Byssukúla erbúin að skemma tækin mín. | A bullet has damaged my instruments. |
Mér tókst vist að skemma fyrir tugi milljóna punda og hennar hátign var ekki lengur skemmt yfir "kostnaðarsamasta fanga Bretlands." | Apparently, I'd managed to cost the system tens of millions of pounds in damage and her Majesty no longer wanted to pleasure herself with Britain's most expensive prisoner! |
Vi? ?urftum ekki einu sinni a? skemma flaugina. | We didn't even have to damage the thopter. |
Ekki skemma fyrir þér né fyrir viðskiptasambandi okkar. | I know you'd do nothing to imperil that or damage our business relationship. |
Byssukúla erbúin að skemma tækin mín. | A bullet has damaged my instruments. |
Ekki skemma hann. | Try not to damage it too much, Monsters. |
Við megum ekki skemma búia. | We don't want that nest damaged. |
Þetta skemmir baráttu okkar. | This'll damage the whole campaign. |
Ūetta skemmir baráttu okkar. | This'll damage the whole campaign. Look, you do it your way, and we'll do it ours, all right? |
Sólargeislunin skemmdi sjálfvirku slökkvitækin. | The solar radiation damaged the auto fire extinguishers. |
Sķlargeislunin skemmdi sjálfvirku slökkvitækin. | The solar radiation damaged the auto fire extinguishers. |
Báòir bílarnir eru skemmdir. | You're damaged, I'm damaged. |
Báōir bílarnir eru skemmdir. | You're damaged, I'm damaged. |
Ūađ eru engar sjáanlegar skemmdir á búnađi. | Visual examination doesn't reveal any damaged components. |
- Við skemmdum var að búast. | - I knew it was damaged. |
Þú getur byrjað á að taka burt skemmdu bækurnar og flokkað þær ónýtu frá. | You can start by cleaning off all the damaged books and separating the ruined ones. |
Ūú getur byrjađ á ađ taka burt skemmdu bækurnar og flokkađ ūær ķnũtu frá. | You can start by cleaning off all the damaged books and separating the ruined ones. |
Ef eitthvað skemmist... | If anything gets damaged... |
Ef eitthvađ skemmist... | If anything gets damaged... |
Af hverju skemmdist þetta ekki? | Why wasn't it damaged? |
Aðalrafhlaðan skemmdist í árás með rafgasi. | My primary cell was damaged by a plasma attack. |
Öll öxlin skemmdist, grópin, liðböndin, vöðvarnir, brjóskið. | The whole structure of the shoulder was damaged, the socket, ligaments, muscles, cartilage. |
Af hverju skemmdist ūetta ekki? | Why wasn't it damaged? |
Frumeintökin skemmdust svo hann gerði þetta. | The originals got damaged so your husband copied them. |
Ég veit vel að mikið af eignum þínum skemmdust. | I appreciate the fact that a lot of your property got damaged as well. |
Ég veit vel ađ mikiđ af eignum ūínum skemmdust. | I appreciate the fact that a lot of your property got damaged as well. |
Skipið var mikið skemmt. | Heavily damaged. |
Skipiđ var mikiđ skemmt. | Heavily damaged. |
Hitt Soyuz-fariđ er of skemmt til ađ komast til jarđar.. en ūađ er í gķđu lagi fyrir smá sunnudagsrúnt. | That second Soyuz is too damaged for re-entry, but it's perfectly fine for a little Sunday drive. |
Af hverju flýgur hann ekki bara inn í hann á geimskipi? Skip sem hafa nálgast hann hafa ýmist skemmst eða eyðilagst. | Every ship that has approached the ribbon has been destroyed or damaged. |
Þú sagðir að flaugin hefði ekki skemmst við hrapið... og ekki væri hægt að dælda þessa títanblöndu. | I thought you said this thing wasn't damaged when it crashed. . . . . .that this titanium aIloy was so super-strong, you can't hurt it. |
Skip sem hafa nálgast hann hafa ýmist skemmst eða eyðilagst. | Every ship which has approached the ribbon has either been destroyed or severely damaged. |
Af hverju flũgur hann ekki bara inn í hann á geimskipi? Skip sem hafa nálgast hann hafa ũmist skemmst eđa eyđilagst. | Every ship that has approached the ribbon has been destroyed or damaged. |