Example in German | Translation in English |
Das bedeutet, du wirst die Werbung und die Ballons an der Straßenecke anbringen. Du wirst alle Lichter anschalten und alle Brownies backen. | That means you're gonna be sticking the sign and the balloons on the corner, you're gonna be turning on all the lights, you're gonna be baking all the brownies. |
Also ab in die Küche mit dir und back uns die Pizza, bevor ich dich zerquetsche, genau wie einen kleinen Scheißhaufen. | So, you go to the kitchen and you make us that pizza before I snap you in half like the little turd stick you are. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Arabic | خبز | Catalan | fornejar |
Danish | bage | Dutch | afbakken,bakken |
English | bake | Esperanto | baki |
Estonian | küpsema, küpsetama | Faroese | baka |
Finnish | kypsetä, leipoa | Greek | ψήνω |
Hungarian | sül, süt | Icelandic | baka |
Italian | biscottare, cuocere | Lithuanian | iškepti, išsikepti, kepti |
Macedonian | испече, пече | Norwegian | bake |
Polish | piec, upiec, wypiec, wypiekać, zapiekać | Portuguese | assar, cozer |
Romanian | coace | Russian | запекать, запекаться, запечь, запечься, испечь, испечься, напечь, печь, печься, спечь |
Spanish | cocerse, hornear | Swedish | baka |
Thai | ผิง, อบ | Turkish | fırınlamak, fırınlanmak |