" C'est mieux de donner que de recevoir." | "It is better to give than receive." |
" Cher Lewis, quel bonheur de recevoir tes lettres, à chaque fois que j'en lis une je me sens plus proche de toi. " | GLADYS READING: " Dear Lewis, how lovely to receive your letters, each time I read one I feel closer to you " |
"Bénissez-nous, mon Dieu, pour les cadeaux que nous allons recevoir. | "Bless us, O Lord, for these Thy gifts which we are about to receive. |
"Cher Maurice, quel soulagement de recevoir ta carte postale | "Dear Maurice, what a relief to receive your postcard |
"Digne est l'agneau égorgé de recevoir la puissance, la richesse, la sagesse, la force, l'honneur et la louange." | "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing." |
" J'ai reçu le message suivant cet après-midi. | "l received the following e-mail this afternoon". |
"Ai reçu la note du Département de la Justice. | "Have received notice from U.S. Department of Justice. |
"Ambassade d'Allemagne le 21 avril" L'ambassade a reçu l'an dernier des centaines de telles lettres. | The embassy received hundreds of letters like that last year, Mr. Ambassador. |
"Cher Dwight, tu dois avoir reçu mon mot. | "Dear Dwight, by now you have received my note. |
"Cher Nicola, "J'ai bien reçu ta lettre du 24. | Dear Nicola, I received your letter dated the 24th. |
"Au nom de notre Seigneur... "Si tu reçois une blessure, le peuple reçoit la même. | "In the name of God the merciful... 'lf you receive a wound, the people have received a similar one. |
"Et reçois ton acte de divorce de mes mains." | "Which you receive from me." |
"Je reçois tout Sans aucune souffrance | "I receive everything with no suffering, |
"Si tu reçois une blessure, le peuple reçoit la même. | 'If you receive a wound, the people have received a similar one. |
- Bonjour. Demain, 10 h 30, tu reçois au Château le président Grozin. | Tomorrow, 10.30 a.m., you receive Grozin. |
""Mademoiselle, recevez mesplus sincères condoléances. "" | Please receive, Miss, my sincere condolences. |
"Accueillez un étudiant étranger et recevez 500 $ par mois." | " Host a foreign exchange student receive $500 a month expenses." |
- Vous recevez une indemnité. | - You receive an allowance. |
A environ 2h, le matin du meurtre, il est indiqué que vous recevez un appel d'un mobile non répertorié. | Huan Minglu, at approximately 2am on the morning of the murder, records show you received a call from an unlisted cellphone. - You remember who made that call? |
Alors appelez KLondike 5-3226 et recevez un t-shirt gratuit. | - Then call Klondike 5-3226. Call now and receive a free T-shirt. |
"En recevant cet anneau." | "And receiving a ring. " |
.. Et y ont donné et promis leur troth soit à l'autre, et ont déclaré la même chose en donnant et en recevant d'un anneau, et en joignant les mains ... | .. and thereto have given and pledged their troth either to other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a ring, and by joining of hands... |
Avec votre pouvoir, il établira son faux royaume ici, recevant son pouvoir directement de Satan. | With your power, he will establish his counterfeit kingdom here, receiving his power directly from Satan. |
Des convertis recevant la marque des Nécromongers. | Converts receiving the mark of the Necromonger. |
Donc, nous avons une cellule terroriste. opérant à Los Angeles, recevant des fonds depuis les 18 derniers mois, s'élevant à 6000 dollars par mois. | So we got a terrorist cell operating in Los Angeles, receiving funds for the last 18 months at $6,000 a month. |