Tots els que oiren aquesta vaga al·lusió foren advertits que calia «no dir-ne un mot i esperar». | All who got this vague hint were cautioned to "be mum and wait." |
-Bé, us haureu d'esperar una mala fi de temps: veu's-ho aquí. | "Well, you'll wait a blame long time, that's all." |
Sembla a Becky, en son abrandat ressentiment, que amb prou feines podia esperar que l'escola s'obrís: tan impacient estava de veure Tom fuetejat pel llibre de lectura malmes. | It seemed to Becky, in her hot resentment, that she could hardly wait for school to "take in," she was so impatient to see Tom flogged for the injured spelling-book. |
Inspirat per la magnificencia del seu acte, rebé sense un esgarip el fueteig més implacable que mai hagués administrat el senyor Dobbins i aiximateix rebé amb indiferencia l'afegida crueltat d'una orde de romandre dues hores, després que l'escola fos aviada; perque prou sabia qui havia d'esperar-se a fora fins que son captiveri fos acabat, sense comptar la tediosa estona com a temps perdut. | Inspired by the splendor of his own act, he took without an outcry the most merciless flaying that even Mr. Dobbins had ever administered; and also received with indifference the added cruelty of a command to remain two hours after school should be dismissed--for he knew who would wait for him outside till his captivity was done, and not count the tedious time as loss, either. |
El seu segon impuls fou d'esperar; perque potser no hi hauria més tempestes. | His second was to wait--for there might not be any more storms. |
Com molts altres ciutadans, jo també espero que el pacte nuclear canviï una mica la situació del país. | Like many other citizens, I, too, wait for the nuclear agreement so that the conditions change a little inside the country. |
Per què has trigat tant quan saps que espero carta? | You shouldn't keep me waiting when I'm expecting a letter. |
–Fa mitja hora que m'espero. –Ara no, tinc feina. | –I've been waiting a half hour. –Not now, I'm busy. |
T'espero al cotxe, Margaret. | I'll wait for you in the car, Margaret. |
M'espero. | I wait. |
Es pot saber què esperes? | - What areyou waiting for? |
Què esperes? | What am I waiting for? |
I t’esperes per veure si te la torna. | Then you wait and see if he bows back. |
Tant me fot! I per què t'esperes? | Then why are you waiting for him? |
És el que esperes, que comptin un milió? | You're waiting for them to count the million? You crazy? |
La nau es balanceja i, gràcies a l'aire segellat hermèticament en el seu interior, s'eleva lentament cap a la superfície fins a romandre a la superficie i surar La nau és recollida per un vaixell a vapor que la remolca fins al port on una ovació general espera el retorn feliç. | The Mayor welcomes the astronomers with a speech, and the general ovation awaits their happy return. |
Una nova vida l'espera a les colònies de l'espai. | A new life awaits you in the Off-world colonies. |
Una no vida l'espera a les colònies de l'espai. | A new life awaits you in the Off-world colonies. |
Una nova vida us espera a les colònies exteriors. | A new life awaits you in the Off-world colonies. |
-Si t'espera, no treballa. | - If she waits for you, she doesn't work. |
Mentre esperem respostes a aquestes preguntes, els ususaris de Wykop se centren en el fet que el món comença a saber la veritat sobre la massacre de Katyń. | While we are still waiting for answers to those questions, Wykop users focus on the fact that the world is learning the truth about the Katyń massacre itself. |
Ara esperem els representants dels mitjans de comunicació internacionals i el personal de les ambaixades d'altres països. | We are waiting for the representatives of international media and embassies of foreign states. |
"Imprescindible assistir al menjar de Van Meer, esperem I'entrevista" | "Absolutely necessary you attend Van Meer luncheon, awaiting interview" |
Fa quatre mil anys que t'esperem. | We wait for you since four thousand years. |
Starbuck, este xic té Una bala que cal traure-li, I ens demana que esperem. | Starbuck, this boy has a bullet that needs to come out, and he's asking us to wait. |
@afarrasc: Els jutges han esperat el #25N+2 x imputar dirigents PSC per presumpta corrupció La indèpendència judicial és més urgent que la de Catalunya | @afarrasc: The magistrates have waited until #25N+2 to charge PSC leaders with alleged corruption. Judicial independence is more urgent than Catalonia's |
Els nens malgaixos han esperat 50 anys per veure com la seva salut es posiciona a dalt de tot de l'agenda nacional. | The Malagasy children have waited 50 years for their collective health to be at the top of the national agenda. |
I ha esperat fins ara per venir? | And you waited all this time to show up? |
He esperat tant de temps aquest moment. | I have waited so long for this moment. |
Encara heu de substituir molts, i he esperat massa temps per a això. Doneu-vos pressa! | You have many to replace, and I've waited too long for this. |
-Molt bé: espereu, i ja veurem. | "All right, you wait and see. |
-Espereu, espereu un moment. | "Wait--wait a moment. |
-Huck, espereu a saber-ho fins que siguem allí. | "Huck, you just wait till we get in there. |
Però, espereu un minut. | But wait a minute. |
Ara espereu aquí mentre porto les vostres coses per a la nit. | Now you wait here while I get your night things. |
Jo diria que hi ha alguna cosa al darrera meu d'ença que hem començat, i tinc por de girar-me, perque potser n'hi ha d'altres al davant que no esperen sinó una avinentesa. | I feel as if something's behind me all the time; and I'm afeard to turn around, becuz maybe there's others in front a-waiting for a chance. |
Mentre s’esperen declaracions oficials, als fòrums i als comentaris dels articles de notícies, la gent comença a debatre les raons reals que s’amaguen rere l’accident. | While waiting for official statements, on forums and in comments to news articles, people start discussing the actual reasons behind the accident. |
Malgrat això, com passa sempre, hi ha una qüestió que els impedeix sentir-se com a casa a Geòrgia: esperen rebre una resposta a la sol·licitud per obtenir la ciutadania georgiana, que van enviar fa dos anys. | As many others however, one thing prevents them from totally feeling home in Georgia: they are waiting for an answer to their application for the Georgian citizenship, which they sent two years ago. |
Fa temps que esperen respostes. | Time has passed and they're still waiting for answers. |
Els policies esperen el juí en llibertat provisional. | The police officers are awaiting judgment while released on bail. |
Si no trigues gaire, t’esperaré tota la vida! | If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life. |
Si no trigues gaire, t'esperaré tota la vida! | - If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life. |
Jo esperaré amb tu. | I will wait with you. |
I ho deixaré i t'esperaré. | And I will leave him, and I will wait for you. |
Sé molt bé que ets amb els déus, però esperaré aquí una estona, i si vols venir i parlar amb mi, llavors vine i parla, | I know very well that you are with the gods, but I will wait here awhile, and if you want to come and talk to me, then come and talk, |
Mentre faig aquestes preguntes, tu, Gwendolen, m’esperaràs a baix, al cotxe. | While I am making these inquiries, you, Gwendolen, will wait for me below in the carriage. |
Mentre faig aquestes preguntes, tu, Gwendolen, m'esperaràs a baix, al cotxe. | While I am making these inquiries, you, Gwendolen, will wait for me below in the carriage. |
En Pran té recursos... esperarà fins que sàpiga que pot moure's. | Pran is a resourceful man. He will wait until he knows that it's safe... ...and then he'll make his move. |
En Frey s'esperarà. | Frey will wait. |
I hi esperarà per renéixer. | It will wait there to be born again. |
Digué que esperaria on es trobava, i moriria: poc havia de trigar gaire estona. | She said she would wait, now, where she was, and die--it would not be long. |
La meva tripulació m'esperaria tot un any al moll si els ho demanés. | My crew would wait on deck for a year if I asked them to. |
Li vaig prometre a la Lily que l'esperaria i ho veuria amb ella. | I promised Lily that I would wait and watch it with her. |
Li vaig prometre a la Lily que m'esperaria i ho veuria amb ella. | I-I promised Lily that I would wait and watch it with her. |
Li vaig dir al rei que esperaria. | I told the king that I would wait. |
Com cada matí, esperava amb la motxilla a l’esquena l’autobús que el duia a l’escola. Peròaquell matí tot era diferent... | He had his satchelon his back and was waiting to catch the bus to school, like everymorning, only here it wasn't the same at all… |
Per tant Hinckus, esperava a algú. | Therefore that was Hinckus, who was waiting for somebody. |
El meu germà m'esperava. | I knew my brother was waiting for me. |
Els esperava. | He was waiting for them. |
I quan vaig sortir, ¿qui m'esperava? | And when l got out, who was waiting for me? |
T'esperàvem. | - Have you checked? - No. We were waiting for you. |
Que ningú s'esperi a trobar-se molt malament per anar a l'hospital. | Do not wait to become very sick before going to the hospital. |
Diguin-li que m'esperi! | Tell him to wait for me! |
Si es el Sr. Rouli que esperi fora. | If that's Mr. Rouli tell him to wait outside |
Si, esperi aquí. | Yes, wait here please |
Mentres tant envia un home per què vigili dintre de I'avió i que esperi noves instruccions. | Take a man with you so you can give a statement as soon as he comes too, in the mean time send a man to keep an eye on that plane and wait instructions from us |
Vola cap a mí, no esperis que torni. | Fly to me, don't wait me back. |
Vola cap a mí, no esperis que torni | Fly to me, don't wait me back |
Serø millor que esperis a fora. | You had better wait outside, |
Vull que esperis aquí, d'acord? D'acord. | I want you to wait in here, all right? |
No m'esperis despert. | Don't wait up. |
- Sr Turista, seieu aquí i esperin's. | - Yes, sir. - Mr. Tourist, sit there and wait for us. |
Continuïn el reconeixement i esperin instruccions abans de procedir. | Continue reconnaissance and await instructions. |
- Que s'esperin. | Tell them to wait. |
"El capità Saunders ha convidat ... ... els cavallers a bord del River Queen ... ... cap Hampton Roads, Virginia, ... i esperin, fins més ... " "... notícia de mi part." | “Have Captain Saunders convey the gentlemen aboard the River Queen as far as Hampton Roads, Virginia, and there wait until...” “.. further advice from me.” |
Digui'ls que esperin. | Tell them they should wait. |
Nois i noies, de blancs, de mulatos i de negres, hi estaven sempre esperant el torn, descansant, baratant joguines, barallant-se, espinyant-se, fent aldarull. | White, mulatto, and negro boys and girls were always there waiting their turns, resting, trading playthings, quarrelling, fighting, skylarking. |
Segueren en l'ombra, esperant. | They sat in the shadow waiting. |
Sos ulls eren oberts de bat a bat i son ale suspes, tot esperant la resposta. | His eyes were staring wide, now, and his breath suspended--waiting for the answer. |
Veniu amb mi, nois: tothom us esta esperant. | Come along with me, boys, you are keeping everybody waiting. |
Sid aparegué. -Tom- digué: -la tieta us ha estat esperant tota la tarda. | Sid appeared. "Tom," said he, "auntie has been waiting for you all the afternoon. |