"Haluamme onnitella paria onnellisen liiton johdosta." | "We beg to congratulate the couple on their happy connection." |
- Eikö sinun pitäisi onnitella Ellietä? | Don't you think you should go in and congratulate Ellie? |
- Ensin haluan onnitella sinua. | We can get to that in a minute. First i want to congratulate you. |
- Etkö aio onnitella minua? | Aren't you going to congratulate me? |
- Haluan onnitella sinua. - Kiitos. | - Margie, I wanted to congratulate you. |
Ei vietän kuherruskuukautta, suoltaa loukkauksia - eikä edes onnittele. | Did you listen? No while I'm on my honeymoon, mouth full of insults, don't even bother to congratulate me. |
Ei, älä onnittele. | No, no, don't congratulate me. |
En onnittele sinua asian hoidosta. | I won't congratulate you for that handling. |
Etkö onnittele isääsi, Porter? | Porter, aren't you gonna congratulate your father? |
Etkö onnittele minua? | Aren't you going to congratulate me? |
- Et ole onnitellut. | I noticed you haven't congratulated me yet, so I wanted to give you a chance to make up for it. |
En koskaan onnitellut teitä paostanne. | I never congratulated you on your escape. Good show! |
En koskaan virallisesti onnitellut sinua ylennyksestä. | I never formally congratulated you on your promotion. |
En ole onnitellut sinua astumisesta vakuutusmaailmaan. | It occurs to me I haven't congratulated you on your new venture with the insurance company, Leda. |
En ole onnitellut sinua. | I have not congratulated you. |