Forbinde (to connect) conjugation

21 examples
This verb can also mean the following: link, bandage

Conjugation of forbinde

Bokmål present tense
I connect
Bokmål past tense
I connected
Bokmål future tense
vil forbinde
I will connect
Bokmål conditional tense
ville forbinde
I would connect
Bokmål imperative tense
I connect
Bokmål present perfect tense
har forbundet
I have connected
Bokmål past perfect tense
hadde forbundet
I had connected
Bokmål future perfect tense
vil ha forbundet
I will have connected
Bokmål conditional perfect tense
ville ha forbundet
I would have connected

Examples of forbinde

Example in NorwegianTranslation in English
For å forbinde hele befolkningen permanent trenger vi en mye større generator.In order to reconnect the entire population permanently, we'd need a much bigger neuroeIectric field generator.
Du bygger broer for å forbinde land.What gives you the right? I tell you what gives me the right. You build bridges to connect points of land.
En måte å forbinde alle avdelingene.Some way of connecting with other chapters...
Du må forbinde den hydrauliske manifolden til den ytre dør-mekanismen, slik at indikatoren viser "lukket" når døren egentlig er åpen.You must connect the hydraulic manifold... to the outside door mechanism... so that the indicator reads "shut" when the door is actually open.
Men jeg kunne ikke forbinde den stemmen med denne mannen.I'd heard his voice on the tape, and it really put the hook in me... but I couldn't connect up that voice with this man.
For å forbinde hele befolkningen permanent trenger vi en mye større generator.In order to reconnect the entire population permanently, we'd need a much bigger neuroeIectric field generator.
Intet må forbinde gutten til dette kontoret.There must be nothing that connects the boy to this office. Nothing.
Senatets kontrollkomité vil nok kunne forbinde deg til drapet.l'm sure the Senate Oversight Committee won't have any problem connecting you to the murder.
Du hører en melodi og ser en ring og forbinder det med et avisutklipp.A waltz runs through your head. You don't like the initials on a ring and connect it up with a newspaper clipping.
Hvis de forbinder Hanks forsvinning til drapet, vil de tvinge meg til å si hva Bernard hvisket til meg.I can't bring the police in. l'd even thought of taking that chance. But the minute they connect Hank' s disappearance with Louis Bernard's murder, then the first thing they'll do is make me tell them what Louis Bernard whispered to me in the market place.
Veiene våre forbinder verden.Our roads and ships connect every corner of the earth.
De prøver å stenge veien som forbinder den med Tel Aviv.They're trying to close the road that connects it with Tel Aviv.
Dette er grøften vi graver som forbinder Hvite Nilen til Bla Nilen.And this is the ditch we're digging connecting the White Nile to the Blue Nile.
To: hvis han gjorde, kanskje han ikke forbandt det med sine handlinger.Two: If he did, he may not have connected it with his own acts.
Noe forbandt bøndenes stein med sagnet om Sankara-steinene.Something connected-- the villagers' rock and the old legend of the Sankara Stones.
Da Margo leste om donasjonen din i avisen, forbandt hun deg til skipsvraket.When Margo read about your donation in the paper, she connected you to the shipwreck.
Mr. Leary, jeg har kjent til planen din i ukevis, og tror det er den skitneste, mest bedervede politikk, som noensinne har vært i staten Oklahoma, og jeg skal knuse deg og alle forbundet med denMr. Leary, I've known all about your scheme for weeks... and I think it's the dirtiest, filthiest piece of politics... that ever came into the State of Oklahoma... and I'll smash you and everybody connected with it...
Vi har fanget inn alle forbundet med overfallet.We rounded up ever man connected with the ambush.
Det er en historie forbundet med den.- Certainly. There's a story connected with this inscription.
Det har vært nok vold forbundet med Devereaux Ranch.There's been enough violence connected with Devereaux Ranch.
Etter det blir de forbundet med et kompleks av datamaskiner.After that, they are connected... to a gigantic complex of computers.

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