Confirmar (to confirm) conjugation

114 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: affirm, corroborate

Conjugation of confirmar

Present tense
I confirm
you confirm
he/she confirms
we confirm
you all confirm
they confirm
Present perfect tense
tenho confirmado
I have confirmed
tens confirmado
you have confirmed
tem confirmado
he/she has confirmed
temos confirmado
we have confirmed
tendes confirmado
you all have confirmed
têm confirmado
they have confirmed
Past preterite tense
I confirmed
you confirmed
he/she confirmed
we confirmed
you all confirmed
they confirmed
Future tense
I will confirm
you will confirm
he/she will confirm
we will confirm
you all will confirm
they will confirm
Conditional mood
I would confirm
you would confirm
he/she would confirm
we would confirm
you all would confirm
they would confirm
Past imperfect tense
I used to confirm
you used to confirm
he/she used to confirm
we used to confirm
you all used to confirm
they used to confirm
Past perfect tense
tinha confirmado
I had confirmed
tinhas confirmado
you had confirmed
tinha confirmado
he/she had confirmed
tínhamos confirmado
we had confirmed
tínheis confirmado
you all had confirmed
tinham confirmado
they had confirmed
Future perfect tense
terei confirmado
I will have confirmed
terás confirmado
you will have confirmed
terá confirmado
he/she will have confirmed
teremos confirmado
we will have confirmed
tereis confirmado
you all will have confirmed
terão confirmado
they will have confirmed
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha confirmado
I have confirmed
tenhas confirmado
you have confirmed
tenha confirmado
he/she has confirmed
tenhamos confirmado
we have confirmed
tenhais confirmado
you all have confirmed
tenham confirmado
they have confirmed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have confirmed
(if/so that) you will have confirmed
(if/so that) he/she will have confirmed
(if/so that) we will have confirmed
(if/so that) you all will have confirmed
(if/so that) they will have confirmed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver confirmado
I will have confirmed
tiveres confirmado
you will have confirmed
tiver confirmado
he/she will have confirmed
tivermos confirmado
we will have confirmed
tiverdes confirmado
you all will have confirmed
tiverem confirmado
they will have confirmed
Imperative mood
let's confirm!
Imperative negative mood
não confirmes
do not confirm!
não confirme
let him/her/it not confirm!
não confirmemos
let us not confirm!
não confirmeis
do not confirm!
não confirmem
do not confirm!

Examples of confirmar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"A escrever para confirmar quarta-feira às 19:00h."Writing to confirm Wednesday at 7:00 P.M."
"Em relação aos Beatles, gostaríamos de confirmar as datas que sugeriram"Concerning The Beatles, we would like to confirm the dates you suggested
"Eu só queria confirmar.""I just wanted to confirm."
"Eu tenho de confirmar isso.""I have to confirm that."
"para confirmar que não houve divulgação de informação"to confirm that no disclosure "of information has taken place
- 31 Frank confirmo Localização errada.(Rhodes) 31-Frank confirming wrong location.
- Eu confirmo o número.I'll confirm the number.
- Não confirmo a existência de Praxis.- I cannot confirm Praxis' existence.
- Não confirmo nem nego.Can't confirm or deny.
- Sim, confirmo.- Yes, that's a confirm.
Acho que estás certo. Assim, confirmas a minha objectividade.I think you're right, thus confirming my objectivity.
Alvarez, confirmas que está no solo?Alvarez, can you confirm that it is down? Copy that!
Chang, confirmas as fodas ou tomas como certa a palavra dela?Chang, are you confirming these bangs, or are you just taking her word for it?
E tu confirmas-te isso para mim naquele dias.And you confirmed them for me that day.
Edo, confirmas?- Edo, confirmation?
"Informante confirma hora da entrega."Informant confirms hour of delivery."
"O empresário do Mason confirma o interesse do Bobby..."Mason's manager re-confirms Bobby's interest "in projects with Jewish themes.
"O satélite confirma que o alvo do local da explosão foi resultado de um míssil de um "drone" da classe "Vanguard"."Satellite confirms target site explosion was result of missile strike from Vanguard class drone."
- A NORAD confirma.- NORAD confirms.
- A TC confirma que não há fractura craniana, e ela não tem 18 anos.And looking at her confirms she's not 18.
- Ainda não o confirmamos.- We haven't confirmed that yet.
- E pelo que confirmamos.Yeah, and that's just what we could confirm.
- Tu ganhaste na educação, nós confirmamos-te como Vice-Presidente.- You won on education, we confirmed you as vice president.
A arma final. Então alguém pode me explicar por que não confirmamos nossa sorte abençoada - simplesmente abrindo isso?So could someone explain to me why we can't confirm our blessed fortune by simply opening it?
A montanha de evidências que descobrimos, revelamos confirmamos e clarificamos, não pode discutir-se.Well, the mountain of evidence we discovered, uncovered... confirmed, and clarified, you cannot dispute it.
"...mas nunca foi confirmado."...but that was never confirmed.
"Acabou de ser confirmado pelo director executivo "que será a maior operação de betonagem jamais feita na Europa, "excluindo projectos nucleares militares."We just had it confirmed by CGO that this will be the biggest single concrete pour ever made in Europe outside of nuclear military projects.
"Alvo do predador confirmado.Predator target confirmed.
"Bronzeamento Solar, confirmado".- Solar bronzing treatment, confirmed.
"Sala de Projectos Secretos" As análises confirmam que perdeu a sua pujança e não podia ter acontecido em pior altura!Austin, the test results confirm... that you've lost your mojo... and it couldn't come at a worse time.
- "Estudos confirmam a Hipótese de Robertson que um solteiro decidirá sobre autodestruição... ""Results of testing confirm the Robertson Odd Man Hypothesis: "That an unmarried male should carry out command decisions... involving thermonuclear destruct contexts. "
- Correto o neighbours deles/delas confirmam isso também.- Correct their neighbours too confirm that.
- Mas os astros confirmam-no.- But the stars confirm it.
- Os dados de voo confirmam que funcionavam, mas não pediu socorro.Flight data confirms they were functional, but no distress call.
"Prima nocte", acredito que seja do filme "Braveheart", e, confirmei no Wikipédia, é quando o rei, tira a virgindade, de todas as noivas na noite do casamento.Primae noctis, I believe from the movie Braveheart, and confirmed on Wikipedia, is when the king got to deflower every new bride on her wedding night.
- Eu confirmei com a Raskin Design, e eles estão à espera de ambos dentro de uma hora.I confirmed with raskin design, and they're expecting the both of you in an hour.
- Eu confirmei-as!I confirmed them!
- Eu confirmei.- I confirmed it.
- Eu sei. Por isso, confirmei com a Polícia e é verdade.I know, so I confirmed it with the NYPD, and it's true.
- Já confirmaste?- You've confirmed it?
Acho que já confirmaste isso.I think you confirmed that.
Até confirmaste que é possível matar um Original.You have indeed confirmed That it is possible to kill an original,
Bem, primeiro tu confirmaste a minha suspeita. Sou imune a kryptonite.For one thing, you've confirmed my suspicion that I'm immune to Kryptonite.
E agora tu confirmaste-o.And now you've confirmed it.
! Tinha as minhas desconfianças, mas a festa confirmou-as.I had my suspicions, but the party confirmed it.
" Com os problemas nos Balcãs e o inquérito no qual o juiz confirmou que o rapaz é culpado... Esta notícia fica por aqui.""With the troubles in the Balkans and the inquiry at which the judge confirmed the findings that the boy was guilty this correspondence now must cease."
"A Liz confirmou-te no Facebook.""Liz confirmed you on Facebook."
"A investigação cinetifica confirmou um facto fundamental:""Scientific research has confirmed one fundamental fact:
"Como assim, a família confirmou-to?""what do you mean, the family confirmed that for me?"
- Além disso, todos os amigos confirmaram que ela estava no concerto pela libertação do Tibete. Certo.Besides, her friends all confirmed that she was at the free Tibet concert.
- As biopsias confirmaram.- But the biopsies confirmed...
- E confirmaram-me na esquadra.And Carlton station confirmed it.
- Eles confirmaram a identidade do alvo.They've confirmed they have a I.D. on the target.
- Esses micróbios... ou esporos, como os chama, confirmaram uma forma de vida alienígena?These microbes, or spores, as you call them, have been definitively confirmed as alien life-forms?
Diz o que é, e eu confirmarei.Just say it and I will confirm it.
- E o médico-legista confirmará?And the coroner will confirm?
- O exame toxicológico o confirmará.Tox screen will confirm that.
A Polícia confirmará que passei a noite numa cela.Police records will confirm I spent the rest of the night in a jail cell.
Agora não há outra saída. Washington confirmará o uso duma bomba atómica.Now there's no choice Washington will confirm an order to use the atom bomb
Cada palavra sua confirmará o caso de que é acusado.But with every word, you will confirm what the prosecution is saying.
Estamos prontos para a extracção e confirmaremos consigoWe're ready for the extraction and will confirm with you
- Os exames confirmarão.- Toc screen will confirm it. - What about Jeff Carson?
Acho que estamos bem, os próximos eventos confirmarão isso.I think that we were right, the future will confirm it.
As amostras de tecido confirmarão isso.The tissue results will confirm that.
De certeza que as enfermeiras o confirmarão.I'm sure the nurses will confirm it.
E todas essas pessoas confirmarão o seu paradeiro?And all these people will confirm you were there?
E aquilo confirmaria o que eu achava de mim.And that would confirm everything I already thought about myself.
E tem todos os sinais de lesão de lenhador, o que confirmaria a sua identidade como George Lido.And... he has all the markers for a woodcutter's lesion, which would confirm his identity as George Lido.
Isso confirmaria a presença de formas de vida em PJ2-445.That would confirm the presence of life forms on PJ2-445.
O Reid disse que os passageiros vomitaram antes do acidente, o que confirmaria a turbulência forte que o co-piloto descreveu.Agent Reid said passengers vomited before the crash, which would confirm the severe turbulence the copilot described.
Podemos exigir uma amostra de DNA, que confirmaria que bebeu um copo de vinho com ela naquela noite.We could compel a DNA sample which would confirm that you had a glass of wine with her that night.
Eu examinei os pregos cuidadosamente, à procura de marcas que confirmariam que foi disparado de uma arma de pregos.I examined the nails very carefully for marks that would confirm it was shot from a nail gun.
Se contactasse a AAP, confirmariam esse encontro?If I call the ATA, they would confirm that she was meeting and greeting them?
"Por favor confirme almoço no Jules Verne na Torre Eiffel hoje à 1:00.""Please confirm luncheon at the Jules Verne in the Eiffel Tower today at 1:00."
- Alguém que confirme isso?- Can anyone confirm that?
- Aspire o ar, confirme se já está.- Aspirate air, confirm you're in.
- Determine e confirme a causa de morte.- Establish and confirm real fact of death.
- Há alguém que confirme isso?Is there anyone who can confirm that?
- "Alegadamente". Nunca confirmes."Allegedly." Never confirm.
Eles precisam que confirmes se é ela.They need you to confirm it's her.
Garcia, preciso que confirmes o álibi do Charlie Senarak.Garcia, I need you to confirm Charlie Senarak's alibi.
Jimmy, preciso que me confirmes uma coisa.Jimmy, I need you to confirm something for me.
Marlon, preciso que confirmes que estás disposto a falar comigo sem a presença de um pai ou de um advogado, só de um conselheiro.Marlon, you need to confirm that you're willing to talk to me without a parent or lawyer present, just a child advocate.
Bem, confirmemos os códigos do transmissor.All right, let's confirm transmitter codes.
Eles querem que confirmemos que foi um assassinato único.They want us to go down there and confirm that this was just a one time killing.
Ninguém se mexe até que confirmemos que ele os têm.Nobody makes a move until we've confirmed he's got them.
Querem que nós confirmemos.They want us to go in and confirm it.
Tudo são rumores, a menos que confirmemos a história por outra via.I know. It's all hearsay unless we can find some other way to confirm his story.
Senhor que estais no céu, confirmeis este acordo mútuo que se manifesta perante a Igreja.May the Lord God confirm your mutual consent expressed before the Church.
- Temos factos que confirmem isso?- Do we have facts to confirm that?
Aguardo que a Segurança da Marinha ou a United Equinox confirmem se o projecto realmente existe.I'm still waiting for Navy Intelligence or United Equinox to confirm the project even exists.
Alfa 1, Alfa 2, confirmem a vossa posição.Alpha 1, Alpha 2, confirm your position.
Apoio de artilharia, confirmem a vossa posição, escuto.Fire support, confirm position.
Central, confirmem que o resgate vem aí.PILOT: Dispatch, confirm rescue is rolling.
Ide acolá e confirmai a sua culpa.Go there and confirm his guilt.
- Agentes estão confirmando isso agora.- Agents are confirming that now.
- Estamos confirmando os HR scans- We're confirming the HR scans.
A Cleo, como Rothman a baptizou, parece ter sido predadora. Não parasita, confirmando a minha teoria de que os Goa'uid evoluíram durante milhões de anos, nos oceanos pré-históricos antes de tomar hospedeiros.Cleo, as she has been so colourfully named by Robert Rothman,... ..appears to have been a predator, confirming my theory... ..that the Goa'uld evolved for millions of years before ever taking on hosts.
A investida russa parou, confirmando a crença alemã de que a tropa russa, privada por Estaline dos seus oficiais, não podia lutar.The Russian onslaught stopped, confirming the German belief of that the Russian troop, private for Stalin of its officers, wise person not to fight.
A investigação do inspector Nelson confirmou as minhas suspeitas ontem e hoje... recebi um telegrama da África do Sul, confirmando a morte de monsieur Andrew Restarick há um ano.The inquiries of Inspector Nelson confirmed my suspicions yesterday. And today... I received a telegram from South Africa, confirming the death of Monsieur Andrew Restarick it is now since one year.
A família do Marko foi informada da situação, mas ainda não tornámos público até nos confirmarem o estado dele.Marko's family has been informed of the situation, but we haven't gone public yet until you confirm his status.
Arranjem alguns Boches para confirmarem.Get some Krauts to confirm.
Assim que eles confirmarem, eu renuncio ao cargo e você assume o cargo.Once they confirm you, I submit my resignation and you get sworn in.
Até confirmarem a causa exacta do acidente, não estão prontos para assumirem a responsabilidade.Until they confirm the exact cause of the accident, they're not ready to accept responsibility.
Até os agentes confirmarem o código, tomamos precauções gerais.Till agents confirm the code, we're on standard precautions.
- Segundo Schrödinger, se abrires a caixa e confirmares que o gato está morto, de certo modo, mataste o gato.So, according to Schrodinger, if you open the box and confirm that the cat is dead, then in a sense, you've killed the cat.
Alguma hipótese de confirmares agora?Any chance of you confirming?
Assim que confirmares que Aegeus está morto, eu intervenho e restabeleço a ordem.Once you confirm that Aegeus is dead, I will step in and reestablish order.
E por último, rubrica aqui para confirmares que o sofá da sala pertence-me, para sempre em todo o universo e em todos os universos alternativos menos nos universos onde possuir um sofá é proibido pela rainha.Oh, and lastly, please initial here to confirm that ownership of the living room couch is hereby transferred to me in perpetuity all throughout the universe and all alternate universes except for those universes where owning a couch is forbidden by the hive queen.
Liga-me quando confirmares, está bem?Listen. Call me back when you confirm, okay?
- Não antes de confirmarmos que é o Faheen.- Not until I have confirmation it's Faheen.
- Não ataquem até confirmarmos que o pacote foi entregue.- Do not engage until we've confirmed - the package has been delivered.
Agradeça-me quando confirmarmos a informação que está nessa pen.You can thank me after we confirm the information is on that drive.
Antes de confirmarmos:However, before we confirm,

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