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Charger (to charge) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of charger

Present tense
je charge
I charge
tu charges
you charge
il/elle/on charge
he/she/it charges
nous chargeons
we charge
vous chargez
you all charge
ils/elles chargent
they charge
Present perfect tense
j’ai chargé
I charged
tu as chargé
you charged
il/elle/on a chargé
he/she/it charged
nous avons chargé
we charged
vous avez chargé
you all charged
ils/elles ont chargé
they charged
Past impf. tense
je chargeais
I was charging
tu chargeais
you were charging
il/elle/on chargeait
he/she/it was charging
nous chargions
we were charging
vous chargiez
you all were charging
ils/elles chargeaient
they were charging
Future tense
je chargerai
I will charge
tu chargeras
you will charge
il/elle/on chargera
he/she/it will charge
nous chargerons
we will charge
vous chargerez
you all will charge
ils/elles chargeront
they will charge
Past perfect tense
j’avais chargé
I had charged
tu avais chargé
you had charged
il/elle/on avait chargé
he/she/it had charged
nous avions chargé
we had charged
vous aviez chargé
you all had charged
ils/elles avaient chargé
they had charged
Past preterite tense
je chargeai
I charged
tu chargeas
you charged
il/elle/on chargea
he/she/it charged
nous chargeâmes
we charged
vous chargeâtes
you all charged
ils/elles chargèrent
they charged
Past anterior tense
j’eus chargé
I had charged
tu eus chargé
you had charged
il/elle/on eut chargé
he/she/it had charged
nous eûmes chargé
we had charged
vous eûtes chargé
you all had charged
ils/elles eurent chargé
they had charged
Future perfect tense
j’aurai chargé
I will have charged
tu auras chargé
you will have charged
il/elle/on aura chargé
he/she/it will have charged
nous aurons chargé
we will have charged
vous aurez chargé
you all will have charged
ils/elles auront chargé
they will have charged
Present subjunctive tense
que je charge
that I charge
que tu charges
that you charge
qu’il/elle/on charge
that he/she/it charge
que nous chargions
that we charge
que vous chargiez
that you all charge
qu’ils/elles chargent
that they charge
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie chargé
that I have charged
que tu aies chargé
that you have charged
qu’il/elle/on ait chargé
that he/she/it have charged
que nous ayons chargé
that we have charged
que vous ayez chargé
that you all have charged
qu’ils/elles aient chargé
that they have charged
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je chargeasse
that I would charge
que tu chargeasses
that you would charge
qu’il/elle/on chargeât
that he/she/it would charge
que nous chargeassions
that we would charge
que vous chargeassiez
that you all would charge
qu’ils/elles chargeassent
that they would charge
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse chargé
that I had charged
que tu eusses chargé
that you had charged
qu’il/elle/on eût chargé
that he/she/it had charged
que nous eussions chargé
that we had charged
que vous eussiez chargé
that you all had charged
qu’ils/elles eussent chargé
that they had charged
Conditional mood
je chargerais
I would charge
tu chargerais
you would charge
il/elle/on chargerait
he/she/it would charge
nous chargerions
we would charge
vous chargeriez
you all would charge
ils/elles chargeraient
they would charge
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais chargé
I would have charged
tu aurais chargé
you would have charged
il/elle/on aurait chargé
he/she/it would have charged
nous aurions chargé
we would have charged
vous auriez chargé
you all would have charged
ils/elles auraient chargé
they would have charged
Imperative mood
let's charge!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie chargé
have charged
ayons chargé
let's have charged
ayez chargé
have charged

Examples of charger

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"tel un taureau prêt à charger."like a bull about to charge.
# Mener le combat, charger dans le tas #Lead the fight And charge the brigades
- "Ah ouais, t'es qui, mon père ?" - Demande leur de me laisser un port usb juste un... que je puisse charger mon portable.Would you kindly ask them to just remove one plug... just one... so I can charge my phone.
- Ce que je veux dire, c'est que tu ne peux pas charger comme un orignal.- What I'm tryin' to say is, you can't charge her like a bull moose charging' for his mate!
- J'ai réussi à le faire charger.I finally got it charged.
"Je suis chargé directement par le roi lui-même"l am straightly charged by the King himself...
"L'avocat est chargé de représenter Steve Crocker, propriétaire de Frank, "accusé d'infraction à la loi sur les chiens dangereux.Counsel is instructed to represent Steve Crocker, owner of Frank, who is charged under Section One of the Dangerous Dogs Act.
"quand le lieutenant Roscoe a chargé en tirant."...when Lt. Roscoe charged forward, firing his rifle.
- C'est bon. C'est chargé.- Capacitors charged.
- C'est chargé ?- Is it charged?
"Aucune charge ne doit être retenue contre M. Lucas"No charge must be put against M. Lucas
"Aucune charge retenue contre un imam local" ?"Local imam cleared of all charges"?
"Avec nous ce soir," l'homme en charge de la sécurité publique, Guillermo Nieto, pour discuter des différents aspects de son programme pour notre cité.Here with us tonight, the man in charge of public security, Guillermo Nieto, to discuss different aspects of his program for our city.
"Charge of the Light Brigade" de Tennyson est le récit d'un tragique malentendu entre un commandant et ses soldats qui provoqua la charge de 600 cavaliers sous les feux des canons ennemis.Tennyson's "Charge of the Light Brigade" is a tragic story of miscommunication between a commander and his soldiers which caused a group of 600 cavalrymen to charge springing them into the host of enemy cannons.
"En représailles au meurtre dont vous êtes l'auteur une charge explosive importante a été déposée dans vos locaux.Aha... "...as Vengeance for the murder you committed, a powerful explosive charge has been placed in the building.
"Frères, chargez !""Brothers, charge!"
- Deuxième ligne, chargez !- Second line, charge!
- Pour le Général Mongo, chargez !- For General Mongo, charge!
- Une autre adré, chargez à 360.- Another epi, charge 360.
A vrai dire, pendant que Walter se remet, il m'a demandé de prendre en charge le quotidien d'une façon plus explicite-- vous les gars vous chargez de la science,Actually, while Walter rehabbed, he asked me to take charge of the day-to-day in a more meaningful way-- you guys handle the science,
Avec cette huile sacrée, bénie par la main de notre Dieu tout-puissant nous t'oignons toi, Charles Valois seigneur et roi de ce grand royaume qu'est la France te chargeant de défendre la foi de notre Sainte Mère l'Eglise aussi longtemps que tu vivras.With this sacred oil, blessed by the hand of God the Father Almighty... we do anoint thee, Charles Valois... to be sovereign lord and king of this great kingdom of France... charging that we should defend the faith of our Mother Holy Church... as long as ye shall live.
Donc, vous étiez sur le champ de bataille avec votre épée en main l'agitant autour de votre tête, chargeant l'ennemi hurlant à l'ennemi, vous battant pour votre vie et vous espérez nous faire croire qu'au milieu de toutte cette excitation vous n'avez jamais tué personne.So, you were on the battlefield with your sword in your hand... waving it above your head, charging against the enemy... screaming at the enemy, fighting for your life... and you expect us to believe... that in them idle of all this excitement... you never killed anyone.
Et on ne riquera pas la vie des gamins en chargeant et en tirant à vue.And we won't risk children's lives charging in, shooting blind.
Harridan aurait sauvé la mission en chargeant vers une mort certaine et en en ressortant miraculeusement indemne.It seems Harridan saved the mission by charging straight into certain death and miraculously emerged unscathed.
Je me suis souvent imaginé dans la police montée, chargeant sabre au clair des grévistes dont je conduisais moi-même le cortège.I often imagined myself in the mounted police charging sabre in hand at the strikers where I was also the leader of the procession.

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