Fracasar (to fail) conjugation

121 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: lose, to break into pieces, flop, break

Conjugation of fracasar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I fail
you fail
he/she/it fails
we fail
you all fail
they fail
Present perfect tense
he fracasado
I have failed
has fracasado
you have failed
ha fracasado
he/she/it has failed
hemos fracasado
we have failed
habéis fracasado
you all have failed
han fracasado
they have failed
Past preterite tense
I failed
you failed
he/she/it failed
we failed
you all failed
they failed
Future tense
I will fail
you will fail
he/she/it will fail
we will fail
you all will fail
they will fail
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would fail
you would fail
he/she/it would fail
we would fail
you all would fail
they would fail
Past imperfect tense
I used to fail
you used to fail
he/she/it used to fail
we used to fail
you all used to fail
they used to fail
Past perfect tense
había fracasado
I had failed
habías fracasado
you had failed
había fracasado
he/she/it had failed
habíamos fracasado
we had failed
habíais fracasado
you all had failed
habían fracasado
they had failed
Future perfect tense
habré fracasado
I will have failed
habrás fracasado
you will have failed
habrá fracasado
he/she/it will have failed
habremos fracasado
we will have failed
habréis fracasado
you all will have failed
habrán fracasado
they will have failed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I fail
(if/so that) you fail
(if/so that) he/she/it fail
(if/so that) we fail
(if/so that) you all fail
(if/so that) they fail
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya fracasado
I have failed
hayas fracasado
you have failed
haya fracasado
he/she/it has failed
hayamos fracasado
we have failed
hayáis fracasado
you all have failed
hayan fracasado
they have failed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have failed
(if/so that) you have failed
(if/so that) he/she/it have failed
(if/so that) we have failed
(if/so that) you all have failed
(if/so that) they have failed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have failed
(if/so that) you have failed
(if/so that) he/she/it have failed
(if/so that) we have failed
(if/so that) you all have failed
(if/so that) they have failed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera fracasado
I had failed
hubieras fracasado
you had failed
hubiera fracasado
he/she/it had failed
hubiéramos fracasado
we had failed
hubierais fracasado
you all had failed
hubieran fracasado
they had failed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese fracasado
I had failed
hubieses fracasado
you had failed
hubiese fracasado
he/she/it had failed
hubiésemos fracasado
we had failed
hubieseis fracasado
you all had failed
hubiesen fracasado
they had failed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have failed
(if/so that) you will have failed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have failed
(if/so that) we will have failed
(if/so that) you all will have failed
(if/so that) they will have failed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere fracasado
I will have failed
hubieres fracasado
you will have failed
hubiere fracasado
he/she/it will have failed
hubiéremos fracasado
we will have failed
hubiereis fracasado
you all will have failed
hubieren fracasado
they will have failed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's fail!
Imperative negative mood
no fracases
do not fail!
no fracase
let him/her/it fail!
no fracasemos
let us not fail!
no fracaséis
do not fail!
no fracasen
do not fail!

Examples of fracasar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Aquellos que se arriesgan a fracasar pueden conseguir una gran victoria."Kennedy said, "those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly."
"Mientras el puro corazón de la Madre Confesora palpite, el Custodio está condenado a fracasar.""As long as the Mother Confessor's pure heart beats, the Keeper is doomed to fail."
"Mientras el puro corazón de la Madre confesora palpite, el Custodio está condenado a fracasar." Eso hice."As long as the Mother Confessor's pure heart beats, the Keeper is doomed to fail."
"No importa fracasar.""It's okay to fail."
"¡Dos, cuatro, seis, ocho, vas a fracasar en esto y perder todo por lo que trabajamos, Claire!""Two, four, six, eight, you are going to fail at this and lose everything we've worked for, Claire!
" El diseño experimental ' muerte dulce ' debe considerarse como un gran fracaso " .Experimental project Operation Sweet Death must be considered a complete failure.
""El arte malo es más trágicamente hermoso que el buen arte porque documenta el fracaso humano"".It's "Bad art is more tragically beautiful than good art... because it documents human failure."
"Cada hombre es un hombre común cuando se enfrenta al fracaso"Every man is an ordinary man in front of failure.
"Del fracaso al éxito""From failure to success"
"Después de todo, el fracaso es el primer paso hacia el éxito""After all, failure is the first step towards success..."
- Entonces, fracasas.-So you're failing.
- Pero si fracasas...- But if you fail...
- Si fracasas, entonces fracaso yo.- If you fail, that means I fail.
- Si fracasas, te odiaré para siempre.- lf you fail, l'll hate you forever.
- intentar no importa cuando siempre fracasas.Trying doesn't matter when you always fail.
- Nunca fracasa.- Never fails.
- Si ¿Pero si el ataque fracasa?But if the attack fails?
- señor vamos a destruir un avión de guerra de $ 75 millones si John fracasa?- Sir are we really going to destroy a $75-million war plane if John fails?
- ¿Y si esto fracasa?- What if it fails ?
-¿ Y si fracasa?-And if he fails?
". Y cómo tenemos éxito o fracasamos depende de nuestros esfuerzos""and how we succeed or fail depends on our efforts."
- Nosotros fracasamos, ay.- We failed, Jay.
- Nosotros fracasamos.- Oh, yes, l- - We've failed.
- O conseguimos a Duclois o fracasamos. - Cierto.- We're 100% failure unless we get Duclois.
- Si con el 4º hijo fracasamos - Criaremos perros.If you fail, we can breed poodles.
Si fracasáis arderéis en la estaca.If you fail you will be burned.
Si fracasáis, hay gente haciendo cola por este piso.If you fail, there are plenty of people waiting for this apartment.
Si fracasáis, seréis solo un par de agentes federales convertidos en ladrones.You fail, you're just a couple of Federal Agents turned thieves.
Si fracasáis, yo personalmente os quitaré la insignia.If you fail, I'll personally stripped you off of your insignia
- Exacto. Por eso fracasan tantas relaciones.That's why so many relationships fail.
- La mayoría de las pequeñas empresas fracasan.- Most small businesses fail. - Yeah.
- Para directivos que fracasan.- For executives who are failing.
- Si fracasan involucionan, por eso pudiste oler el barro en la cueva de la Kitsune.- If they fail, they devolve that's why you could smell the clay from the Kitsune's cave.
- Si fracasan, lo fusilarán por traidor.You realize that if they fail, you'll be shot as a traitor.
"Como maestra, debo mantener altos estándares de conducta y fracasé en alcanzar ese estándar."As a teacher,I must adhere to a higher standard of conduct, "and I failed to live up to that higher standard.
"Pero quizá tú tengas éxito donde yo fracasé."But mayhap where I have failed, you will succeed.
"Solo porque yo fracasé"Just because I failed.
- Ella me puso a prueba y fracasé.She was testing me and I failed.
- Le prometí a Hércules encontrar una... pero no tuve valor para decirle que fracasé por completo.I promised Hercules I would find one but I haven't had the heart to tell him that I've completely failed.
- No,estoy hablando de tí.fracasaste .- No, I'm talking about you. You failed.
- Y fracasaste.- And failed.
- Ya fracasaste una vez, niña.- You failed once, pet.
-nada.fracasaste,eso es todo .You failed, that's all.
Bueno, fracasaste.Well, you failed.
"Brooklyn Nine-Nine", asumo que es sobre un policía de Brooklyn que trata de hacerse un nombre en el negocio del cine, pero fracasó y lo mandaron de vuelta a la televisión."brooklyn nine-nine," which I'm assuming is about this brooklyn cop Who tried to make it in the movie business, But failed and got sent back to tv.
"DR. GARY COHAN Medicina interna" fracasó en su intento de legalizar el consumo de marihuana con fines recreativos, para disgusto mío en la universidad, porque yo fumaba, inhalaba y tragaba anfetas.Marijuana Laws failed in their attempts to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes, much to my chagrin in college, because I did smoke, I did inhale, and I ate brownies.
"El ruso Gredenko fracasó en proveernos con los medios para un blanco secundario."" "the russian gredenko failed to provide us with the means to a secondary target.
"Emma Spencer, también de 17, dijo a la policía, que su mejor amiga, fracasó haciéndose notar en una acampada."Emma Spencer, also 17, told police Isabelle, her best friend, failed to show up for a planned sleep over."
"Pensé que él era el maestro del amor" "Fué catástrofe, fracasó en la primera lección de amor"I thought he was the teacher of love, the disaster, failed in the first lesson of love.
...pero fracasasteisBut you failed.
Pero todos fracasasteis al hacerlo.But you all failed to do so.
Prometisteis que nos protegeríais, pero cuando llegó el momento fracasasteisYou pledged to protect us, but when the time came you failed to do so.
Si no te traemos de vuelta, sabrá que fracasasteis y nunca regresará.If we don't bring you back, he will know you failed our challenge and never return.
Vos fracasasteis, no yo.It's you who failed, not I.
"Intentos de contacto previos fracasaron."Attemptstocontact in the past have failed.
Alejandro, César, Napoleón... todos fracasaron como gobernantes de países conquistados... porque sus políticas eran muy severas.Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon... all failed as occupiers of conquered countries... because of the harshness of their policies.
Algunos fracasaron, vendieron sus granjas y se fueron.Some of them failed, sold their farms and went on.
Ambas fracasaron.Both failed.
Ambas misiones fracasaron.Both squads failed.
- Si sientes lo más mínimo por mí, no me pongas a prueba de este modo, porque fracasaré.- If you feel anything for me at all, don't test me in this way, for I will fail.
No puedo hacerlo, fracasaré.I can't make it, I will fail
Pero temes que fracasaré.But you fear I will fail.
¿Quién dice que fracasaré?Who says I will fail?
Entonces fracasarás.Then you will fail.
Ese no puede ser tu único motivo para ir... o fracasarás.That cannot be your only reason for going... or you will fail.
Richard, si lo haces, fracasarás.Richard, if you do this, you will fail.
Si me expulsas de tu círculo íntimo, como amenazabas antes, fracasarás.And if you cut me out of your inner circle, like you threatened earlier today, you will fail.
Si no tienes cuidado fracasarás.If you don't take care, you will fail.
"Todo parece indicar... "...que esto nos supera, que la empresa fracasará "y que el ocupante de la Máquina morirá. ""There is every indication that this is beyond our capabilities, that this endeavor will fail and that the Machine's occupant will pay for it with his life."
- Si no lo hacen la bomba se desviará fuera de la Brecha y la misión fracasará.Like it always has and the mission will fail.
Como la humanidad, este plan fracasará.Like humanity, this plan will fail.
Entonces la misión fracasará... y todo hombre, mujer y niño en este planeta, morirán.Then the mission will fail... and every man, woman and child on this planet will die.
Esta escrito en los salones de la Profecía que Richard Rahl fracasará en su búsqueda para derrotar al custodio.It is written in the Halls of Prophecy that Richard Rahl will fail in his quest to defeat the Keeper.
Con vuestra inspiración nunca fracasaremos.With your inspiration... We never will fail.
Si intentamos huir, fracasaremos.If we all attempt to leave, we will fail.
Si tratamos de hacer algo... diferente, fracasaremos.If we try to do anything different, we will fail.
Sin mí, fracasaréis.Without me, you will fail.
A mi secuestrador y cualquiera que crea que puede dañarnos, no cometan ese error, pues fracasarán.To my abductor and to anyone who thinks they can harm this family again, make no mistake, you will fail.
Ambos fracasarán.Both will fail.
Claro que fracasarán, pero... ¿qué hacemos si no fracasan?Of course it will fail, but what do we do if it doesn't?
Dice "los magos fracasarán".It says, "The magicians will fail".
Hacerles saber que fracasarán... porque nosotros creemos que un cambio es posible.Let them know that they will fail... because we believe we can make a difference.
- Y nuestra misión fracasaría.- Then our mission would fail.
La tripulación es leal a Ru'afo, un ataque fracasaría.The crew is loyal to Ru'afo. An assault would fail.
La votación para renombrar el país fracasaría, y el dinar seguiría siendo la moneda de Macedonia.The vote to rename the country would fail, and the denar would remain the currency of Macedonia.
Pensé que fracasaría aquí.I thought she would fail here.
Porfiaba en que si no abordaba esa esfera, nuestra misión fracasaría.She was adamant that if she didn't board that sphere, our mission would fail.
Cuando un preso se convertía en suicida sus intentos fracasarían mostrándose cómico y encantador para los espectadores.When a prisoner became suicidal, his attempts would fail while appearing comical and charming to any onlookers.
Razonablemente, supusieron que esos detectives fracasarían ya que no había ningún George.Quite naturally, they assumed that those detectives would fail since... there was no George to be found.
- No quiero que fracase por mi culpa.I'd hate to be the reason it fails.
- Ver que tu Rumple fracase, y que esta cosa nunca logre llegar a Nunca Jamás.- Seeing that your Rumple fails, and that this thing never makes it back to Neverland.
A Luann le encanta. ¡Le encanta que fracase!Luann loves it, loves it when I fail.
A menos que fracase.Unless you fail.
Aunque fracase lo aceptaré.Even if I fail, I'll accept it
A pesar de lo que puedas creer, Sean no necesito que fracases para ser feliz.Despite what you might think, sean, I don't need for you to fail in order for me to be happy.
Aunque después fracases.Even if you fail.
Cindy... no creo que esta gente quiera que fracases.I don't think these people here want you to fail.
Créeme, habrá mucha gente buscando que fracases.Believe me, there´ll be plenty of people rooting for you to fail.
Discúlpame por no querer que fracases.Excuse me for not wanting to see you fail, Mom.
- Le encantaría que fracasemos.She would be pleased to see us fail.
Así quedará Argos cuando fracasemos.It's what Argos will look like when we fail.
En el continente quieren que fracasemos.The mainland wants us to fail.
No significa que todos fracasemos.That doesn't mean everyone's a failure.
No, más bien para que cuando fracasemos, sea mucho más espectacular.No, it's so that when we do fail, it'll be that much more spectacular.
De manera que podáis mantener la cabeza alta... fracaséis o no.That way you can hold your head high... fail or not.
-Asegúrate de que fracasen.-So we make sure they fail.
A aquellos que fracasen, les espera la muerte.Those who fail will find only death.
Bien sea que tengan éxito o fracasen, el resultado me será desconocido.Whether you succeed or fail, the outcome will remain unknown to me.
Cuando las palabras fracasen ¿cómo le diré lo que siento?♪ When words fail How will she know how I feel?
Cuando las palabras fracasen ¿también fracasaré yo?♪ When words fail, will I fail, too?
"Conocí a un escritor fracasado que estaba mental y emocionalmente inestable."I knew a failed writer who was mentally and emotionally unstable.
"De la oscuridad, debes caer fracasado y débil para oscurecerlo todo"."From the darkness, you must fall... "failed and weak, to darkness all."
"No confío en nadie que no haya fracasado al menos una vez."I don't trust anyone who hasn't failed big at least once."
"Pero también significa que he fracasado, "y que debo dejar una pesada carga sobre tus hombros.It also means I have failed and must place an awful burden on your shoulders.
"Soy Clément Mathieu, un músico fracasado, un prefecto desempleado.""I'm Clément Mathieu, a failed musician, an unemployed prefect."
"En vez de eso, encontrarán al Sr. Callahan... intentando hacer algo que no intentó antes... literatura seria... y fracasando"."Instead, they will find Mr. Callahan... "attempting something he hasn't tried before- serious literature- and failing."
- Estás fracasando.- You're failing.
- No estás fracasando.- You're not failing.
- Salvo que estás fracasando.- Except you're failing. I tell you.
- ¿Cómo puedo confiar en un lastre que es tan genial fracasando?- How can I trust an albatross so utterly fantastic at failing?
Hermano si fracasás ahora cada una de las mujeres creerá que puede usar este truco.Bro if you fail now every woman will think they can pull this trick.

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