Modtage (to receive) conjugation

30 examples

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I receive
Past tense
I received
Future tense
vil modtage
I will receive
Present perfect tense
har modtaget
I have received
Past perfect tense
havde modtaget
I had received
Future perfect tense
vil have modtaget
I will have received
Conditional perfect tense
ville have modtaget
I would have received
Imperative mood

Examples of modtage

Example in DanishTranslation in English
Hun vil modtage instruktioner fra mig.She will receive instructions from me.
Gør jer klar til at modtage eden.Place yourself in position to receive the oath.
De er ved at modtage den.They are on their way now to receive it.
Med hvilken ret kræver du, prins John, at blive kronet til konge og modtage kirkens velsignelse?By what authority do you, John Lackland, Prince of England... ...claimto be crownedthisday, sovereign of the realm... ...andas defenderoftheHolySepulcher, to receive the blessing of the church?
Herre, gør os taknemmelige for det, vi nu skal modtage.Lord, make us grateful for what we are about to receive for His sake.
Kendte du den lov, der siger... at enhver, der bevidst modtager, skjuler, plejer... eller bistår en oprører, er skyldig, som hvis han selv var en?Did you know the law... that any person who does knowingly receive, harbor, comfort... or succor a rebel is as guilty as if he himself bore arms?
Hvis du modtager ordrer fra mr. Christopher så smid, hvad du har i hænderne og stå til hans fulde rådighed.If you receive instructions from Mr. Christopher... ...abandonwhatever you may be doing... ...andplaceyourselfentirely at his disposal.
Vi giver Demetrius mulighed for at fortjene den hyldest, han modtager.We'll give Demetrius an opportunity to earn the cheers he receives.
Ja, det er... modtager du ham? Jeg må skifte tøj.Please, receive him, I need to change myself.
Hvis panelet ikke kan gætte Deres forbrydelse inden for ti spørgsmål, modtager De to ugers ferie på et eksklusivt badehotel helt gratis.If the panel fails to guess your unusual crime in ten questions, you will receive two weeks vacation at a seaside resort, all expenses paid.
- Og modtog ingen fra mig?-And received no letters from me?
Han modtog alle svar og instrukser fra Tyskland på samme måde via FBI's kontraspion-station.He received all replies and instructions from Germany the same way through the counterespionage station of the FBI.
Mindre end en time efter Dietrichs møde med Elsa Gebhardt modtog inspektør Briggs en vigtig konvolut.Less than an hour after Dietrich received his instructions from Elsa Gebhardt, an important envelope reached Inspector Briggs.
For tre dage siden modtog skibet her en beredskabsordre.Three days ago, this ship received a dispatch addressed to us for action.
I dag modtog vi en gave fra USS Pinkney.Today we received a gift from the USS Pinkney.
Én juvel har jeg tilbage... modtag du den.One jewel have I left, receive thou this.
Hjælp mig, søde Gud, og modtag min sjæl!Assist me, sweet God, and receive my soul!
Kom tilbage to laboratoriet og modtag ordentlig behandling. Hvis du ikke gør det, så dør du måske.If you don't go back to the lab and receive proper treatment, you may die.
Willow Ufgood, modtag denne tryllebog.Willow Ufgood, receive this book of magic.
Evige hav, hvorfra vi kom, modtag løjtnant Martin Pascal.Eternal ocean from which we came, receive Lt Martin Pascal.
Indholdet var produceret af en gruppe af professionelle, kommercielle producenter, der derefter kontrollerede oplevelsen, og placerede individer i den passive modtagende ende af den kulturelle samtale.The materials were produced by some set of professional commercial producers, who then controlled the experience and located individuals at the passive receiving end of the cultural conversation.
- Transmuterende kamera. En modtagende projektor.A transmutational camera to a receiving projector.
En ansøgningsfunktionær bør være af en vis støbning for at være i den modtagende ende af en hel nations ansøgnings-panik for at udholde al frustration og vrede fra alle de såkaldte stræberforældre - - der lige har opdaget...-An admissions officer must have a strong constitution to be on the receiving end of an entire nation's application panic, to endure the frustration and anger of all the so-called millennial parents who just realized...
yeah, jeg har været på den modtagende ende af dem et par gange.yeah, I've been on the receiving end of those a few times.
Jeg har altid været i den modtagende ende, men det er også sjovt at give smerte.I've always been on the receiving end, but it's fun inflicting pain, too.
Vi har modtaget en stor kasse, en gave fra vores Czarina.We've received a large crate, a gift from our Czarina.
Men jeg har aldrig modtaget sådanne beskeder.But I never received any such messages.
Har du modtaget denne besked i dag?You received that message from Hamburg today?
Adskillige andre har modtaget førstehjælp på overfyldte søbredder.Several others received emergency first aid at crowded lake resorts.
Vi har modtaget informationer om en bande af Comancher anført af Ar.We received information about a band of Comanches under a chief named Scar.

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