As ratazanas desfrutam do seu elevado estatuto e sentem-se confiantes o suficiente para afugentar a concorrência. | The rats enjoy their elevated status and feel confident enough to chase off the competition. |
E agora está a formar-se uma multidão porque nos vão afugentar. | And now there's a crowd gathering because they're going to chase us away. |
Ela não me quis afugentar. | She didn't mean to chase me off. |
Ela não vai ser tão fácil de afugentar como os outros. | She's not going to be as easy to chase away as the others. |
Está a tentar afugentar-me. | He's trying to chase me away. |
Eu afugento o urso e tu já não tens medo. | I chased the bear. And you're not afraid anymore. |
Que lar é esse onde a bruxa da tua mãe destrói tudo e afugenta as aves? | What kind of home is it when your witch of a mom chops it up... and chases the birds away? |
Devemo-lo ter afugentado antes de ter tempo para roubar alguma coisa. | We must have chased him out before he had time to steal anything. |
Pelos vistos, ainda não o tinha afugentado na altura. | Apparently I haven't chased him away yet. |
Eu afugentei um elefante! | Paolo, I chased away an elephant! |
Eu o afugentei. | I chased him away. |
Naquela casa no México, afugentei a tua tia e a Maricruz. | At that house in Mexico, I chased your aunt and Maricruz off. |
Os homens de negro vieram cá, mas afugentei-os com a caçadeira. | Those men in black busted in here. But I chased 'em off with your shotgun. |
Trouxeste alegria à minha vida... e afugentaste as trevas. | You brought light into my life and chased away all the darkness. |
Tu afugentaste-a! | You chased her away! |
A Mãe é que a afugentou. | You chased her away, Mother, let's not have any illusions about... |
Astérix afugentou o adivinho. | Asterix has chased the fortune teller ! |
Em cinco noites de luta épica ele afugentou a besta das nossas terras. | ln five nights of epic battles, he chased the beasts from our lands. |
Não sei o que colocaram lá na água, mas segundo um vizinho, algo afugentou o Sr. Chen e os seus homens há algumas noites. | - What? Well, I don't know what they're putting in the water out there, but according to the next-door neighbor, something chased Mr. Chen and his men out of the house a few nights ago. |
O tio Jamie afugentou-o. | Uncle Jamie chased him away. |
Andam a vangloriar-se de que afugentaram os Clantons. | They've been blowing off all over town how they chased the Clantons out. |
Os Serviços Secretos afugentaram-nos. | No. No, the Secret Service chased them away. |
Por falar nisso, esses palhaços que tu e os teus queridos pais afugentaram... | By the way, those clowns you and your dear parents chased off... |
Quase matou o Wesley fora do hotel, mas Gunn e Faith afugentaram-no. | Nearly killed Wesley outside the hotel, but Gunn and Faith chased him off. |
Não o afugentes com os teus detalhes deprimentes. | Not chased him with your details depressing. |
Senta-te antes que afugentes o resto. | (Growls) Sit on down now before you chase 'em all off. |
E olha, como está afugentando | "And look, how it's chasing away" |
Acho que vendemos uns quatro antes dos operários nos afugentarem. | I think we sold about four of them before the working-class heroes chased us away. |