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Rencana (to plan) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah rencana
Present perfect tense
sudah rencana
Future perfect tense
akan sudah rencana
Future recent tense
rencana nanti
Future distant tense
rencana kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang rencana
Past distant tense
dulu rencana
Past recent tense
rencana tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja rencana

Examples of rencana

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
- Ada perubahan dalam rencana.- There was a change in plans.
Kau punya rencana besar malam ini?You got big plans tonight?
Semuanya, kita tetap pada rencana.Everyone, we stick to the plan.
Aku dan semua anggota tim punya rencana dan kita benar-benar membutuhkanmu.Me and the crew have a plan and we really need you.
Nah, biarkan apos; lihat, ia punya rencana rekayasa, laporan tanah, updats inspeksi.Well, let's see, he's got engineering plans, soil reports, inspection updats.

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