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Esperar-se (to expect) conjugation

54 examples

Conjugation of esperar-se

Present tense
I expect
you expect
he/she expects
we expect
you all expect
they expect
Present perfect tense
he esperat
I have expected
has esperat
you have expected
ha esperat
he/she has expected
hem esperat
we have expected
heu esperat
you all have expected
han esperat
they have expected
Future tense
I will expect
you will expect
he/she will expect
we will expect
you all will expect
they will expect
Conditional mood
I would expect
you would expect
he/she would expect
we would expect
you all would expect
they would expect
Past perfect tense
havia esperat
I had expected
havies esperat
you had expected
havia esperat
he/she had expected
havíem esperat
we had expected
havíeu esperat
you all had expected
havien esperat
they had expected
Past impf. tense
I was expecting
you were expecting
he/she was expecting
we were expecting
you all were expecting
they were expecting
Imperative mood
let him/her expect!
let's expect!
let them expect!
Imperative negative mood
no esperis
don't expect!
no esperi
don't let him/her expect!
no esperem
let's not expect!
no espereu
don't expect!
no esperin
don't let them expect!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria esperat
I would have expected
hauries esperat
you would have expected
hauria esperat
he/she would have expected
hauríem esperat
we would have expected
hauríeu esperat
you all would have expected
haurien esperat
they would have expected
Future perfect tense
hauré esperat
I will have expected
hauràs esperat
you will have expected
haurà esperat
he/she will have expected
haurem esperat
we will have expected
haureu esperat
you all will have expected
hauren esperat
they will have expected
Preterite past tense
I expected
you expected
he/she expected
we expected
you all expected
they expected
Past anterior tense
haguí esperat
I had expected
hagueres esperat
you had expected
hagué esperat
he/she had expected
haguérem esperat
we had expected
haguéreu esperat
you all had expected
haguéren esperat
they had expected
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) expect
(so that you) expect
(so that he/she) expects
(so that we) expect
(so that you all) expect
(so that they) expect
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was expecting
(so that you) were expecting
(so that he/she) was expecting
(so that we) were expecting
(so that you all) were expecting
(so that they) were expecting
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi esperat
(so that I) have expected
hagis esperat
(so that you) have expected
hagi esperat
(so that he/she) has expected
hàgim esperat
(so that we) have expected
hàgiu esperat
(so that you all) have expected
hagin esperat
(so that they) have expected
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués esperat
(so that I) had expected
haguessis esperat
(so that you) had expected
hagués esperat
(so that he/she) had expected
haguéssim esperat
(so that we) had expected
haguéssiu esperat
(so that you all) had expected
haguessin esperat
(so that they) had expected
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi esperar-se
(so that I) expected
vagis esperar-se
(so that you) expected
vagi esperar-se
(so that he/she) expected
vàgim esperar-se
(so that we) expected
vàgiu esperar-se
(so that you all) expected
vagin esperar-se
(so that they) expected
Periphastic past tense
vaig esperar-se
I expected
vas esperar-se
you expected
va esperar-se
he/she expected
vam esperar-se
we expected
vau esperar-se
you all expected
van esperar-se
they expected
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver esperat
I had expected
vas haver esperat
you had expected
va haver esperat
he/she had expected
vam haver esperat
we had expected
vau haver esperat
you all had expected
van haver esperat
they had expected

Examples of esperar-se

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Als meus fills que deixo, i que potser no tornaré a veure mai més, els vull dir que el futur del Congo és bo i que espero d'ells, i de cada congolès, que compleixin la sagrada tasca de restablir la nostra independència i la nostra sobirania.To my sons, whom I am leaving and whom, perhaps, I shall not see again, I want to say that the future of Congo is splendid and that I expect from them, as from every Congolese, the fulfillment of the sacred task of restoring our independence and our sovereignty.
"Li recordo que aquesta nit espero a la vídua del seu germà. ""I would remind you once more that I am expecting this very night the widow of your brother as my guest!"
Per què has trigat tant quan saps que espero carta?You shouldn't keep me waiting when I'm expecting a letter.
Oscar, on t'havies ficat? Per què has trigat tant quan saps que espero carta?You shouldn't keep me waiting when I'm expecting a letter.
Jo espero que siguis el primer pescador de crancs que dugui aquest fermall.I expect you'll be the first crabber's son to wear the badge.
Què esperes trobar a l'estudi?What do you expect to find at the studio?
Què esperes?Man: What do you expect?
Si has comprat una altra televisi per casa teva i esperes que jo la pagui ...If you bought another big screen for the apartment and you're expecting me to pay for half of it,
Què esperes trobar exactament aquí?So what exactly are you expecting to find on that? [Sighs]
- I esperes una altra cosa.- And you expect better.
Una enquesta especial de l’Eurobaròmetre1 realitzada l’any passat confirma que la població europea espera que la Unió Europea tingui un paper important en el desenvolupament.A special Eurobarometer1 survey carried through in 2004 confirms that the European public expects the European Union to play a central role in development.
Tan prompte com Sa Altesa l'Aga Khan arribe a Uganda, la seua primera visita de cortesia serà al Parlament i s'espera que els periòdics aprofundisquen en les #SamwyriQNS. No!As soon His Highness the Aga Khan lands in Ug, his 1st courtesy call is Statehouse and one expects newspapers to dig into #SamwyriQNS; No! — Daneri Akiiki (@_pensioner) May 2, 2015
Faci el favor de trobar–lo i digui–li que el seu sogre l’espera.You've got to him and tell him his father–in–law expects him.
El Führer espera el millor de tots.The Fuhrer expects every man to do his best.
El capità Feigl, m'espera.Hauptmann Feigl expects me.
Enguany esperem avançar en el desenvolupament de les eines de política exterior, amb més plans d’acció de la PEV, amb una millor capacitat de gestió de crisis, un compromís renovat per eradicar la pobresa i l’atenció centrada en els ODM i les institucions multilaterals en vista de la Cimera de les Nacions Unides.In 2005 we expect to go further in developing our foreign policy tools, with more ENP Action Plans, greater development of our crisis management capacity, a renewed commitment to eradicating poverty, and focusing on the MDGs and multilateral institutions in the run up to the UN Summit.
Una font de la comunitat per a la promoció de la democràcia a Washington va declarar a RuNet Echo que "el llenguatge d'autorització és essencialment una recomanació i no esperem que resulti en cap nova assignació per als mitjans i la societat civil russa".A source in Washington’s democracy-promotion community told RuNet Echo, “The authorization language is essentially a recommendation, and we’re not expecting it to result in any new appropriations for Russian media or civil society.”
El director Kianoosh Ayari va explicar a la Campanya Internacional pels Drets Humans a l'Iran que «el que esperem de la institució encarregada de la indústria cinematogràfica és que tingui autoritat per a prendre les seves pròpies decisions.“What we expect from the institution in charge of the film industry is to have the authority to carry out its decisions.
No l’esperem fins dilluns a la tarda.We do not expect him till Monday afternoon.
No esperem que hi hagi cap problema.We don't expect any problems.
Nedava quartejant per amunt el corrent, pero tanmateix ell el mena cap avall més de pressa que no havia esperat.He swam quartering upstream, but still was swept downward rather faster than he had expected.
Sempre he esperat el millor de vosaltres... i mai m'heu donat menys que això.- I always expected your best, and you never gave me anything less.
Mai m'hauria esperat això de tu.I never expected that from you.
Mai m'ho hauria esperat de mi mateixa.I never expected it from myself.
No espereu més visites?You expect more visitors?
No espereu de mi una gran oratòria, sofismes ni prevaricació en el cas.Well, you may expect from me no art of address, no sophistry or prevarication in such a cause.
Si espereu que el meu client cooperi, deixeu-me que us digui que us equivoqueu.MULLlN: If you expect my client to cooperate, let me assure you you're dead wrong.
De debò espereu que vegi com la seva gent es mor de gana sense treure foc?Do you expect her to watch her people starve without breathing fire?
En el moment en què s'escriuen aquestes línies, Me Aïssata Tall Sall participa a Florència en la manifestació en memòria dels dos senegalesos assassinats, en la qual s’esperen el primer ministre italià, el president del Consell Regional i el cap del Partit Democràtic, principal partit de l’oposició.As this goes to press, Me Aïssata Tall Sall is taking part in the protest in Florence, to pay tribute to the memory of the two murdered Senegalese men, with the expected presence of the Italian Prime Minister, the President of the Regional Council, the Democratic Party leader (major opposition to the current governing party).
A Puerto Rico, una organització busca despertar la consciència, mitjançant un vídeo musical, sobre els riscos de fer cesàries electives a dones que esperen un fill.In Puerto Rico, an organization is seeking to raise awareness on the dangers and risks of planning unnecessary C-sections on women expecting babies through a music video.
No esperen que els robis.They're not expecting to get robbed.
- Tots esperen el ball.- They're expecting the dance.
Estàs fent justament el que esperen que faces.You did what they expected you to do.
Només faig allò que esperaria que tu fessis per mi.Lagoon! I'm only doing what I would expect you to do for me,
Endo, atengui'l. Okubo, tu esperaries el mateix, oi?Okubo, you would expect the same, wouldn't you?
Okubo, tu esperaries el mateix, oi?Okubo, you would expect the same, wouldn't you?
Ismaïl Moidze, secretari de la societat Vatan diu que la seva organització esperava que més persones demanarien poder tornar.Ismayil Moidze, the chairman of the society says that, their organization was expecting more people to apply for returning.
Però la resposta per part de familiars de víctimes franquistes de la guerra no va ser ni molt menys la que el règim esperava.But the response from the relatives of the pro-Franco victims in the war was similar to what the regime was expecting.
El 29 d'agost, mentre el món esperava amb expectació la imminent campanya de bombardeigs contra al-Àssad, ella escrivia :On August 29, when the world was expecting an imminent bombing campaign against Assad, she wrote :
T'esperava en la meva oficina fa vint minuts.I was expecting you in my office 20 minutes ago.
Mama, això ha sigut... una mica més difícil del que esperava.Uh, Mom, that was... ...a little bit heavier than I was expecting it to be.
No és el què esperaves, veritat?Not quite what you were expecting, right?
No esperi que s'ho cregui ningú.You don't expect anybody to believe that?
Qui no vulgui donar res, que no ho faci, però que no esperi menjar de franc del que els altres donin.No one has to give if they don’t want to. But don’t expect to be fed at the expense of the rest of us. - Here.
Escolta, M'estàs dient que no esperi miracles?Hey, what are you tellin' me, not to expect a miracle?
T'ajudaré amb els casos tan aviat com acabi aquí, però no esperis que m'agradi.I'll help you with the case files as soon as I'm done here, but don't expect me to like it. ♪ ♪
No esperis que jo ho sàpiga.Don't expect me to know...
Quan menys t'ho esperis...Just when you least expect it...
No esperis gaire.Do not expect too much.
No esperin tornar a casa vivents.Do not expect to return home alive.
He anat a veure Sereny Harper, com una vella bleda, esperant que li faria creure totes les beneiteries d'aquell somni, quan (ja us podeu ben amanir!) em trobo que ella havia esbrinat per Joe que vós fóreu aquí i sentíreu tota la nostra conversa d'aquella nit.Here I go over to Sereny Harper, like an old softy, expecting I'm going to make her believe all that rubbage about that dream, when lo and behold you she'd found out from Joe that you was over here and heard all the talk we had that night.
En la seva angúnia, Huck va adonar-se que s'anava acostant més i més al carreró, tement tota mena de coses esgarrifoses i esperant que esdevingués momentaniament alguna catastrofe que li retirés l'ale.In his uneasiness Huck found himself drawing closer and closer to the alley; fearing all sorts of dreadful things, and momentarily expecting some catastrophe to happen that would take away his breath.
Jo m'estava esperant, Per obtenir educació a la ciutat!I was expecting to get education in the city!
Us estàvem esperant.Yes, we've been expecting you.

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