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Planificar (to plan) conjugation

74 examples

Conjugation of planificar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I plan
you plan
he/she/it plans
we plan
you all plan
they plan
Present perfect tense
he planificado
I have planned
has planificado
you have planned
ha planificado
he/she/it has planned
hemos planificado
we have planned
habéis planificado
you all have planned
han planificado
they have planned
Past preterite tense
I planned
you planned
he/she/it planned
we planned
you all planned
they planned
Future tense
I will plan
you will plan
he/she/it will plan
we will plan
you all will plan
they will plan
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would plan
you would plan
he/she/it would plan
we would plan
you all would plan
they would plan
Past imperfect tense
I used to plan
you used to plan
he/she/it used to plan
we used to plan
you all used to plan
they used to plan
Past perfect tense
había planificado
I had planned
habías planificado
you had planned
había planificado
he/she/it had planned
habíamos planificado
we had planned
habíais planificado
you all had planned
habían planificado
they had planned
Future perfect tense
habré planificado
I will have planned
habrás planificado
you will have planned
habrá planificado
he/she/it will have planned
habremos planificado
we will have planned
habréis planificado
you all will have planned
habrán planificado
they will have planned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I plan
(if/so that) you plan
(if/so that) he/she/it plan
(if/so that) we plan
(if/so that) you all plan
(if/so that) they plan
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya planificado
I have planned
hayas planificado
you have planned
haya planificado
he/she/it has planned
hayamos planificado
we have planned
hayáis planificado
you all have planned
hayan planificado
they have planned
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have planned
(if/so that) you have planned
(if/so that) he/she/it have planned
(if/so that) we have planned
(if/so that) you all have planned
(if/so that) they have planned
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have planned
(if/so that) you have planned
(if/so that) he/she/it have planned
(if/so that) we have planned
(if/so that) you all have planned
(if/so that) they have planned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera planificado
I had planned
hubieras planificado
you had planned
hubiera planificado
he/she/it had planned
hubiéramos planificado
we had planned
hubierais planificado
you all had planned
hubieran planificado
they had planned
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese planificado
I had planned
hubieses planificado
you had planned
hubiese planificado
he/she/it had planned
hubiésemos planificado
we had planned
hubieseis planificado
you all had planned
hubiesen planificado
they had planned
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have planned
(if/so that) you will have planned
(if/so that) he/she/it will have planned
(if/so that) we will have planned
(if/so that) you all will have planned
(if/so that) they will have planned
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere planificado
I will have planned
hubieres planificado
you will have planned
hubiere planificado
he/she/it will have planned
hubiéremos planificado
we will have planned
hubiereis planificado
you all will have planned
hubieren planificado
they will have planned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's plan!
Imperative negative mood
no planifiques
do not plan!
no planifique
let him/her/it plan!
no planifiquemos
let us not plan!
no planifiquéis
do not plan!
no planifiquen
do not plan!

Examples of planificar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
" Nuestro mejor esfuerzo para planificar nuestro futuro"? Try our best to plan our future ?
(Locutor) Pero primero, tienen que planificar sus menús.But first, they have to plan their menus.
*Quinientos veinticinco mil viajes que planificar*♪ Five hundred twenty-five thousand journeys to plan ♪ ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
- Detective, me gustaría planificar cómo compartimos información crucial como esta.- Detective, we like to plan how we share important information like that.
- Podríamos planificar de nuevo, revivir nuestros sueños.- We could start to plan again, revive our dreams.
- Yo no planifico.- I don't plan.
Así que planifico toda la semana, para que todo sea perfecto, pero, inevitablemente, algo saldrá mal, algunas personas se rinden ante los obstáculos.So you plan all week, wanting everything to be perfect, but inevitably, something will go wrong, and some people hit those hurdles and they give up.
Como un ejercicio mental, a menudo planifico la muerte de mis amigos y colegas.As a mental exercise, I've often planned the murder of friends and colleagues.
Es solo, es el... ya sabe, esto es lo que hago es planifico, y luego o plasmo...It's just, it's the... you know, this is what I do is I plan it out, and then I put it...
Escucha, Lil, ya sabes que nunca planifico esas cosas.Listen, Lil, you know, we never plan these things.
-Nunca planificas nada.- You never plan ahead!
Cuando planificas un escape, la paciencia es clave.When planning an escape, patience is key.
Cuando planificas una boda hay una pareja con gustos similares que parece adelantarse siempre.When you're planning a wedding, there's always one couple with similar taste that seems to be one step ahead of you.
Es como si fueras de vacaciones, lo planificas todo hasta el último detalle.It's kind of like when you go on vacation. You plan everything out.
No, creo que te construyes tu vida, y sólo consigues lo que planificas.No, I believe you make your own life, and you only get what you plan for.
Así que planifica con antelación.Okay? So he definitely plans ahead.
Bueno, sabemos de lo que es capaz cuando planifica.Well,we know what he's capable of when he plans ahead.
Claramente, el animal planifica, actúa y recuerda.Clearly, the animal plans, acts, and remembers.
Durante tres días al año, se convierte en un demonio... porque cuando planifica todo esto del cumpleaños... se vuelve un poquito chiflada.For three days each year, she turns into a holy terror, 'cause whenever she plans these birthday things, she goes a little mental.
El gobernador Phillips planifica por grandes edificios y amplias calles por las que nunca se avinieron, pero nosotros podriamos construir unos pocos edificios hechos de ladrillos y madera.Governor Phillips plans for grand buildings and wide streets... never came about, but we could build a few buildings... made from bricks and woods.
- Así planificamos nuestra agenda.- Laid our plans accordingly.
- Lo planificamos ... diferentemente.- We planned it... differently.
Ahora, esto no es exactamente como planificamos nuestra jubilación.Now, this isn't exactly how we planned our retirement.
Así como planificamos.Just like we planned.
Aún haremos todo lo que planificamos.We'll still do all the things we planned.
# La vida que los amantes planifican ## Lovers' lives are planned #
A Moralo Eval le gustan los hombres que planifican.Moralo Eval likes a man who plans ahead.
Ahora duerme y mañana hablamos largo y tendido. Sobre todo de jardines, se planifican a tres años vista.Now go to sleep and tomorrow we'll have a long talk, especially about the gardens, because they're all planned three years ahead.
Estas cosas se planifican.This sort of thing needs to be planned.
Los administradores planifican por ellos.Administrators plan for them.
- No planifiqué el vestido perfecto... el anillo perfecto, la boda perfecta.I planned for this. This is all I've wanted.
-Ya planifiqué todo, Misha.-I have it all planned, Misha.
Así es que planifiqué mi broche de oroSo I planned my perfect end
El menú que planifiqué es demasiado ambicioso.The menu I planned is way too ambitious.
En realidad, yo planifiqué la operación.Really, I planned the whole operation.
Lo planificaste así, Desafiando mis ordenes.You planned it that way in defiance of my orders.
Sabias que me enteraría, planificaste todo ello.You knew I'd figure it out, you planned it that way.
¡Tú planificaste y ejecutaste estos asesinatos!You planned and carried out these killings!
¿Pensaste en mi cuando planificaste tu viaje?Did you think of me when you planned your trip?
'Victor planificó todo el asunto, Dhillon.'No, you don't! Victor planned the whole thing, Dhillon.
- Lo siento sr. planificó bien su fuga.I'm sorry, sir, the thief had his escape well planned.
Así es, se planificó todo este derecho desde el principio.That's right, we planned all this right from the start.
Bien, creo saber cómo Kate Jordan planificó cambiar su testimonio.All right, I think I know how Kate Jordan planned to change her testimony.
El hecho es que ella planificó este sistema de guía.The fact is, she planned this guidance system.
Hubo pocos límites al pensamiento de Nixon. Él y Kissinger planificaron un salvaje ataque posiblemente con armas nucleares en el otoño de 1969 pero se vieron frustrados cuando millones en todo el país participaron en una moratoria en octubre y 750 mil manifestantes se congregaron en Washington en noviembre.There were few limits to Nixon's thinking he and Kissinger planned for a savage attack possibly using nuclear weapons in the fall of 1969 but were thwarted when millions parti- cipated nationwide in an Oct. moratorium and 3/4 million protesters flocked to Washington in november
No solo se vengaron sino que planificaron el futuro de los 300 samuráis que no se vieron implicados.He took vengeance but also planned for the future of 300 who were not involved.
Quienquiera que los haya regresado, ¿dices que planificaron estos cambios?Who-whoever sent them back, you're saying they planned for these changes to take place? What about the Knox killings?
¿Debido a que los asesinatos se planificaron con antelación?Because the murders were planned in advance?
Si de verdad esa es tu excusa, yo planificaré tu boda.Shirley, if that really is your excuse, I will plan your wedding for you! Ooh-hoo!
Decirme que planifique mejor mi tiempo es como decirme que desarrolle alas. Y cosas como que me digan que me organice mejor, me ponen tan furiosa que el yoga es lo único que me relaja. Pero llego aquí y no hay sitio y tú me dices que planifique mejor mi tiempo.Telling me to plan ahead is like telling me to sprout wings, and it's things like being told to plan ahead that make me so crazy that yoga is the only thing that relaxes me, except I show up here, and I can't get in, and you tell me to plan ahead.
Dile a tu gente que no planifique vacaciones.Tell your people not to make vacation plans.
Entonces, sin previo aviso, sus vidas se apagarán y las chicas me entregarán a Rob justo a tiempo para que planifique el cumpleaños 18 del muchacho.Then, without warning, their lives will be snuffed out and the girls deliver Rob just in time for me to plan the boy's 18th birthday.
Lo único que le puedo decir es que se planifique mejor la próxima vez.Look, all I can tell you is plan ahead next time.
Me gustaría tener opciones y tomar las decisiones con Jill y que otra persona planifique nuestra boda.I would like to be given options and make those choices with Jill and have our day planned by somebody else.
A menos que planifiques invitarlos a la fiesta de Navidad de la compañía, Bert, no.Unless you plan on inviting them to the company's Christmas party, Bert, no.
La tomé del brazo y le dije: "Nunca planifiques.I grabbed her arm. Never plan, kid. Planning's for the poor.
Necesitamos que la planifiques.Well, we need you to plan it.
No planifiques tu vida alrededor de mí.Don't plan your life around me.
Todavía no planifiques el festejo por tu acreditación, campeón.Don't go planning your certification party yet, Champ.
Lo que yo deseo es que nosotros planifiquemos juntos nuestro futuro.What I want is for us to be planning our future together.
Mientras tanto, planifiquemos una entrada.In the meantime, get us an entry plan.
Quiero que nosotros seis lo planifiquemos juntos. ¿Si cariño?I want all six of us to plan it together. Really, baby?
Vamos al bar y planifiquemos nuestro imperio.Let's go to the bar, plan our empire.
Si van a mentir al menos planifiquen.If you planned it out, at least match your words. Rok:
'Elena Gavrik tiene inteligencia' 'que dice que hay un importante ataque planificado sobre Londres para hoy.''Elena Gavrik has intelligence 'that there's a major attack planned on London for today.'
- Bueno, de hecho, ha planificado... dos bodas sólo en el último año en las que uno o ambos cónyuges han estado casados anteriormente.- Well, in fact, you have planned... two weddings in the last year alone where one or both of the couple had previously been married.
- Cuatro meses más y este horrible experimento planificado se acabará.- Four more months and this horribly planned experiment is over.
- El sonido del progreso. - Tengo todo un complejo planificado.- Got a whole complex planned.
- Embarazo no planificado.Unplanned pregnancy.
" He estado planificando Al hacer esto mucho tiempo."I have been planning on doing this a long time.
(Off) "Pues que es una redada que llevábamos muchísimo tiempo planificando..."Well, we'd been planning the raid for some time.
A cara descubierta... Excavando, demoliendo... planificando, construyendo...Bareheaded, shoveling, wrecking, planning, building.
A la compañía no le importa si estás planificando un testamento o si la estás perforando como a un pozo de petróleo.The company doesn't care if you're estate planning or drilling her like an oil well.
Ahora, señoras, por casualidad ustedes no estaban planificando tener una pelea de almohadas, ¿verdad?Now,you ladies,you weren't planning on having a pillow fight,by any chance?

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