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Giudicare (to judge) conjugation

80 examples

Conjugation of giudicare

Present tense
I judge
you judge
he/she/it judges
we judge
you all judge
they judge
Present perfect tense
ho giudicato
I have judged
hai giudicato
you have judged
ha giudicato
he/she/it has judged
abbiamo giudicato
we have judged
avete giudicato
you all have judged
hanno giudicato
they have judged
Past preterite tense
I judged
you judged
he/she/it judged
we judged
you all judged
they judged
Future tense
I will judge
you will judge
he/she/it will judge
we will judge
you all will judge
they will judge
Conditional mood
I would judge
you would judge
he/she/it would judge
we would judge
you all would judge
they would judge
Past impf. tense
I used to judge
you used to judge
he/she/it used to judge
we used to judge
you all used to judge
they used to judge
Past perfect tense
avevo giudicato
I had judged
avevi giudicato
you had judged
aveva giudicato
he/she/it had judged
avevamo giudicato
we had judged
avevate giudicato
you all had judged
avevano giudicato
they had judged
Future perfect tense
avrò giudicato
I will have judged
avrai giudicato
you will have judged
avrà giudicato
he/she/it will have judged
avremo giudicato
we will have judged
avrete giudicato
you all will have judged
avranno giudicato
they will have judged
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I judge
(if/so that) you judge
(if/so that) he/she/it judge
(if/so that) we judge
(if/so that) you all judge
(if/so that) they judge
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia giudicato
I have judged
abbia giudicato
you have judged
abbia giudicato
he/she/it has judged
abbiamo giudicato
we have judged
abbiate giudicato
you all have judged
abbiano giudicato
they have judged
Imperative mood
let's judge!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei giudicato
I would have judged
avresti giudicato
you would have judged
avrebbe giudicato
he/she/it would have judged
avremmo giudicato
we would have judged
avreste giudicato
you all would have judged
avrebbero giudicato
they would have judged

Examples of giudicare

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
"Lui che verrà a giudicare i vivi e i morti..."... He, who is coming to judge both the living and the dead...
"Mai giudicare un libro dalla sua copertina"."Never judge a book by its cover."
"Mai giudicare una vitella dalla pelle.""Never judge a heifer by its hide."
"Non dovrei giudicare il ragazzo con cui andro' al ballo""I shouldn't judge my prom date
"Non giudicare e non sarai giudicato."Judge not and you shall not be judged.
- Certo che la giudico, ci puo' scommettere!You're damn right I judge you!
- Dimmelo, non ti giudico.I won't judge.
- Ehi, amico, non ti giudico.Yo, man, I don't judge. Thank you.
- Ehi, non giudico, non giudico, non giudico.No judgement, no judgement.
- Ehi, non giudico. Lo sai.Hey, I don't judge, you know that.
"Se giudichi la gente, non hai tempo per amarla"."If you judge people, you have no time to love them""
- Allora lei non giudichi nostro figlio.Don't judge our son either. That's different.
- E tu lo giudichi per questo?And you judged him for it.
- Non mi giudichi.- Don't judge me.
- Non permetterò che mi si giudichi.- l will not be judged!
# Lui siede e il giusto # # dall'ingiusto giudica. #♪ He sits and judges right from wrong ♪
- E giudica me.Me, she judges.
- Linguisticamente, puo' significare che Dio giudica dall'alto le vittime per i loro peccati...Linguistically, it may mean God judges the victim for his sins...
Artù la giudica innocente del crimine di adulterio, non avendo le prove.Arthur judges her innocent of adultery; there is no proof.
Beh, e' quando qualcuno giudica il tuo lavoro e... ti da un voto.Well, that is when someone judges your work and gives you a grade on it. But don't worry.
- Beh, in realta' ti giudichiamo tutti.Well, we all still judge you. Oh, shut up.
- E' cosi' che giudichiamoWhich is how we judge...
- Noi non giudichiamo gli altri qui, signora.- We don't judge others here, madam.
- Non giudichiamo Peter duramente.But we mustn't judge Peter too harshly, me dear.
- Non giudichiamo nessuno.Let's not judge anybody.
"Non giudicare e non sarai giudicato."Judge not and you shall not be judged.
"Non giudicare, se non vuoi essere giudicato"."Judge not, lest ye be judged."
'Sarai giudicato dopo la morte'Ye shall be judged after death
*Un magistrato non può essere giudicato fino alla fine della sua carica.*A magistrate cannot be judged before the end of his office.
- Avevo giudicato male il tuo fidanzato.I guess I misjudged your boyfriend.
"Aprite la bocca, giudicate con saggezza, difendete i poveri e i bisognosi.""Open your mouths, judge righteously... - defend the rights of the poor and needy"- - 9.
"Non giudicate acciocché non siate giudicati", Doug.Judge not lest ye be judged, Doug.
"Non giudicate e non sarete giudicati.""Judge not and ye shall not be judged."
"Non giudicate, e non sarete giudicati!"Judge not, and ye shall not be judged.
"Non giudicate, per non essere giudicati"."Judge not, lest ye be judged."
- I cavalli non ti giudicano.They don't judge.
- Le persone ti giudicano.People do judge you.
- Terribile. A quanto pare, alcune persone di colore giudicano altre persone di colore per il loro retaggio culturale.Apparently, some people of color judge other people of color by their cultural heritage.
Allora perche' mi giudicano tale?Then why do they judge me so?
Amsterdam... glielo dico io, non giudicano un uomo per le sue tendenze.Amsterdam... I'm telling you, they don't judge a man for his proclivities.
Beh, lo la giudicai.Well, I judged her.
Ma poi cambiò e tu lo giudicasti per i suoi crimini.And for his crimes, you judged him. Rico?
Il pomodoro che la Sig.ra Anete giudicò inadeguato per il maiale che voleva servire alla sua famiglia, sarà un eccellente alimento per il maiale e la sua famiglia - questo è il punto di vista del maiale.The tomato that Mrs. Anete judged unfit for the pork that she was going to serve to her family she will serve as food for the pig, and it will be excellent nutrition for the pig and its family - from the pig's point of view.
Nell'ultima serie di tagli alla Difesa, la giudicammo un'area a basso rischio.In the last round of defense cuts, we judged the risk of invasion to be small. - And if you remember, Prime Minister, you agreed that we should reduce the naval presence in the area to an absolute minimum.
Sifo-Dyas sedeva in questo Consiglio sino a quando giudicammo le sue idee essere troppo estreme.Sifo-Dyas sat on this Council until we judged his ideas to be too extreme.
Bene, allora ti giudicherò in silenzio.Fine. Then I will judge you in silence.
Lo giudicherò di nuovo.I will judge him again.
Marshall, non sono il tipo che bacia una e poi te lo dice, ma io e la principessa Abigail ci siamo baciati e adesso te lo dico... quel bacio sarà il criterio di paragone con cui giudicherò...Marshall, I'm not one to kiss and tell, but princess Abigail and I kissed, and I'm telling you. That kiss is the standard by which I will judge all the other good things
- Cosa? Spero che oggi venga tenuto un verbale completo, perché la storia vi giudicherà, tutti quanti, per quello che state facendo.I hope you're keeping very good records here today, because history will judge you --allof you -- for what you're doing.
Alla fine l'Eterno vi giudicherà.In the end the Eternal will judge you.
Certo, Dio giudicherà il mondo.Of course, God will judge the world.
Come pensate che vi giudicherà il vostro Dio?'How do you think your god will judge you?
E chi giudicherà se sarò adatta o meno?And who will judge whether or not I fit in?
# La gente dubita, ti giudicheranno ## People doubt, they will judge you #
- Nate. - Jenny, quando scenderai le scale domani sera, tutti ti giudicheranno, basandosi su quel momento per il resto della tua vita.Jenny, when you descend those stairs tomorrow night everyone there will judge you based on that moment for the rest of your life.
E loro ti giudicheranno , e ti condanneranno !They will judge you and they will condemn you!
Ma non dubito che i cittadini di questa grande citta' giudicheranno equamente la mia cliente.But I have no doubt that the citizens of this great city can and will judge my client fairly.
Vedono tutto cio' che fate e vi giudicheranno, signora Reed.They see everything you do and they will judge you, Mrs. Reed.
- Credi davvero che ti giudicherei?- You really think I would judge you?
Beh, io mi giudicherei.Well, I would judge me.
Nathan, perche' pensi che ti giudicherei?Judge you? Nathan, why would you think I would judge you?
Erica, se tu scegliessi Tyler non ti giudicherebbe nessuno.Erica, nobody would judge you if you picked Tyler.
Mr. Thornton ti giudicherebbe onestamente, se ne avesse la possibilita', ne sono certa.Mr. Thornton would judge you fairly, I am sure, if given the chance.
Lo giuro, se voi foste intrappolati in un'isola infestata da tigri senza acqua o cibo, giudichereste ogni nave che verrebbe a salvarvi.I swear, if you people were trapped on a tiger-infested island with no food or water, you would judge every ship that came to save you.
Pensate a vostra moglie e ai vostri figli e a come vi giudicherebbero adesso.Think of your wife and children and how they would judge you now.
Beh, spero che non mi giudichiate troppo duramente.I hope you don’t judge me too harshly.
Dio sa se non si giudica più aspramente di quanto non lo giudichiate voi.God knows he's judged himself more harshly than you could judge him.
E' il momento che entriate in quella stanza e giudichiate.Now it's time for you to go into that room and judge.
Non oso pensare a come ci giudichiate sulla base della nostra musica e degli spettacoli!I hate to think how you would judge us based on our popular music and entertainment!
Spero che non mi giudichiate troppo duramente per questo.I hope you won't judge me too harshly for it.
- Volete che giudichino la mia musica?-And you want them to judge my music?
Che ci giudichino da quel che facciamo.Let us be judged by what we do.
Che giudichino loro, dopo aver ascoltato.And they shall hear and judge 'twixt you and me.
Il mio lavoro non e' giudicarla... E' far si' che gli altri la giudichino male in una luce favorevole.My job is not to judge you; my job is to get others to misjudge you in a favourable light.
Lascia che mi giudichino tutti.Let any man judge me.
) La tua iguana mi sta giudicando.Your iguana is judging me.
- Amico, non sto giudicando dico solo che quello che vuoi farci è una cosa davvero stupida.Look, man, I'm not judging. I'm just saying that what you want to do with it is incredibly stupid.
- Dai tesoro non ti sto giudicando.- Come on, darling. I'm not judging you.
- Dai, stai giudicando me, davvero?Come on, you're judging me, really?
- Dio ci sta giudicando?Is God judging us? No.

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