les elits extractives controlen el poder públic i les grans empreses de serveis, i formen una casta que absorbeix la riquesa del país tal com faria un paràsit amb el seu hoste.The extractive elites control public power and the big service companies, and form a caste that takes up the country's wealth just as parasitics do with hosts.
Realment no importa que el president i el consell de ministres hagin dimitit, que el govern no funcioni des de fa setmanes, o que els homes armats que controlen els carrers vulguin muntar un nou règim al seu gust.It does not matter that the president and his cabinet have resigned, that the government has not functioned for weeks, or that the gunmen in control of the streets say they plan to set up a new regime to their own liking.
Sembla que hi ha grups diferents que controlen parts de la ciutat. I tots estan igual de nerviosos per no perdre el control que tenen.Different groups seem to be holding different parts of the city... ...and they all appear to be equally nervous over losing power and control.
Els nois ho controlen.The boys have it under control.
Demà en tindré el deu per cent restant i controlaré la seva empresa.By tomorrow I'll have the outstanding 5 percent and I will control your company.
Si s'aprova aquesta compra, el senyor Tsai controlarà prop del 46% de la premsa del país.If this purchase is approved, Mr. Tsai will control about 46% of Taiwan's newspaper market.
El que em preocupa és que I'exèrcit controli les creences de la gent.What worries me is the military control on people's beliefs.
Què em controli?Self-control!
Però si et fiques al mig, et donaré una bona mostra d'aquesta ràbia que vols que controli.Go ahead. Because I heal fast now, but you get in my way... and I'll give you a good look at that anger you're so worried about me losing control of.
No deixeu que la Sue Sylvester us controli.Don't let Sue Sylvester control you.
Cal que controlis el dolor.You have to control the pain.
Els hi demano que controlin ... ... la identitat exacta de tots els passatgers sospitosos.I ask you to control the exact identity of all suspicious passengers.
Feu que es controlin a fons, tots els passaports.Have all the passports controlled well.
No permetré que els meus pares controlin el meu futur per més temps.I'm not going to let my parents control my future.
. No permetré que els meus pares controlin el meu futur per més temps.I'm not going to let my parents control my future any longer.
Als comandants de la Brigada de Saladí, que lluita a Aleppo, no els va sorprendre que el PKK acabés controlant les ciutats kurdes.Commanders of the Saladin Brigade, which fights in Aleppo, weren’t surprised when the PKK ended up controlling Kurdish towns.
Gent violenta i intolerant controlant?Violent, intolerant, controlling people?
Algú t'estava controlant.Someone was controlling you.
Les milícies es van fer amb el poder, controlant el subministrament d'aliments i acaparant les armes.Militias took over, controlling the food supply and stockpiling weapons.

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