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Motta (to receive) conjugation

26 examples
This verb can also mean the following: accept, get
Bokmål present tense
Bokmål past tense
Bokmål future tense
vil motta
Bokmål conditional tense
ville motta
Bokmål imperative tense
Bokmål present perfect tense
har mottatt
Bokmål past perfect tense
hadde mottatt
Bokmål future perfect tense
vil ha mottatt
Bokmål conditional perfect tense
ville ha mottatt

Examples of motta

Example in NorwegianTranslation in English
En ære å motta den fra hendene til en så vakker dame.It's indeed an honor to receive it from the hands of so beautiful a lady.
Med hvilken rett vil De, John Lackland, Prins av England, kreve å bli kronet i dag til konge over riket og forsvarer av den hellige grav, å motta kirkens velsignelse?By what authority do you, John Lackland, Prince of England claim to be crowned this day, sovereign of the realm and as defender of the Holy Sepulcher, to receive the blessing of the church?
Faktisk så nær Hans Majestets krets, at du ville bli overrasket over... hva adelsmenn var villige til å gjøre for å motta lån.So near the person of His Majesty that you would be astonished to know what great noblemen condescended to receive his loans.
Herr Lyndon, er De klar til å motta lord Bullingdons skudd?SIR RICHARD: Are you ready to receive Lord Bullingdon's fire?
Lord Bullingdon... er De klar til å motta herr Lyndons skudd?Lord Bullingdon are you ready to receive Mr. Lyndon's fire?
Fra de yndige hendene til Lady Marian Fitzwater vil du motta din belønning.And from the gracious hand of Lady Marian Fitzwalter, you'll receive your reward.
En ære å motta den fra hendene til en så vakker dame.It's indeed an honor to receive it from the hands of so beautiful a lady.
Med hvilken rett vil De, John Lackland, Prins av England, kreve å bli kronet i dag til konge over riket og forsvarer av den hellige grav, å motta kirkens velsignelse?By what authority do you, John Lackland, Prince of England claim to be crowned this day, sovereign of the realm and as defender of the Holy Sepulcher, to receive the blessing of the church?
Konstabel Logan skal motta de høyeste militære æresbevisninger.Constable Logan shall receive the highest military honors.
Vi forlot båten og dro til hotellet, Hvor jeg skulle betale Miss O'Shaughnessy og motta fuglen.We then left the boat and set out for my hotel where I was to pay Miss O'Shaughnessy and receive the bird.
La oss føle takknemlighet for det vi mottar.For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful.
Vi gir Demetrius en mulighet til å gjøre seg fortjent til den jubelen han mottar.We'll give Demetrius an opportunity to earn the cheers he receives.
Vi takker deg, Herre, for alt vi mottar.For what we receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful. - Amen.
Men ble ikke dere fortalt at herr Harold bare mottar besøk etter avtale?But weren't you told that Mr. Harold receives callers only by appointment?
Øynene mine ser, men hjertet mottar det ikke lenger.My eyes still see. But my heart no longer receives it.
Men jeg mottok aldri slike meldinger.But I never received any such messages.
Jeg mottok flere meldinger hjemme hos vennen min.l received several messages at my friend's house.
Jeg mottok denne ilmeldingen fra admiral Wards for en time siden.I received this dispatch from Admiral Wards about an hour ago.
For tre dager siden mottok skipet en ilmelding om tjeneste.Three days ago, this ship received a dispatch addressed to us for action.
I dag mottok vi en gave fra USS Pinkney.Today we received a gift from the USS Pinkney.
Jeg har alltid vært i den mottakende enden, men det er også fint å gi smerte.I've always been on the receiving end, but it's fun inflicting pain, too.
De andre har allerede mottatt sine diplomer.The others have already received their diplomas.
Etter mottatt informasjon, er jenta her Monte Jarrads damevenn.On information received, this here girl is Monte Jarrad's lady friend.
Jeg har nettopp mottatt et langt, offisielt dokument fra Washington, som omsatt til en setning sier:I've just received a long, official document from Washington.
Hvis det ikke er protester, vil beviset bli mottatt.If there is no objection, the exhibit will be received in evidence.
Har Athen ikke bedt om og mottatt en spådom fra oraklet i Delfi?Has Athens not sent for and received a prediction from the Delphic oracle?

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