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Chaumer (to mow) conjugation


Conjugation of chaumer

Present tense
je chaume
I mow
tu chaumes
you mow
il/elle/on chaume
he/she/it mows
nous chaumons
we mow
vous chaumez
you all mow
ils/elles chaument
they mow
Present perfect tense
j’ai chaumé
I mowed
tu as chaumé
you mowed
il/elle/on a chaumé
he/she/it mowed
nous avons chaumé
we mowed
vous avez chaumé
you all mowed
ils/elles ont chaumé
they mowed
Past impf. tense
je chaumais
I was mowing
tu chaumais
you were mowing
il/elle/on chaumait
he/she/it was mowing
nous chaumions
we were mowing
vous chaumiez
you all were mowing
ils/elles chaumaient
they were mowing
Future tense
je chaumerai
I will mow
tu chaumeras
you will mow
il/elle/on chaumera
he/she/it will mow
nous chaumerons
we will mow
vous chaumerez
you all will mow
ils/elles chaumeront
they will mow
Past perfect tense
j’avais chaumé
I had mowed
tu avais chaumé
you had mowed
il/elle/on avait chaumé
he/she/it had mowed
nous avions chaumé
we had mowed
vous aviez chaumé
you all had mowed
ils/elles avaient chaumé
they had mowed
Past preterite tense
je chaumai
I mowed
tu chaumas
you mowed
il/elle/on chauma
he/she/it mowed
nous chaumâmes
we mowed
vous chaumâtes
you all mowed
ils/elles chaumèrent
they mowed
Past anterior tense
j’eus chaumé
I had mowed
tu eus chaumé
you had mowed
il/elle/on eut chaumé
he/she/it had mowed
nous eûmes chaumé
we had mowed
vous eûtes chaumé
you all had mowed
ils/elles eurent chaumé
they had mowed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai chaumé
I will have mowed
tu auras chaumé
you will have mowed
il/elle/on aura chaumé
he/she/it will have mowed
nous aurons chaumé
we will have mowed
vous aurez chaumé
you all will have mowed
ils/elles auront chaumé
they will have mowed
Present subjunctive tense
que je chaume
that I mow
que tu chaumes
that you mow
qu’il/elle/on chaume
that he/she/it mow
que nous chaumions
that we mow
que vous chaumiez
that you all mow
qu’ils/elles chaument
that they mow
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie chaumé
that I have mowed
que tu aies chaumé
that you have mowed
qu’il/elle/on ait chaumé
that he/she/it have mowed
que nous ayons chaumé
that we have mowed
que vous ayez chaumé
that you all have mowed
qu’ils/elles aient chaumé
that they have mowed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je chaumasse
that I would mow
que tu chaumasses
that you would mow
qu’il/elle/on chaumât
that he/she/it would mow
que nous chaumassions
that we would mow
que vous chaumassiez
that you all would mow
qu’ils/elles chaumassent
that they would mow
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse chaumé
that I had mowed
que tu eusses chaumé
that you had mowed
qu’il/elle/on eût chaumé
that he/she/it had mowed
que nous eussions chaumé
that we had mowed
que vous eussiez chaumé
that you all had mowed
qu’ils/elles eussent chaumé
that they had mowed
Conditional mood
je chaumerais
I would mow
tu chaumerais
you would mow
il/elle/on chaumerait
he/she/it would mow
nous chaumerions
we would mow
vous chaumeriez
you all would mow
ils/elles chaumeraient
they would mow
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais chaumé
I would have mowed
tu aurais chaumé
you would have mowed
il/elle/on aurait chaumé
he/she/it would have mowed
nous aurions chaumé
we would have mowed
vous auriez chaumé
you all would have mowed
ils/elles auraient chaumé
they would have mowed
Imperative mood
let's mow!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie chaumé
have mowed
ayons chaumé
let's have mowed
ayez chaumé
have mowed

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