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Gigit (to bite) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah gigit
Present perfect tense
sudah gigit
Future perfect tense
akan sudah gigit
Future recent tense
gigit nanti
Future distant tense
gigit kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang gigit
Past distant tense
dulu gigit
Past recent tense
gigit tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja gigit

Examples of gigit

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
atau dia mungkin akan gigit lidahnya sendiri.Or he might bite his own tongue off.
Wanita muda menatap dia dan menarik dia, dia menjadi ganas dia mengigitnya, dan dia gigit orang lain dan semua orang mulai mengigit satu sama lain sampai akhirnya semua disana menjadi zombie.Young woman cast her eyes on him - and wrapped him captivated. Rigo bit the woman. Woman bitten someone else, and everyone started to bite each other - until the nightclub was full of zombies.
Tidak apa, kau bisa menggigitku, gigit aku.It's okay, you can bite me, Bite me
Sebagai pengacara dan temanmu, Nasehatku gigit pelurunya... Berikan alasanmu sekarang.Well, as your lawyer and your friend, my advice to you is to bite the bullet... and give them your alibi now.
Aku sudah mengginggit sedikit, kau gigit itu kapanpun kau mau.I only had one bite. You're going to want it later.

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