Et anna väen lipsua. | You don't let people slide. |
Olen ollut hermostunut ja antanut asioiden lipsua. | I've been distracted, and I let a lot of things slide. |
Olet alkanut lipsua, Graham. | Youve been letting things slide, Graham. |
Tunsin, että otteeni alkoi lipsua. | It's gonna be difficult to hang onto 'cause I could feel myself starting to kind of slide off. |
Voit lipsua hieman. | It's okay if you backslide a little. |
Kätesi lipsuvat ratista. | Your hands are gonna slide right off the wheel. |
Olet lipsumassa takaisin helvetin liekkeihin. | You are backsliding into the flames of hell. |
Arvostettu terapeutti sanoi minulle, että lipsuminen on tavallista. | A reputable shrink once told me that backsliding was normal. |