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Respectar (to respect) conjugation

38 examples

Conjugation of respectar

Present tense
I respect
you respect
he/she respects
we respect
you all respect
they respect
Present perfect tense
he respectat
I have respected
has respectat
you have respected
ha respectat
he/she has respected
hem respectat
we have respected
heu respectat
you all have respected
han respectat
they have respected
Future tense
I will respect
you will respect
he/she will respect
we will respect
you all will respect
they will respect
Conditional mood
I would respect
you would respect
he/she would respect
we would respect
you all would respect
they would respect
Past perfect tense
havia respectat
I had respected
havies respectat
you had respected
havia respectat
he/she had respected
havíem respectat
we had respected
havíeu respectat
you all had respected
havien respectat
they had respected
Past impf. tense
I was respecting
you were respecting
he/she was respecting
we were respecting
you all were respecting
they were respecting
Imperative mood
let him/her respect!
let's respect!
let them respect!
Imperative negative mood
no respectis
don't respect!
no respecti
don't let him/her respect!
no respectem
let's not respect!
no respecteu
don't respect!
no respectin
don't let them respect!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria respectat
I would have respected
hauries respectat
you would have respected
hauria respectat
he/she would have respected
hauríem respectat
we would have respected
hauríeu respectat
you all would have respected
haurien respectat
they would have respected
Future perfect tense
hauré respectat
I will have respected
hauràs respectat
you will have respected
haurà respectat
he/she will have respected
haurem respectat
we will have respected
haureu respectat
you all will have respected
hauren respectat
they will have respected
Preterite past tense
I respected
you respected
he/she respected
we respected
you all respected
they respected
Past anterior tense
haguí respectat
I had respected
hagueres respectat
you had respected
hagué respectat
he/she had respected
haguérem respectat
we had respected
haguéreu respectat
you all had respected
haguéren respectat
they had respected
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) respect
(so that you) respect
(so that he/she) respects
(so that we) respect
(so that you all) respect
(so that they) respect
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was respecting
(so that you) were respecting
(so that he/she) was respecting
(so that we) were respecting
(so that you all) were respecting
(so that they) were respecting
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi respectat
(so that I) have respected
hagis respectat
(so that you) have respected
hagi respectat
(so that he/she) has respected
hàgim respectat
(so that we) have respected
hàgiu respectat
(so that you all) have respected
hagin respectat
(so that they) have respected
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués respectat
(so that I) had respected
haguessis respectat
(so that you) had respected
hagués respectat
(so that he/she) had respected
haguéssim respectat
(so that we) had respected
haguéssiu respectat
(so that you all) had respected
haguessin respectat
(so that they) had respected
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi respectar
(so that I) respected
vagis respectar
(so that you) respected
vagi respectar
(so that he/she) respected
vàgim respectar
(so that we) respected
vàgiu respectar
(so that you all) respected
vagin respectar
(so that they) respected
Periphastic past tense
vaig respectar
I respected
vas respectar
you respected
va respectar
he/she respected
vam respectar
we respected
vau respectar
you all respected
van respectar
they respected
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver respectat
I had respected
vas haver respectat
you had respected
va haver respectat
he/she had respected
vam haver respectat
we had respected
vau haver respectat
you all had respected
van haver respectat
they had respected

Examples of respectar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
La Unió ha de respectar la igualtat dels Estats membres davant la Constitució.Ha de respectar també la identitat nacionald’aquests, incloent-hi l’autonomialocal i regional.The Union must respect the equality of the Member States before the Constitution.It must also respect the national identityof its Member States, inclusive ofregional and local self-government.
Ha de respectar, així mateix,les funcions bàsiques de l’Estat,especialment les que tenen per objectiu garantir la integritat territorial, mantenirl’ordre públic i protegir la seguretat nacional.Likewise, it must respect the essentialfunctions of the State, including those for ensuring territorial integrity, maintaininglaw and order and safeguarding national security.
Les institucions, els òrgans i les agències de la Unió han de respectar els dretsque figuren en la Carta.The institutions, bodies and agencies of the Union must respect the rightswritten into the Charter.
Adhesió a la Unió: Per poder adherir-se a la Unió, un Estat europeu ha de respectar els valorsobligació de respectar d'aquesta. els valors de la UnióJoining the Union: In order to join the Union, a European State must respect the values of obligation to respect the latter.the values of the Union
Tot canvi definitiu en el sistema actual ha de garantir la pluralitat i respectar les diferències, un dels actius més preciosos de les nacions europees.Any definitive change in the present system must ensure plurality and respect the differences that are the most precious assets of Europe’s nations.
Tornant a Egipte, en Mohannad ens diu : @mand0z: Una de les coses que respecto de la meva mare és que és una revolucionaria.Back in Egypt, Mohannad tells us : @mand0z: One of the things I respect in my mother is that she is a revolutionary.
Et respecto profundament com a persona.I respect you as a human being.
El respecto per això.I have even more respect for him.
Major, m'he reunit aquí perquè respecto les seves fites, i pel 101,I took this meeting out of respect for your achievements. And for the 101st.
Ciutadans de tota la regió van presentar els seus respectes a la família del bebè, alhora que la història colpia amb gran força i velocitat el país natal de Berinda, Bòsnia i Hercegovina, així com la veïna Sèrbia, on va morir.Citizens throughout the region paid their respects to the little girl, while the story shook with tremendous strength and speed Berinda's birth country of Bosnia-Herzegovina and neighboring Serbia where she died.
Presentaré els meus respectes demà al matí als amos del castell. "I will pay my respects tomorrow to the owners of the castle.
General Turgidson, amb tots els respectes cap a les seves tropes de defensa... els meus nois les rebutjaran sense gaires problemes.With all due respect, my boys can brush them aside without trouble.
Si no et respectes a tu mateix... almenys respecta'm a mi, que he suat tant per tu.lf you've no respect for yourself. . . . . .you at least might have some for me, who sweated over you.
El tràfic de drogues no respecta fronteres i les tendències en el consum de drogues s’estenen ràpidament.Les forces nacionals de policia poden lluitar contra el crim relacionat amb la droga només si treballen plegades.Drug trafficking respects no borders and trends in drug use spread rapidly. National police forces can tackledrug-related crime only by working together.
La direcció general de la ERT respecta plenament les normes de la llibertat de premsa; la qual cosa demostra a la pràctica diària presentant tots els punts de vista.In a public statement , Aimilios Liatsos accused Mr. Arvanitis and Ms. Katsimi of infringing journalism's Code of Ethics and defended their dismissal: The General Directorate of ERT fully respects the rules of Free Press; it's proven in daily practice by presenting all views.
Ell la respecta.He respects her.
El meu nebot aquí, et respecta.My nephew here, he respects you.
I tot i que respectem la teva opinió, creiem que la teva preocupació és inadequada.End of story. And while we respect your opinion, We think that your concern is misplaced.
-Veieu?- digué Tom. -La gent no hi té tirada, pels ermitans, avui en dia, com feien en el temps de la vellura; pero un pirata sempre és respectat."You see," said Tom, "people don't go much on hermits, nowadays, like they used to in old times, but a pirate's always respected.
Per primera vegada, cada Parlament estatal podrà tornar a examinar lespropostes i tindrà la possibilitat d’emetre un dictamen motivat si considera que nos’ha respectat el principi de subsidiarietat.For the first time, every national parliamentwill be able to re-examine the proposals and issue a reasoned opinion if itconsiders that the principle of subsidiarity has not been respected.
Si açò haguera ocorregut, Mandela no seria tan respectat i enyorat pel món.If that happened, Mandela would not be respected and missed by the world.
La comunitat LGBT és un dels grups menys respectat i més marginat de la societat russa.The LGBT community is one of the least respected, most maligned groups in Russian society.
El director de Drets Humans de l'Iran no només ha atacat el Dr. Shaheed; ha comparat repetidament els defensors dels drets humans amb terroristes i ha incidit especialment en el cas d'Abdolfattah Soltani, un advocat especialitzat en els drets humans respectat internacionalment, empresonat a l'Iran des del 2011 per defensar la llibertat d'expressió i el dret a la dissensió pacífica.Iran’s human rights chief has not just attacked Shaheed; he has repeatedly equated all human rights defenders with terrorists, making specific reference to the internationally respected human rights lawyer Abdolfattah Soltani, who has been imprisoned in Iran since 2011 for defending free speech and the right to peaceful dissent.
NOVETAT!La Constitució reforça l’aplicació dels dos darrers principis: cada parlamentestatal té, a partir d'ara, la possibilitat d’estudiar si les propostes de la Comissió Europea respecten el principi de subsidiarietat. Això pot comportarfins i tot que la Comissió Europea hagi de revisar la seva proposta.NEW!The Constitution reinforces the application of the second and third ofthese principles: from now on, each national Parliament will have thechance to examine whether a Commission proposal respects the principleof subsidiarity, and this could even lead to the Commission revising its proposal.
Pel que sembla, l'usuari de Twitter Aleksandr Barbaxov és un dels pocs bloguers de RuNet que respecten les institucions democràtiques.Twitter user Aleksandr Barbashov seemed to be one of the few RuNet bloggers to respect democratic institutions, tweeting
Aquestes mesures que sancionen els països que no respecten l'estat de dret són ben conegudes al continent africà.The African continent is already familiar with the imposition of economic sanctions on countries that do not respect the rule of law.
No volem ferir a ningú, volem que ens respecten.We don't want to hurt anyone, they just have to respect us.
Les forces armades respecten la Constitució.The Armed Forces respect the Constitution.
Vull que la gent et respecti com jo t'estimo.I want people to respect you. As I love you.
Agraeixo que respectis la meva experiència.I appreciate you respecting my experience.
I vol que respectis les seves decisions.And he wants you to respect his life choices.
No vull reviure antigues lluites, però aquesta és la meva elecció, i necessito que la respectis.Not to relive old fights, but this is my choice, and I need you to respect it.
El darrer conveni, Lomé IV, que va entrar en vigor cl març del 1990, no solament estableix vincles privilegiats en els aspectes comercial, cultural, social i d'ajut al desenvolupament, sinó que també exigeix que tots els signataris respectin els drets humans i els principis democràtics.Lomé IV, which came into force in March 1990, goes beyond the commercial, cultural, social and development aid fields; it also requires all signatories to respect human rights and democratic principles.
El darrer conveni, Lomé IV, que va entrar en vigor el març del 1990. no solament estableix vincles privilegiats en els aspectes comercial, cultural, social i d'ajut al desenvolupament, sinó que també exigeix que tots els signataris respectin els drets humans i els principis democràtics.Lomé PV, which came into force in March 1990, goes beyond the commercial, cultural, social and development aid fields; it also requires all signatories to respect human rights and democratic principles.
Només els Estats que respectin aquests valors poden esdevenirmembres de la Unió Europea.Only Member States which respect these values may becomemembers of the European Union.
A més, es poden prendre mesurescontra els Estats membres que no respectin aquests valors.Moreover, measures can be takenagainst any Member State which fails to respect them.
A més de provocar un gran sofriment entre la població, aquests atacs destrueixen el patrimoni cultural únic del Iemen, que és el repositori de la identitat, història i memòria del poble i un testimoni excepcional de les fites de la civilització islàmica. Faig una crida a totes les parts perquè s'abstinguin de fer servir militarment els llocs i monuments del patrimoni cultural o que els incloguin entre els seus objectius durant els atacs i que respectin així les seves obligacions segons els tractats internacionals.In addition to causing terrible human suffering, these attacks are destroying Yemen’s unique cultural heritage, which is the repository of people’s identity, history and memory and an exceptional testimony to the achievements of the Islamic Civilization...I call on all parties to refrain from any military use or targeting of cultural heritage sites and monuments, in respect of their obligations under international treaties
L'única manera de solucionar el problema del Tibet i, així, tornar a portar-hi una pau duradora és respectant els drets dels tibetans i dialogant.The only way to resolve the Tibet issue and bring about lasting peace is by respecting the rights of the Tibetan people and through dialogue.

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