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Deslizarse (to slide) conjugation

29 examples

Conjugation of deslizarse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me deslizo
I slide
te deslizas
you slide
se desliza
he/she/it slides
nos deslizamos
we slide
os deslizáis
you all slide
se deslizan
they slide
Present perfect tense
he deslizado
I have slid
has deslizado
you have slid
ha deslizado
he/she/it has slid
hemos deslizado
we have slid
habéis deslizado
you all have slid
han deslizado
they have slid
Past preterite tense
me deslicé
I slid
te deslizaste
you slid
se deslizó
he/she/it slid
nos deslizamos
we slid
os deslizasteis
you all slid
se deslizaron
they slid
Future tense
me deslizaré
I will slide
te deslizarás
you will slide
se deslizará
he/she/it will slide
nos deslizaremos
we will slide
os deslizaréis
you all will slide
se deslizarán
they will slide
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me deslizaría
I would slide
te deslizarías
you would slide
se deslizaría
he/she/it would slide
nos deslizaríamos
we would slide
os deslizaríais
you all would slide
se deslizarían
they would slide
Past imperfect tense
me deslizaba
I used to slide
te deslizabas
you used to slide
se deslizaba
he/she/it used to slide
nos deslizábamos
we used to slide
os deslizabais
you all used to slide
se deslizaban
they used to slide
Past perfect tense
había deslizado
I had slid
habías deslizado
you had slid
había deslizado
he/she/it had slid
habíamos deslizado
we had slid
habíais deslizado
you all had slid
habían deslizado
they had slid
Future perfect tense
habré deslizado
I will have slid
habrás deslizado
you will have slid
habrá deslizado
he/she/it will have slid
habremos deslizado
we will have slid
habréis deslizado
you all will have slid
habrán deslizado
they will have slid
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me deslice
(if/so that) I slide
te deslices
(if/so that) you slide
se deslice
(if/so that) he/she/it slide
nos deslicemos
(if/so that) we slide
os deslicéis
(if/so that) you all slide
se deslicen
(if/so that) they slide
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya deslizado
I have slid
hayas deslizado
you have slid
haya deslizado
he/she/it has slid
hayamos deslizado
we have slid
hayáis deslizado
you all have slid
hayan deslizado
they have slid
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me deslizara
(if/so that) I have slid
te deslizaras
(if/so that) you have slid
se deslizara
(if/so that) he/she/it have slid
nos deslizáramos
(if/so that) we have slid
os deslizarais
(if/so that) you all have slid
se deslizaran
(if/so that) they have slid
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me deslizase
(if/so that) I have slid
te deslizases
(if/so that) you have slid
se deslizase
(if/so that) he/she/it have slid
nos deslizásemos
(if/so that) we have slid
os deslizaseis
(if/so that) you all have slid
se deslizasen
(if/so that) they have slid
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera deslizado
I had slid
hubieras deslizado
you had slid
hubiera deslizado
he/she/it had slid
hubiéramos deslizado
we had slid
hubierais deslizado
you all had slid
hubieran deslizado
they had slid
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese deslizado
I had slid
hubieses deslizado
you had slid
hubiese deslizado
he/she/it had slid
hubiésemos deslizado
we had slid
hubieseis deslizado
you all had slid
hubiesen deslizado
they had slid
Future subjunctive tense
me deslizare
(if/so that) I will have slid
te deslizares
(if/so that) you will have slid
se deslizare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have slid
nos deslizáremos
(if/so that) we will have slid
os deslizareis
(if/so that) you all will have slid
se deslizaren
(if/so that) they will have slid
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere deslizado
I will have slid
hubieres deslizado
you will have slid
hubiere deslizado
he/she/it will have slid
hubiéremos deslizado
we will have slid
hubiereis deslizado
you all will have slid
hubieren deslizado
they will have slid
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's slide!
Imperative negative mood
no te deslices
do not slide!
no se deslice
let him/her/it slide!
no nos deslicemos
let us not slide!
no os deslicéis
do not slide!
no se deslicen
do not slide!

Examples of deslizarse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Y les gusta deslizarse en las barras.- And they like to slide on poles.
Bueno, es más fácil para él deslizarse hacia la academia y diseccionar el trabajo de otros de lo que es sobresalir por sus propias palabras.Well, it's easier for him to slide into academia and dissect the work of others than it is to stand by his own words.
Cuando el dolar empieze a deslizarse, y esto siempre fué la pesadilla de Paul Adolph Volker,When the dollar starts to slide
El Profesor les dio el chip necesario para deslizarse.Professor gave them the new chip they needed to slide.
El uso primario es para poder deslizarse dentro de ajustados trajes de látex.Primary use is to slide on skintight latex suits.
* Nos han dejado en una situación difícil * * tuvimos que dar un gran paso atrás * * ahora estás bailando tobogán eléctrico * * sigue deslizándote * * deslízate ahora hacia tu futuro * * cambia el mundo de una parte a la vez *♪ We've been given a raw deal ♪ ♪ had to take a big step backwards ♪ ♪ now you're dancing electric slide ♪
*Pon el pie derecho delante, el pie izquierdo detrás* *y deslízate como un esquimal.*Put your right foot forward and your left foot back then **** slide around like on a Nordic track.
Acá, resbala, muévete, deslízate.Here, slip, move, slide, duck.
Deslízate, deslízate, cuando yo patino, patino, patinoSlide, slide, when I glide, glide, glide
Está bien, deslízate por el pasamanos y mami te dará un besito.All right, slide down the banister and mummy will give you a quick kiss.
Ahora, algo más, hm... déjese caer sobre la pared... y ahora, deslícese hacia abajo... hasta... el suelo.Now, sort of slump against the wall and then slide down to...
Por favor, deslícese.Please slide over.
Así ma, ¿qué hay? , deslicémonos, bien, bien...So ma, what's up, let's slide, all right, all right?
Hey ma, ¿qué hay? , deslicémonos, bien, bien.Hey ma, what's up, let's slide, all right, all right.
La próxima la próxima vez que se apague la luz ustedes vayan a la parte de atrás del barco, deslícense y enfilen hacia la orilla.Next... next time the light goes out, you guys head to the back of the boat, slide off and head towards the beach.
Si no regreso en 24 horas, deslícense sin mí.If I'm not back in 24 hours, you guys slide without me.
- Creí que nunca te habías deslizado.Felix? - I thought you never slide.
- Ni colocado ni deslizado, metido.Not placed or slid, but shoved.
- Sí, me he deslizado dentro.- Yes I've slid into it.
Como si lo hubiera deslizado en la mano de alguien.As if he slid it onto someone's hand.
Con el agua se había deslizado unos 10 metros, la bolsa se había abierto y se habían salido algunos pedazos.With the downpour, it had slid ten meters, the bag was open and some pieces had come out.
Cierra los ojos y deslizate en el suelo.I want you to close your eyes... ...andIwantyou to slide on the floor.
Digo.: "Pisala y deslizate como un demonio"# I said, "Romp and stomp and slide like the devil on a thread"
Slip and slide, get loose Duermete y deslizate, pierdeteSlip and slide, get loose
Ahora Dawn está deslizándose por su espalda.Dawn now sliding down her back.
Alicia tratando de correr en esto. Chelsea deslizándose sobre esto.Alicia trying to run on this.Chelsea slip-sliding on it.
Andy estará tan cachondo por todos los gritones coreanos, que no querrá saber qué le pegó hasta que esté deslizándose por nuestra camaAndy will be so turned on by all the screaming Koreans, he won't know what hit him until he's sliding around our bed
De repente, ella puede ver al malvado Simón de Legree deslizándose en el río, con sus sabuesos y sus esclavos.Of a sudden, she can see Wicked Simon of Legree sliding cross the river fast with his bloodhounds and his slaves.
El "ahora" es este pequeño momento, constantemente en movimiento, en el que vivimos y que está deslizándose como una gota sobre un cable, del pasado hacia el futuro.That the now is just this constantly moving, tiny little moment that we're all in that is sliding inexorably along a wire from past to future.

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