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Charmer (to charm) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of charmer

Present tense
je charme
I charm
tu charmes
you charm
il/elle/on charme
he/she/it charms
nous charmons
we charm
vous charmez
you all charm
ils/elles charment
they charm
Present perfect tense
j’ai charmé
I charmed
tu as charmé
you charmed
il/elle/on a charmé
he/she/it charmed
nous avons charmé
we charmed
vous avez charmé
you all charmed
ils/elles ont charmé
they charmed
Past impf. tense
je charmais
I was charming
tu charmais
you were charming
il/elle/on charmait
he/she/it was charming
nous charmions
we were charming
vous charmiez
you all were charming
ils/elles charmaient
they were charming
Future tense
je charmerai
I will charm
tu charmeras
you will charm
il/elle/on charmera
he/she/it will charm
nous charmerons
we will charm
vous charmerez
you all will charm
ils/elles charmeront
they will charm
Past perfect tense
j’avais charmé
I had charmed
tu avais charmé
you had charmed
il/elle/on avait charmé
he/she/it had charmed
nous avions charmé
we had charmed
vous aviez charmé
you all had charmed
ils/elles avaient charmé
they had charmed
Past preterite tense
je charmai
I charmed
tu charmas
you charmed
il/elle/on charma
he/she/it charmed
nous charmâmes
we charmed
vous charmâtes
you all charmed
ils/elles charmèrent
they charmed
Past anterior tense
j’eus charmé
I had charmed
tu eus charmé
you had charmed
il/elle/on eut charmé
he/she/it had charmed
nous eûmes charmé
we had charmed
vous eûtes charmé
you all had charmed
ils/elles eurent charmé
they had charmed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai charmé
I will have charmed
tu auras charmé
you will have charmed
il/elle/on aura charmé
he/she/it will have charmed
nous aurons charmé
we will have charmed
vous aurez charmé
you all will have charmed
ils/elles auront charmé
they will have charmed
Present subjunctive tense
que je charme
that I charm
que tu charmes
that you charm
qu’il/elle/on charme
that he/she/it charm
que nous charmions
that we charm
que vous charmiez
that you all charm
qu’ils/elles charment
that they charm
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie charmé
that I have charmed
que tu aies charmé
that you have charmed
qu’il/elle/on ait charmé
that he/she/it have charmed
que nous ayons charmé
that we have charmed
que vous ayez charmé
that you all have charmed
qu’ils/elles aient charmé
that they have charmed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je charmasse
that I would charm
que tu charmasses
that you would charm
qu’il/elle/on charmât
that he/she/it would charm
que nous charmassions
that we would charm
que vous charmassiez
that you all would charm
qu’ils/elles charmassent
that they would charm
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse charmé
that I had charmed
que tu eusses charmé
that you had charmed
qu’il/elle/on eût charmé
that he/she/it had charmed
que nous eussions charmé
that we had charmed
que vous eussiez charmé
that you all had charmed
qu’ils/elles eussent charmé
that they had charmed
Conditional mood
je charmerais
I would charm
tu charmerais
you would charm
il/elle/on charmerait
he/she/it would charm
nous charmerions
we would charm
vous charmeriez
you all would charm
ils/elles charmeraient
they would charm
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais charmé
I would have charmed
tu aurais charmé
you would have charmed
il/elle/on aurait charmé
he/she/it would have charmed
nous aurions charmé
we would have charmed
vous auriez charmé
you all would have charmed
ils/elles auraient charmé
they would have charmed
Imperative mood
let's charm!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie charmé
have charmed
ayons charmé
let's have charmed
ayez charmé
have charmed

Examples of charmer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Cela pourrait charmer le ver de Dampton lui-même, Peters.""That would charm the Lampton Worm itself out from its hole, Peters.
"Tout le monde qui veut te charmer ..."Every one of which wants to charm you...
- Descends nous charmer, veux-tu?- Come down and charm us, will you?
- Elle voulait dire "charmer".- She means charm your way.
- En effet. Mickey saura la charmer sans se dénuder, c'est son don.Mickey can spin his charm and still keep his trousers on.
- Charmé, ma chère. Doublement charmé.- Charmed, my dear, doubly-charmed.
- Elle l'a vraiment charmé.- She really charmed him.
- Je suis charmé.I'm charmed now.
- Madame, j'ai été charmé.Madame, I was charmed. Positively charmed.
- Vous avez charmé Hulk ?- You charmed the Hulk, huh?
" Chère Madame Singer, je vous remercie de votre lettre de charme,"Dear Miss Singer, thank you for your charming letter,
"Désespère de ton charme,"Despair thy charm;
"Il y a de l'amour dans l'air, votre charme fera des ravages."'Romance is in the air today. No one can resist your obvious charms.'
"J'ai été balayée par une lame de fond de charme."I was swept away on a wave of charm.
"Jeunes filles, il convient de préserver sa dignité et son charme féminin."And so, young ladies, feminine charm and dignity must be preserved.
Car je me suis casée le cul pour le faire signer, et vous vous le charmez en faisant la seule chose que je vous ai dit de ne pas faire.Because I busted my butt to sign him, and you charm him by doing the one thing I told you not to do.
Et charmez-les.You charm them.
Mais quand vous dansez vous me charmezAh, but when you dance you're charming and you're gentle
Si vous me charmez et n'avez aucune intention de m'aider...If this is just you being charming and you have no intention of actually helping me here--
Si vous ne la charmez pas, personne ne le pourra !If you can't charm her, no-one can.
" Vous paraissez si charmant en colère. ""You look so charming when you are angry."
"Athlétique et intelligent, gentil et charmant"Athletic and smart, kind and charming,
"Cher André, quel charmant gala!"Dear Andre, what a charming gala Christine was, in a word, sublime
"Comment dire charmant"So, so kind of charming
"Connaissez-vous ma nièce et son charmant bâtard ?""Have you met my niece and her charming bastard?"

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