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Defender (to defend) conjugation

131 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: play, thesis or project, to support, support, to play in defense

Conjugation of defender

Present tense
I defend
you defend
he/she defends
we defend
you all defend
they defend
Present perfect tense
tenho defendido
I have defended
tens defendido
you have defended
tem defendido
he/she has defended
temos defendido
we have defended
tendes defendido
you all have defended
têm defendido
they have defended
Past preterite tense
I defended
you defended
he/she defended
we defended
you all defended
they defended
Future tense
I will defend
you will defend
he/she will defend
we will defend
you all will defend
they will defend
Conditional mood
I would defend
you would defend
he/she would defend
we would defend
you all would defend
they would defend
Past imperfect tense
I used to defend
you used to defend
he/she used to defend
we used to defend
you all used to defend
they used to defend
Past perfect tense
tinha defendido
I had defended
tinhas defendido
you had defended
tinha defendido
he/she had defended
tínhamos defendido
we had defended
tínheis defendido
you all had defended
tinham defendido
they had defended
Future perfect tense
terei defendido
I will have defended
terás defendido
you will have defended
terá defendido
he/she will have defended
teremos defendido
we will have defended
tereis defendido
you all will have defended
terão defendido
they will have defended
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha defendido
I have defended
tenhas defendido
you have defended
tenha defendido
he/she has defended
tenhamos defendido
we have defended
tenhais defendido
you all have defended
tenham defendido
they have defended
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have defended
(if/so that) you will have defended
(if/so that) he/she will have defended
(if/so that) we will have defended
(if/so that) you all will have defended
(if/so that) they will have defended
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver defendido
I will have defended
tiveres defendido
you will have defended
tiver defendido
he/she will have defended
tivermos defendido
we will have defended
tiverdes defendido
you all will have defended
tiverem defendido
they will have defended
Imperative mood
let's defend!
Imperative negative mood
não defendas
do not defend!
não defenda
let him/her/it not defend!
não defendamos
let us not defend!
não defendais
do not defend!
não defendam
do not defend!

Examples of defender

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
! Só com quatro Joes para defender toda a instalação?With only four JOEs to defend the whole installation?
" estou preparado para defender as vidas" " dos cidadãos Americanos a todo o custo""am ready to defend the lives of American citizens at any cost."
"Caro senhor, criei uma espécie de super-porcos para defender o país dos nossos inimigos.""Dear Sir, I've created a species of superpigs "to defend the country from our enemies."
"Decerto pode dispensar uma dúzia de tanques" "para defender o aeródromo de Maleme", que era o principal de Creta, "contra os pára-quedistas alemães."Certainly it can excuse a dozen of tanks to defend the aerodrome of Maleme, that it was the main one of Crete, against the parachutists German.
"Deve comparecer na Comissão de Avaliação de Licenças de Atlanta, "para se defender contra estas alegações."'Your presence is requested before the Atlanta Licence Review Board... 'to defend yourself against these allegations.'
- Apesar das nossas diferenças... defendo o nome do cavalheirismo mesmo aqui, entre proscritos.In spite of certain family differences, I defend the good name of chivalry even here in this heathen temple among outcasts.
- E se dissesse que a defendo?How about if I say I'll defend you?
- Eu defendo-o.It's my job to defend him!
- Não defendo ninguém, acredita.I'm not defending anyone, believe me.
- Não é a ele que eu defendo.It's not he I'm defending.
- Ainda os defendes? - Só estou a comentar.You're still defending them?
- Como é que defendes isso?How do you defend that? I don't.
- Ele roubou-te e ainda o defendes.He stole from you. And you still defend him.
- Não acredito que a defendes.- I can't believe you're defending her.
- Oh, defendes-te como um forte.- You defend yourself like a fort.
- De preferência. Ele defende os fracos e os abusados.He defends the weak and abused.
- Ela defende-a de si.She defends it from you.
- Olhem só como ele defende o seu maridinho!Look how he defends his man!
- o Coppola defende a escolha da Sofia.- Coppola defends casting Sofia.
A Constituição dos E.U.A. defende o pluralismo religioso.The U.S. Constitution defends religious pluralism.
- Como a defendemos.- Then stay and defend it.
- Como nos defendemos da acusação?So how do we defend against their claim?
A cada minuto de cada dia fazemos escolhas. Quem somos, quem perdoamos, defendemos ou protegemos.[ Skinner Narrating ] Every minute of every day we choose... who we are, who we forgive, who we defend and protect,:
Ambos defendemos criminosos, Brad.We both defend criminals, Brad.
As promessas que defendemosFor the promises we defend
-já foi defendido por mais novos.- ...have defended our country.
A muralha: defendida pelos alemães e americanos. O lado Ocidental: defendido pelos russos.The wall defended by the Germans and the Americans, the west end defended by the Russians, the British Legation, the Fu, held by the Americans and the Japanese, and the east end of Legation Street, is held by the Italians and the French.
Achas que eu não me teria defendido de uma rapariga de 14...?No, it wasn't. You don't think I would have defended myself against a 14-year-old...?
Acho fantástico teres defendido o teu colega.It's great that you defended him.
Acho que devias ter defendido Frank.I think you should have defended Frank.
Porque não vos defendeis?Why don't you defend yourselves?
"As boas acções que precedem um homem defendem-no.""The good deeds a man has done before defend him." "The good deeds a man has done before defends him."
"As mulheres defendem-se atacando, tal como atacam com súbitas e estranhas rendições."Women defend themselves by attacking, just as they attack by sudden and strange surrenders.
"defendem-no.""defends him."
- Eles defendem as jazidas.They defend the spice sands.
A armas defendem-nos de pessoas com armas mais pequenas.Gun defend people against people with smaller guns.
"Quando era jovem, defendi o nosso estado."When I was a young man, I defended our state.
- Ele atacou-me, só me defendi!- I just defended myself!
- Ele atacou-nos e eu defendi-me.- He attacked us. I defended myself.
- Eu apenas me defendi.- I pulled out my gun and defended myself.
- Eu defendi a sua receita.- I defended your recipe.
A rapariga que defendeste. Saidafrenterapariga!That girl you defended.
Ainda bem que tens sentido de humor, tendo em conta que acabaste de saber que defendeste um assassino.You're stepping up in the world. Well, it's nice to know you still have a sense of humor, Harvey, considering you just learned you defended a murderer.
Apoiaste-o, defendeste-o, deste-lhe uma oportunidade. Se escolheu não a aproveitar, não havia mais nada a fazer.You supported him, you defended him, you gave him a chance, and if he chose not to take it, there's nothing more you could do.
Aquele tipo que defendeste deixou-nos a morrer!That guy you defended left us for dead!
Boomer, nunca defendeste ninguém na tua vida!- You've never defended anyone.
"Não fale sobre o seu passado, nem sobre os mafiosos que defendeu."Don't talk about the wiseguys that you defended.
- Ele apenas se defendeu dele...- He just defended his ...
- Quem os defendeu?- Who defended them?
A Democracia Cristã é um partido que sempre defendeu os interesses de sua classe. Nunca os dos trabalhadores.I believe that the Christian Democrats are a party that have always defended the interests of their own class and not those of the working class.
A Olivia Pope defendeu-o de graça.Olivia Pope defended him pro bono.
Quando é que alguma vez defendestes a Escócia?When have you ever defended Scotland?
A decisão de ir à Oprah não reconquistou os fãs, sobretudo os que defenderam a mentira dele.His decision to go on Oprah did not win back his fans, particularly those who had defended his lie.
Aqui, em 1944, nestas condições, os britânicos defenderam as fronteiras da Índia contra os japoneses.Here, in 1944, in these conditions, the British they had defended the borders of India against the Japanese.
As nossas famílias sempre defenderam os Reis.Our families have always defended kings.
Assim que aconteceu o caso Columbine o Jack e os outros cerraram fileiras e defenderam a indústria.As soon as Columbine occured, Jack and the others circled the wagons, and defended the industry.
Cem gerações defenderam este castelo.100 generations have defended this castle.
Acreditas que eu te defenderei?Can you trust that I will defend you?
E eu me defenderei com toda a minha força.I will defend myself with all my might.
E se ele for preso, também o defenderei.And if he ever gets arrested, I will defend him too.
Então é amor que levas Eu defenderei Eu lutarei Eu estarei lá quando precisares de mimThen it's love you take l will defend l will fight l'll be there when you need me
Eu defenderei!I will defend!
...mas a Marinha dos Estados Unidos defenderá os seus direitos.. para proteger as vidas dos americanos.But, the U.S. Navy will defend its right to protect American lives.
A 28 de Setembro, Jose Mendez defenderá o seu cinto de campeão do mundo.On September 28 Jose Mendez will defend his world championship belt.
A maioria dos mamíferos tem um laço forte com Sua prole e o defenderá enquanto puder.Like most mammals, she has a very strong bond with her offspring, and will defend it for as long as she can.
Desde que o acordo que temos seja mantido, ele defenderá nossos interesses.As long as we keep to the agreement we have, he will defend our interests.
Ele defenderá, não só a Fé Cristã, mas também os interesses do povo romano.He will defend not only the Christian faith, but also the interests of the Roman people.
- Nós nos defenderemos.- We will defend ourselves.
Até ao fim defenderemos A nossa estimada noivaUntil the end we will defend Our one and only bride
Com armas defenderemos Trieste!With weapons we will defend Triëste!
Garanto-lhe, Madame LaRue, defenderemos as suas bruxas com temível vigilância.Let me assure you, madam LaRue, we will defend your witches with a fearsome vigilance.
O defenderemos com as nossas próprias vidas.- We will defend it with our very lives.
A emergência nacional foi decretada, mas as forças armadas defenderão o Japão a todo o custa.A national emergency may exist. But the armed forces will defend Japan at all costs.
Eles defenderão aquela nave.They will defend that ship.
Mas nunca viu abelhas e não sabe que elas defenderão o seu mel até à morte.But he's never come across bees before and he doesn't know that they will defend their honey to the death.
Se o grande pai branco der a sua palavra ao povo de meu irmão... ...entãoCabeloLongoeassuasfacas longas defenderão Black Hills... ...contraqualquerhomembranco que o queira profanar.If the great white father gives word to my brother's people then Long Hair and his long knives will defend Black Hills against all white men who seek to profane them.
Você e seus homens defenderão o portão.I have to get couriers out while there's still time. You and your men will defend the palisade.
Castro não citou o nome do presidente Kennedy, mas prometeu que Cuba se defenderia até ao último homem, se houver outra tentativa dos EUA para depor o seu regime comunista.Castro did not mention President Kennedy by name, but he promised that Cuba would defend itself to the last man if there is another attempt by the United States to overthrow his Communist regime.
Estás a dizer que o Filip, de 21 anos, que ainda vive com os pais e que não tem filhos defenderia a sua família, mas eu não?So Filip, who is 21, still living with his parents, and who doesn't have any kids, that he would defend his family but I wouldn't?
Eu defenderia a tua liberdade de expressão de querer mostrar piadas racistas de gays, de estupros e de mau gosto sob o pretexto de ser "ousado", mas isso não é ser "ousado", isso é apenas o que se vende.I would defend their freedom of speech to tell uninspired, bigoted, blow-job, gay-bashing, racist and rape jokes all under the guise of being edgy. But that's not the edge. That's what sells.
Eu defenderia a tua liberdade de expressão, se achasse que estava ameaçada.I would defend their freedom of speech if I thought it was in jeopardy.
Um homem galante defenderia sua noiva de ser chamada uretra.A gallant man would defend his fiancée for being called a urethra.
Tu os defenderias.You would defend them.
- A tua filha chegou cá hoje. A segurança dela está fortalecida por lobos que a defenderiam. E tu prejudicarias essa aliança.Your child arrived here today, her security strengthened by those wolves that would defend her, and you would jeopardize that alliance.
Somos o tipo de soldados que defenderiam um castelo sem valor.We're soldiers who would defend a meaningless castle.
- E defenda-se com intensidade terminal.- To defend yourself with terminal intensity.
- Padre se quer que o defenda, dê-me toda informação que eu preciso.- Father if you want me to defend you, you've got to give me all the information I need.
- Pelo menos, defenda-se!- At least defend yourself.
- Quer que eu o defenda?So, what, you want me to defend him, sir?
- Vire-se e defenda-se, De Bracy!- Turn and defend yourself, De Bracy!
"Não me defendas, compadre."... "don'tdefendme ,compadre."
- Meu Deus, tu gostas dele! Não preciso que me defendas.I don't need you to defend me.
- Não a defendas.- Do not defend her.
- Esperam que nós não nos defendamos?- you expect us not to defend ourselves?
- O nosso dever exige que defendamos...These are not just emotions. Our duty demands we defend...
Ainda que defendamos a ponte... não evitaremos que se perca a guerra, Jürgen!We won't win the war, because we defend this bridge, Jürgen!
Ele quer que defendamos o Cary de outra forma.He wants us to defend Cary in another way.
Glaber espera que defendamos o território cá em cima, como qualquer líder que se preze faria.Glaber expects us to defend the higher ground, as any reasonable leader would.
"Anjos e ministros da graça, nos defendam"."Angels and ministers of grace, defend us."
- Certo podemos organizar os aldeões para que se defendam.- I've gotta go. - Right... we can organize the villagers to defend themselves.
- Não preciso que me defendam.I don't need you to defend me.
- Os que negarem a vossa reclamação ou que não defendam por todas as maneiras Sua Majestade, até à morte, serão julgados como traidores.- All those who would deny your claim or fail in all ways to defend Your Majesty, even unto death, shall be judged as traitors.
- e não, não os nomearei - que primeiro vos persuadem para a coroação, depois que lá façais um sermão, e depois que escrevais livros que a defendam.-and no, I won't name them- who first procure you for the coronation, next to preach at it, and then to write books defending it.
"defendei-nos agora contra os príncipes desse mundo de trevas,"defend us now in this conflict "against the rulers of this world of darkness,
Nobres patrícios, defensores dos meus direitos, defendei com armas a justeza da minha causa!Noble patricians, patrons of my right, defend the justice of my cause with arms!
Senhor da Luz, defendei-nos.Lord of Light, defend us.
São Miguel Arcanjo, protegei-nos no combate, defendei-nos com o escudo contra as armadilhas e ciladas do demónio.St Michael, defend us in battle, and be our protection against wickedness and snares of the devil. Wait.
São Miguel, defendei-nos na guerra.Saint Michael,... ..defend us in battle.
- Claro que você está o defendendo.-Of course you're defending him.
- Eu estava defendendo sua honra!- I was defending your honor!
- Eu estava defendendo-a.- I was defending her.
- Ninguém está defendendo ele, Chuck.-Nobody's defending him, Chuck.
- Nove dos 25 homens de apenas uma unidade defendendo Dobrinja - já morreram nos últimos dias.Nine of the 25 men in just one unit defending Dobrinja have died in the last few days.
Ammonius, morto por defenderdes com bravura a vossa fé em Cristo,Ammonius, dead of bravely defending your faith in Christ.
Foram feitas pela adaga que vos dei para vos defenderdes.I gave to you defend yourself.
"Dá-lhes uma oportunidade de se defenderem.""Give them a chance to defend themselves."
- Não vos pedi para nos defenderem.- I did not ask you to defend us.
- Podemos ajudar-vos a defenderem-se.- We can help you defend yourselves. - We would appreciate that.
A batalha travou-se durante três dias, com os japoneses a defenderem-se recuando até à ponta da ilha.The battle was stopped during three days, with the Japanese defending itself withdrawing until the tip of the island.
Agora vão e preparem as tropas para defenderem o Portal Espiritual.Now go outside and get the troops ready to defend the spirit portal.
- Pronta para te defenderes?- Ready to defend self?
- Tu sabes o que fazer para me defenderes?- Do you know how to defend me?
- É bom que tenhas uma inclinação natural para te defenderes, mas preciso que percas.It's great that you have a natural inclination to defend yourself, but I need you to lose.
-Obrigada. Por defenderes a minha honra, Jack.- Thank you for defending my honor, Jack.
A estratégia dos procuradores é mentir, tanto quanto possível, da maneira mais chata possível. Então adormeces em tribunal e torna-se fisicamente impossível defenderes-te.The prosecutors' strategy is to lie as much as possible in the most boring possible way so you fall asleep in court and become physically undable to defend yourself.
A Constituição dá-nos o direito de nos defendermos.The Constitution gives us the right to defend ourselves.
A Experiência de Vulnerabilidade Extraterrestre tem como objectivo principal, descobrir um meio de nos defendermos das espécies alienígenas, caso voltem à Terra.The Extraterrestrial Vulnerability Experiment... has one central goal: to discover a means to defend ourselves... against the alien species should they ever return to Earth.
A caixa era a única esperança de nos defendermos.The box was our only hope at defending ourselves.
A liberdade de expressão está ligada, de forma única, à liberdade de nos defendermos.They have a duty to defend themselves and their city. The ability to express yourself freely is so uniquely tied to the ability to defend yourself freely.
A melhor maneira de nos defendermos é saber quando algo está para acontecer.The best way to defend yourself is to know when something's about to happen.
Enquanto as pessoas defendessem os seus irmãos mais novos...And as long as people were defending their little brothers-

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