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Julgar (to judge) conjugation

122 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: consider, arbitrate, to arbitrate, to consider, to suppose, to sentence

Conjugation of julgar

Present tense
I judge
you judge
he/she judges
we judge
you all judge
they judge
Present perfect tense
tenho julgado
I have judged
tens julgado
you have judged
tem julgado
he/she has judged
temos julgado
we have judged
tendes julgado
you all have judged
têm julgado
they have judged
Past preterite tense
I judged
you judged
he/she judged
we judged
you all judged
they judged
Future tense
I will judge
you will judge
he/she will judge
we will judge
you all will judge
they will judge
Conditional mood
I would judge
you would judge
he/she would judge
we would judge
you all would judge
they would judge
Past imperfect tense
I used to judge
you used to judge
he/she used to judge
we used to judge
you all used to judge
they used to judge
Past perfect tense
tinha julgado
I had judged
tinhas julgado
you had judged
tinha julgado
he/she had judged
tínhamos julgado
we had judged
tínheis julgado
you all had judged
tinham julgado
they had judged
Future perfect tense
terei julgado
I will have judged
terás julgado
you will have judged
terá julgado
he/she will have judged
teremos julgado
we will have judged
tereis julgado
you all will have judged
terão julgado
they will have judged
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha julgado
I have judged
tenhas julgado
you have judged
tenha julgado
he/she has judged
tenhamos julgado
we have judged
tenhais julgado
you all have judged
tenham julgado
they have judged
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have judged
(if/so that) you will have judged
(if/so that) he/she will have judged
(if/so that) we will have judged
(if/so that) you all will have judged
(if/so that) they will have judged
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver julgado
I will have judged
tiveres julgado
you will have judged
tiver julgado
he/she will have judged
tivermos julgado
we will have judged
tiverdes julgado
you all will have judged
tiverem julgado
they will have judged
Imperative mood
let's judge!
Imperative negative mood
não julgues
do not judge!
não julgue
let him/her/it not judge!
não julguemos
let us not judge!
não julgueis
do not judge!
não julguem
do not judge!

Examples of julgar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"E, no dia seguinte, Moisés sentou-se para julgar o povo que estava em volta de Moisés, desde a manhã até à tarde.""And it came to pass on the morrow that Moses sat to judge the people: "and the people stood by him from the morning unto the evening.
"Oh, é muito difícil julgar as pessoas."Oh, it's very difficult to judge people.
"Porque só aqueles que estão em posição de julgar a legitimidade..."Since they alone are in a position to judge the legitimacy of the given orders...
"Talvez seja injusto julgar uma sitcom pelo primeiro episódio, mas quando a TV te faz querer arrancar os próprios olhos ao invés de assistir mais um minuto, ...sabes que provavelmente não é para ti.Er, "Perhaps it's unfair to judge a sitcom on its first episode, "but when a TV programme makes you want to "gouge out your own eyes rather than watch one more minute,
"Vou julgar-te com esta espada gigante.""I'm going to judge you with this giant sword."
"E se alguém ouvir as minhas palavras e não as guardar, eu não o julgo."And if any man hear my words and believe not... I judge him not.
- Brie, eu não te julgo.Brie, I would never judge you.
- Ed, eu não julgo.Ed, I don't judge.
- Eu entendo isso. Eu não julgo.- I understand that, Sir, I am not here to judge you.
- Eu julgo o que quero saber.Let me be the judge of what I don't want to know.
"Se julgas as pessoas, não tens tempo de amá-las""If you judge people, you have no time to love them""
- E julgas com muito carácter.And I'm sure - you're a great judge of character.
-E como julgas isso?-And how do you judge that? -Uh,
Acho que controlas pela forma como julgas as pessoas.I think you control by how you always judge people.
Apenas tu me julgas por isso.Only you judge me for being a paralegal.
"A minha consciência está limpa, mas, isso não me torna inocente, é o Senhor quem me julga.""My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the lord who judges me."
- E, apenas, me julga. - Não.Me, she judges.
- Linguisticamente pode dizer, que Deus julga a vítima pelos seus pecados...Linguistically, it may mean God judges the victim for his sins...
A Mina Murray julga-me!Mina Murray judges me!
A Morgana julga os outros, mas protege uma assassina.That Morgan judges others but keeps a murderer close!
- Ele é talentoso. - É como o julgamos...Which is how we judge...
- Não julgamos outros aqui, senhora.- We don't judge others here, madam.
- Nós sempre julgamos as modelos.- We always judge models.
-Nós não julgamos.- We don't judge.
Acho que nos julgamos mal.I think we've misjudged each other.
"Cada um de nós é julgado pelo que deixamos para trás."Each of us is judged by what we leave behind.
"Não julgues e não serás julgado.""Judge not, lest not ye be judged."
"Não julgues para que não sejas julgado.Judge not lest ye be judged.
"Não julgues, e não serás julgado.""Judge not, and ye shall not be judged,"
"Um homem não pode ser julgado, pela cor da sua pele, pelas suas roupas, as suas jóias ou as suas vitórias.."A man can not be judged by the color of his skin, by his clothes, his jewels, or his triumphs.
"Mas também diz: não julgais e não sereis julgados.""But it also says, 'judge not lest ye be judged.'"
A Bíblia diz que é pecado, mas também diz "Não julgais e não sereis julgados," e que era algo para pessoas mais espertas que eu decidirem"."but it also says 'judge not lest ye be judged,' so it's up to smarter people than me to decide."
A Bíblia diz que é um pecado, e também diz "Não julgais e não sereis julgados""The Bible says it's a sin,but it also says,'Judge not,lest ye be judged.
Estais cheios de pecados, mas julgais.You're all great sinners yourselves, but you take it upon you to judge!
Eu disse que a Bíblia diz que é pecado, e também diz "Não julgais e não sereis julgados"I said the Bible says it's a sin,It also says "Judge not,lest ye be judged"
"Quando crescem julgam-nos."As they grow older, they judge them.
"mas quanto mais te julgam, mais livre és.""but the more they judge you, the freer you become."
- As pessoas julgam pela aparência.People do judge you on your appearance.
- As suas acções julgam-no.- His actions judge him.
- Como os que... julgam as pessoas... antes de saberem o que realmente está dentro.- Kind of like those who judge people before they get to know what's really inside.
"Quem é que eu julguei?""Who have I judged?"
- Acho que julguei mal o teu namorado.I guess I misjudged your boyfriend.
- Acho que o julguei mal.I think I've misjudged him.
- Parece que o julguei mal.I apparently misjudged you.
- Vejo que o julguei mal.-I have misjudged you.
Abri-me contigo e julgaste-me.I opened up to you and you judged me.
E pelos seus crimes, julgaste-o.And for his crimes, you judged him.
E tu julgaste-o por isso.And you judged him for it.
Já me julgaste e condenaste.You've already judged and condemned me.
Mas tu julgaste-nos por não a termos ajudado.Yeah, but you judged us all for not coming to her rescue.
- Parece que me julgou mal.- I guess you misjudged me.
A do pastor Michael e da Lindy Chamberlain que pelo seu belo exemplo quando o mundo os julgou severamente.That of Pastor Michael and Lindy Chamberlain, for the fine example they set when the world harshly judged them and their church.
A parte em que me julgou... ou a parte onde olhou para as minhas pernas?The part where you judged me or the part where you checked out my legs?
Acaba de ganhar o prêmio de poesia que W.H. Auden julgou.He just won this poetry prize that was judged by W.H. Auden.
Aquela Emma... julgou-me com base numa conversa privada ao telefone.Oh, that was not my fault. That emma chick- she totally judged me Based on a private telephone conversation.
Condenaram a morte... A prisão perpétua... e julgaram por ação ou omissão.They sentenced to death, to life imprisonment, and they judged by action or omission.
Eles julgaram-vos e deram-vos visões do significado do domínio do fogo.Yes. They judged you, and gave you visions of the meaning of firebending.
Em seu julgamento, não lhe julgaram sem prejuízo.At your trial, you were not judged without prejudice.
Mas os teus pais julgaram-me.But your parents judged you.
Não é Natal. Ter um bebé antes de casar foi uma das coisas por que me julgaram.Having a baby out of wedlock was one of the biggest things they judged me for.
Eu julgarei as suas capacidades.I will judge of your abilities.
A história julgará quem foram os verdadeiros patriotas. Hoje.History will judge who the true patriots were here today.
Aqueles que me rejeitarem e não aceitarem a minha mensagem... terão quem os julgaráThose who reject me and do not accept my message... have one who will judge them.
Claro que Deus julgará o mundo.Of course, God will judge the world.
Como pensas que o teu deus te julgará?How do you think your God will judge you?
E Deus vos julgará pelos atos que cometerdes agora!And God will judge your actions now!
Levem-na ao templo e a julgaremos.Bring her to the temple and we will judge her.
As pessoas te julgarão.People will judge you.
Com sorte, eles julgarão todos nós por você.If I'm lucky, they will judge all of us by you.
Com sorte, julgarão todos nós baseados em você.If I'm lucky, they will judge all of us by you.
- Pensas que te julgaria?- You really think I would judge you? - Yeah.
Desculpa lá, achas-me tão fútil que te julgaria pelo sítio onde moras?I'm sorry. You think I'm so shallow that I would judge you by where you live?
Ninguém a julgaria se tivesse escolhido o Tyler.Erica, nobody would judge you if you picked Tyler.
Não te julgaria.Not that I would judge.
Quem o julgaria?Who would judge?
Pense na sua mulher e filhos e como é que eles o julgariam neste momento.Think of your wife and children and how they would judge you now.
" Nunca julgue um livro pela capa"."Never judge a book by its cover. "
"Alguém que não julgue, que queira estar junto de mim.""Someone who doesn't judge, who just wants to be near me."
- Deixa-me ser quem o julgue.- Let me be the judge of that.
- Não julgue música que nem conhece!- Don't judge music you have no idea about!
"Não julgues e não serás julgado.""Judge not, lest not ye be judged."
"Não julgues o livro pela capa".What? Don't judge a book by its cover. Right.
"Não julgues os outros enquanto não olhares para ti própria.Don't judge others till you check yourself.
"Não julgues para que não sejas julgado.Judge not lest ye be judged.
"Não julgues, e não serás julgado.""Judge not, and ye shall not be judged,"
Deixe que eu e minha equipa julguemos isso.Let me and my team be the judge of that.
Então, como espera que julguemos o seu mérito?Then how are we expected to judge your merits?
Não o julguemos ainda, Tecopa.Let's not judge yet, Tecopa.
Proponho que o julguemos pelo que fizer a seguir.I say we judge him by what he does next. Yeehaw!
"Não julgueis e não sereis julgados."Do not judge and you will not be judged.
- Não julgueis, para que não sejais julgada.- Judge not, lest you be judged.
Bem sei: "Não julgueis para que não sejais julgados", mas é um nojo!With your dad? I mean, I know judge not lest ye be judged, but gross!
E para tal, aceitai-me como coro desta história... que, como prólogo, pede vossa submissa paciência... para que escuteis... e julgueis generosamente... nossa peça!For the which supply, admit me, chorus, to this history, who, prologue-like, your humble patience pray... gently to hear, kindly to judge... our play!
Espero que o julgueis pelos progressos e não pela sua anterior reputação.I hope you'll judge him by his progress here, - No ! - not his past reputation.
"Nunca julguem uma vitela pelo seu couro.""Never judge a heifer by its hide."
"Não julguem e não serão julgados.""Judge not and ye shall not be judged."
"Não julguem e não serão julgados."Judge not, and ye shall not be judged.
- Deixa que elas julguem.It's not funny. Let them be the judge, okay?
-Então, julguem-me também.-Then judge me too.
"Ergues-te em cima do teu caixote, julgando tudo e todos, é óbvio que te julgam agora."You stand on your soapbox, judging everyone, so sure they're judging you.
- Avaliando ou julgando? - Os dois.Gauging or judging you?
- Bem... julgando pelas pegadas, tem cerca de dois metros de altura.Well... judging from his tracks, he's about six and a half feet tall.
- Não estou julgando.Hey, I'm not judging.
- Sempre julgando os outros por si.- Always judging others by yourself. - Grace!
Do modo que julgardes, sereis julgados. Com aquela medida que medirdes, sereis medidos.For in the way you judge, you will be judged and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.
Mas peço-vos para não me julgardes por essa única acção.But I ask you not to judge me by that one deed.
sentir este sentimento de degradação, e pensem nas vossas filhas, mas vossas esposas, nas vossas mães, quando julgardes com a vossa consciência... o peso deste gesto, um ato de legítima defesa.Feel that degradation, then think of your daughters, your wives, your mothers, when your consciences judge the weight of her gesture: her act of self-defence.
"Ele será multado conforme julgarem os juízes.""He shall pay as the judges determine."
Antes de me julgarem, fiquei em segundo depois do Gil Thorpe como vendedor da rua, sete vezes seguidas.Before you judge me, I have come in second to Gil Thorpe... for salesman of the quarter seven quarters in a row.
Disse às pessoas para não o julgarem pelos pecados dos seus antepassados.I urged people not to judge him on the sins of his ancestors.
E se eles nos julgarem e nos atacarem?What if they judge us and attack us?
Eles só estão aqui para nos julgarem.They're only here to judge us.
-Quem és tu para me julgares?Who are you to judge?
A ti pago-te para me defenderes, não para me julgares.You're paid to defend me, not to judge me.
Bem, quem és tu para me julgares?Well, who are you to judge me?
Deixo-te a ti para me julgares.It is for you to judge me.
Devias conhecê-lo antes de o julgares.You should get to know him before you judge him.
A razão de mandar vir comida... é para vermos a qualidade da comida, a rapidez... e julgarmos a beleza do tipo que entrega, de 1 a 10.We'll get to it. The whole point of getting everything within delivery distance is so we can judge the quality of food, speed of service, Cuteness of delivery guys on a scale of one to ten.
Antes de julgarmos, vamos parar e pensar um bocado, ...nas condições em que cresceram esses miúdos.Before we judge them, let's think a little about the conditions in which those children grew up.
Bom, acho que todas nós temos de considerar... várias coisas, antes de julgarmos o comportamento de outra pessoa.Well, I think that we all have to take in account, you know, a lot of things, before we can judge anyone else's behavior.
Mas o que acontece quando finalmente paramos por uns instantes para julgarmos as nossas próprias vidas?But what happens when we finally stop for a moment to judge our own lives?
Não nos compete julgarmos isso.It's not for us to judge that.

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