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Hablar (to talk) conjugation

150 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to speak, speak, to communicate using words

Conjugation of hablar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I talk
you talk
he/she/it talks
we talk
you all talk
they talk
Present perfect tense
he hablado
I have talked
has hablado
you have talked
ha hablado
he/she/it has talked
hemos hablado
we have talked
habéis hablado
you all have talked
han hablado
they have talked
Past preterite tense
I talked
you talked
he/she/it talked
we talked
you all talked
they talked
Future tense
I will talk
you will talk
he/she/it will talk
we will talk
you all will talk
they will talk
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would talk
you would talk
he/she/it would talk
we would talk
you all would talk
they would talk
Past imperfect tense
I used to talk
you used to talk
he/she/it used to talk
we used to talk
you all used to talk
they used to talk
Past perfect tense
había hablado
I had talked
habías hablado
you had talked
había hablado
he/she/it had talked
habíamos hablado
we had talked
habíais hablado
you all had talked
habían hablado
they had talked
Future perfect tense
habré hablado
I will have talked
habrás hablado
you will have talked
habrá hablado
he/she/it will have talked
habremos hablado
we will have talked
habréis hablado
you all will have talked
habrán hablado
they will have talked
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I talk
(if/so that) you talk
(if/so that) he/she/it talk
(if/so that) we talk
(if/so that) you all talk
(if/so that) they talk
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya hablado
I have talked
hayas hablado
you have talked
haya hablado
he/she/it has talked
hayamos hablado
we have talked
hayáis hablado
you all have talked
hayan hablado
they have talked
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have talked
(if/so that) you have talked
(if/so that) he/she/it have talked
(if/so that) we have talked
(if/so that) you all have talked
(if/so that) they have talked
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have talked
(if/so that) you have talked
(if/so that) he/she/it have talked
(if/so that) we have talked
(if/so that) you all have talked
(if/so that) they have talked
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera hablado
I had talked
hubieras hablado
you had talked
hubiera hablado
he/she/it had talked
hubiéramos hablado
we had talked
hubierais hablado
you all had talked
hubieran hablado
they had talked
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese hablado
I had talked
hubieses hablado
you had talked
hubiese hablado
he/she/it had talked
hubiésemos hablado
we had talked
hubieseis hablado
you all had talked
hubiesen hablado
they had talked
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have talked
(if/so that) you will have talked
(if/so that) he/she/it will have talked
(if/so that) we will have talked
(if/so that) you all will have talked
(if/so that) they will have talked
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere hablado
I will have talked
hubieres hablado
you will have talked
hubiere hablado
he/she/it will have talked
hubiéremos hablado
we will have talked
hubiereis hablado
you all will have talked
hubieren hablado
they will have talked
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's talk!
Imperative negative mood
no hables
do not talk!
no hable
let him/her/it talk!
no hablemos
let us not talk!
no habléis
do not talk!
no hablen
do not talk!

Examples of hablar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! Así que, qué, ¿nunca vas a hablar con ella otra vez?So, what, you're never going to talk to her again?
! Entonces el trío es el incidente del que nadie quiere hablar.! Oh... So the three-way's the incident nobody wants to talk about.
! No quiero hablar de eso!I don't want to talk about it!
! Rallo, tenemos que hablar.Rallo, we got to talk.
! Escucha cuando te hablo!Listen to me when I'm talking to you.
! ¡oye, hablo contigo, maldito!I promise when the police get here, they're are gonna -- hey, I'm talking to you, damn it!
"A veces le hablo al espejo pensando en ti y le pido que me des un beso.""Sometimes I talk to myself" "Thinking of you, wrapping me up in your charms."
"Así es como hablo, ¿ve?"That's how I talk, see."
"Bien, creo que hablo de un tonto desgraciado con un solo ojo"Well, I guess I'm talkin' 'bout he's a dumb mother one-eyed.
! - ¡Así es como hablas!- That's how you talk!
! - ¡No sé de qué hablas!I don't know what you're talking about!
! - ¿De qué diablos hablas?- What the hell are you talking about?
! - ¿De qué hablas?- What are you talkin' about?
! ¡Nadie me habla así!Nobody talks to me like that!
" si alguien habla con una actitud. ""if anyone talks with an attitude."
"...que camina como pato, habla como pato..."...who walks like a duck and talks like a duck...
"Coge sus manos y la acaricia mientras habla."Taking your hands and patting it while he talks.
"Cuando él no puede encontrar al criminal, el Comisario Juve habla con los fantasmas"."When he can't find the criminal, Commissar Juve talks to ghosts.".
! ...5? 4,5,6,compramisamos ya lo hablamos,lo que qiueras.-Four, five, six, We talked about this,
! Ya hablamos de la tragedia.- We'll talk about it soon.
" ¿Recuerdas cuando hablamos de eso anoche?""Remember the thing we talked about last night?
"...hablamos de lo buena que es la televisión, de cómo se ha salvado por esta serie"."and talked about how great television is and how it's been saved by this show."
"Bajo el árbol hablamos "Y al águila observamosSit alone and talk and watch a hawk
"¿De qué habláis durante tanto tiempo?"."What do you guys talk about that whole time?"
- Chicos, ¿habláis de mí cuando no estoy?- Make it rain. - You guys talk about me when I'm not around?
- De qué habláis?- On the moon. - What are you talking about?
- Las dos habláis de mí a mis espaldas.- You two talking about me behind my back.
- No sabéis de lo que habláis.- You don't know what you're talking about.
! - ¿Tienes idea de qué hablan?Do you have any idea what they're talking about?
! Leonard, ¿de qué hablan ustedes dos después del coito?What do you two talk about?
" Usted habla de los pecadores que derriban la sociedad " " Tipos como Howard Stern que hablan de la pornografía " " Vuestra solución es la de quitarnos nuestra libertad "# you talk of sinners taking down society # # guys like Howard Stern talking about pornography # # your solution is to take away our liberty # # to decide what we choose on radio or the TV #
"... son inconstantes, falsos, hablan mucho ..."...they're inconstant, fake, they talk too much...
"Ahora todos hablan de nosotros día y noche.""Now everyone should talk about us night and day."
"Fui a tu escuela anoche y hablé con tus maestros y hablé con la señorita Jones y ella dijo que la llamaste "babosa rabiosa"."Went out to the school last night and I talked to your teachers and I talked to Miss Jones "and she said you called her a frothing slug.
"Fui yo el que hablé con los Szerns... suplicándoles la reducción del tributo"."It was I that talked to the Szerns," "begging them to reduce the size of tribute."
"Ojalá no crean que yo maté a ese policía malo con la bomba en la central, aunque hablé de matar niños de una forma parecida.""I hope you do not think I was the one who wiped out that blue meanie "with a bomb at the cop station, "even though I talked about killing children with one."
"Pero cuando le hablé sobre mi muerte. . ''But when I talked about killing myself. . '
"Cuando hablaste sobre el sistema de pensiones... me excité mucho"."When you talked about the pension system, I got so excited"?
# Que hablaste un momento #♪ That you talked a while ♪
, oh, ¿hablaste con Chandler?- Hey, have you talked to Chandler?
- Algo me dice que hablaste con Marissa.- You talked to Marissa. - Yeah.
" Papá, este tipo habló conmigo para 10 minutos y me dieron una prueba"Dad, this guy talked to me for 10 minutes and gave me a test
"...pero al final sólo sonrió y habló de los placeres simples."...but in the end he only smiled and talked of simple pleasures.
"Incoherencia y el gato de Schrödinger" El habló de esto.."Decoherence and Schrödinger's Cat." He talked about this.
"Y Caín habló con su hermano Abel."And Cain talked with Abel, his brother.
"lo llevó al despacho del fiscal, donde habló con alguien a quien no pudo ver."...took him into the PA's office, where a man he could not see talked behind him.
- Dice que hablasteis la semana pasada.- He said you talked to him a week ago.
- Mamá y tú hablasteis de ello.- You and Mom talked about it.
- ¿Entonces hablasteis?~ Then you talked?
- ¿Os sentasteis y hablasteis?- You sat and talked until it was light?
Antes has dicho que hablasteis mucho sobre Marisa durante es aconversación.You said earlier that you talked a lot about Marisa during this conversation.
- Así que ustedes dos hablaron.So I take it you two talked.
- Bien, ustedes hablaron mucho de esto.- Okay, you all have talked a lot about this.
- Bueno, no sé cuánto de esto, los programas y la actual capacidad técnica hablaron de todo con ustedes, pero hay una infraestructura puesta en los Estados Unidos y en todo el mundoSo, uh, I don't know how much of the...programs and the actual technical capacities everybody's talked to you about, but there's an infrastructure in place in the United States and worldwide that NSA has built,
- De todas maneras hablaron con tus padres, no?- They still talked to your mum and dad.
- Ellos hablaron y yo fingí fumar.- They talked, and I pretended to smoke.
"No hablaré más de libros o de la prolongada guerra."I will talk no more of books or the long war,
"Y con sus cheques en mi bolsillo hablaré a los desdichados del mundo y los sanaré con mis palabras.""And with their cheques in my pocket, I will talk unto the wretched of the world "and I will heal them with my words,
- Compañeros, les hablaré sólo de una cosa.- Companions I will talk only of a topic.
- Por lo que hablarás conmigo.- So you will talk to me.
- Tú hablarás.- You will talk.
Chico, hablarás.Boy, you will talk.
"Ella hablará sólo de mí...""She will talk only about me..."
"el primer ministro le hablará en 10 minutos ""The Prime Minister will talk to you in 1 0 minutes!"
- Ahora nadie nos hablará.- Now nobody will talk to us!
(Suspira) Ya hablaremos tú y yo.You and I will talk.
- Juntas hablaremos con Flash.- Together we will talk to Flash.
- Mira lo hablaremos más tarde.We will talk about this later.
- Nick, hablaremos sobre esto por la mañana.- Nick, we will talk about this in the morning.
Estoy seguro que tendrás un montón de preguntas y te prometo que hablaréis de todas ellas.I'm sure you'll have lots of questions and I promise you, you will talk about all of them.
Padre, hablaréis en mi nombre, o quedaréis en paz con vuestro Dios, vos y ellos.Father... you will talk on my behalf... or make your peace with your God for you and them.
hablaréis del club de la lucha ahora mismo.you will talk about fight club now.
- Pete y Logan hablarán con ella.- Pete and Logan will talk to her.
- Rick y Michel hablarán con Beau.- Rick and Michel will talk to Beau.
A tí, te hablarán.To you, they will talk.
Ahora hablarán de ti.Now they will talk about you.
Así hablarán, Sancho, las páginas que relatarán mis aventuras.This way will talk, Sancho, the pages that will told my adventures.
- Estoy casi segura de que no podremos atenderla pero le prometí que hablaría contigo de ello.- Ohhh... - I feel quite certain we are not able to see her but I promised her that I would talk with you about it.
- Si fuera yo, le hablaría.- l would talk to her.
- Te dije que hablaría con ella sobre molestar a esa niña cuando llegue.I told you that I would talk to her about picking on that little girl when she gets home.
- ¿Entonces qué hacemos? - Bueno, usualmente hablaría con Lucy... pero parece que cree que soy sólo otro adulto... que quiere culparla por lo que sucedió en la cancha.Well, usually I would talk to lucy, but she seems to think I'm just another adult who wants to blame her for what happened in the gym.
...Sime veíabien, Alguien me hablaría.I thought if I looked right, someone would talk to me.
- Habías dicho que hablarías con Camillo.- You said you would talk to Camillo.
Acordamos que hablarías primero conmigo antes de dar el paso contra Annie, pero tu agenda fue más importante que su carrera, supongo, porque en el momento en el que llegó al final de lo de Chicago ya no te servía para nada más.We agreed you would talk to me before you moved on Annie, but your agenda was more important than her career, I guess, because the minute she got to the bottom of Chicago, you didn't have any more use for her.
Dijiste que hablarías con el. Pero en lugar de eso lo tomaste como rehén.You said you would talk to him, but instead you took him hostage.
Dijiste que hablarías con ellos cuando recordáramos.You said once we remembered, you would talk to them.
Dijiste que hablarías con él.You said you would talk to him.
- Me había dicho que hablaríamos.- You said we would talk.
Antes de que ella lo trajera, me hizo prometerle que no lo lastimaría, que hablaríamos, y que yo te entregaría a cambio del regreso de mi esposa.Before she brought you in, she made me promise that I would not harm you, that we would talk, and that I would exchange you for my wife's return.
Creí que hablaríamos a solas.I thought that you and I would talk alone.
Dije que hablaríamos al respecto.I said that we would talk about it.
Hasta las piedras hablarían si es contigo...Wven stones would talk if it's with you...
Nunca pensé que hablarían.I never thought they would talk together.
Pensé que si veníamos solos, hablarían.I thought if we came down here alone,people would talk to us.
""¿ Quiere que hable con éI?"Does Tony want me to talk to him?
"A quien hable en el templo se le esperan pesares" - dijo el reverendo Ambrosio Optinski."Those that talk in church are sent calamities," said the Reverend Amvrosy Optinsky.
"Bien, buscaré a Chandubhai para que hable con usted""Okay, I'll get Chandu bhai to talk to you"
"Como el odio que sentiste cuando hable contigo por primera vez..."As much as hatred you had when I talked to you first time...
"Consigue que hable sobre su familia"."Get him to talk about his family."
! Hay una persona con la que queremos que hables.- There's someone visiting we want you to talk to.
" Eh, Aurory Borealis " Ok, no hables con este más..."Hey, Aurory Borealis." Okay, can't talk to this one ever again.
" Puedes practicar el Kegel cuando hables por teléfono " " Podemos practicar el Kegel con alguien o a solas " " Pero cuando estés con tu amante "# you can kegel when you're talking on the phone # # we can kegel together or alone # # but when you're with your lover # # this trick is like no other # # it's guaranteed to make your Honey Moan #
"...pero cuando hables conmigo, no le llames amor.But don't call it love When you're talking to me
"Dale, no le hables así a mi camarero, si tienes un problema, habla conmigo.""Dale, don't talk like that to my server. You have a problem, you talk to me."
! Cuando hablas del IRS todo el mundo se asusta hasta tal punto que la gente dice "no hablemos de ello".When you speak IRS the whole world shrivels up... the whole world gets fearful to a point where, "let's not talk about it"
"Es difícil para mí, preferiría que no lo hablemos antes de que me vaya"."I have to go through with this, so it's best if we don't talk before I've gone."
"Joyce, es tiempo que hablemos"."Joyce, it's time we gotta talk".
"Lights", hablemos sobre tí.Lights, let's talk about you.
"Mirémonos a los ojos cuando hablemos."Let's look into our eyes when we talk
- Basta, no habléis, no chilléis- Enough, don't talk, don't shout
- No habléis, escuchad.- Don't talk, listen.
- No habléis.- Don't talk.
- No le gusta la idea. No te preocupes, no me molesta que habléis. Quizá nosotras tendríamos que hablar así.he doens't like the idea don't worry, its doesn't bother me that you guys are talking maybe we should talk like that
" Hay algo peor que hablen de uno,"The only thing worse than being talked about
"El público quiere nuevos rostros, rostros que hablen.""People want new faces, talking faces.'
"No me hablen más"."Nobody talk to me anymore!"
"Por el bienestar de todos, les rogamos que no hablen durante la película"As a courtesy to others, please refrain from talking during the movie.
Es más probable que hablara contigo de estas cosas.He's more likely to have talked to you about that kind of thing.
Los agentes han encontrado a otro niño, Que puede que hablara también con el sospechoso.Uniforms just located another kid who might have talked to the suspect yesterday.
Me hubiera encantado que hablaras conmigo de esto.I really wish you would have talked to me about it.
Me hubiese gustado que hablaras conmigo antes de gastar todo nuestro dinero.I just wish you'd have talked to me before spending all our money.
Pero hablaran sobre el tema, ¿no?But you guys have talked about it, right?
'Las dos, tú y Rachel, Rachel y tú, hablad con los agentes de Desaparecidos'I want both of you - you and Rachel, Rachel and you - to talk to the Missing From Home officers, together. Got to go.
- Hablad con ellos... hablad con todos ellos.- Talk to them ... talk to all of them.
- Pues hablad.So talk.
- Tú y O'laughlin id y hablad con él.- You and O'laughlin go and talk to him.
-Adelante, hablad.-Go ahead and talk.
! ¡Ya hemos hablado sobre este asunto de Turell Baylor y estamos hasta las narices!We've already talked about this Turell Baylor business till we're blue in the face!
! - No estoy hablando de... - ¡Porque tengo un problema con eso!i'm not talking about -- because i have a problem with that!
- Bueno, ahora hablá.- Now talk!
"¿ Siempre hablás de Horacio Salgán?""You always talk about Horacio Salgán."
- No hablés.- Now, we don't talk.
"Bien, todos me han hablado del canibalismo, ¿no?""Okay, everyone talked to me about cannibalism, right?"
"Carrie, hemos hablado de esto."Carrie, we have talked about this.
"Gylve de Darkthrone me ha hablado a mí!""Gylve of Darkthrone talked to me."
"He estado aquí nueve años y nunca me has hablado... " "Por lo que ahora que te he pedido una reunión. ¿Qué piensas de mi?""I've been here nine years and you've never talked to me" "so now I've booked you in for a meeting.
! - Si Estoy hablando con un tipo en Sudamérica.Yes, I'm talking to a guy in South America.
! - ¿De qué estás hablando?- What are you talking about?
! Brian, ¿de qué estás hablando?! Ha! Brian, what are you talking about?
! Es que su lesión cerebral hablando?Is that your brain injury talking?
- ¡Sí, hablá!- Yes, talk!
Andá y hablá con ellos. Andá.go out and talk to them. go on.
Andá y hablá con él.Go talk to him.
- Mientras vos hablás, hablás, hablás.. Yo hago las cosas.While you talk, talk, talk, I get it done.
- No puede ser ¿De qué hablás?- What are you talking about?
- Si le hablás, seguro la conquistarás.- If you talk, surely conquer.
- Si. - ¿De qué hablás?What are you talking about?
- No me hablés de ese asunto a mí.- Don't talk to me about that.
Ay, pendejo. No me hablés vos a mí de medicina apropiada.Don't talk to me about proper medicine
Ni me hablés.Don't even talk about him.

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