Example in French | Translation in English |
Toujours à encombrer l'escalier. | Always blocking the stairs. |
Et je veux les deux sièges devant nous vides, je ne veux pas que mon champ de vision soit encombré. | And i'd like the two seats in front of us to be empty, Because i do not want my eye line blocked. |
Tu as complètement encombré ma voiture. | You totally car-blocked me. |
Crois-tu que la corde est assez longue pour que ton parpaing arrive au sol sans encombre ? | Do you trust we've provided you with enough slack so your block will land safely on the lawn? |
Pourquoi encombrez-vous le trottoir? | What are ya standin' around here for, blocking' the sidewalks? |
Vous encombrez la voie publique. | You're blocking the pavement. - It's your piano? |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Arabic | حجب | Danish | blokere |
Dutch | blokkeren | English | block |
Estonian | blokeerima | Finnish | blokata,tukkia |
German | abblocken, sperren, verbauen, verstellen, zustellen | Greek | εμποδίζω |
Hungarian | blokkol | Icelandic | teppa |
Indonesian | memblokir, mencekal, menghadang | Italian | bloccare, ingombrare, ingorgare, intasare, rintasare, sbarrare |
Japanese | ブロック | Lithuanian | blokuoti, užblokuoti, užkirsti |
Macedonian | блокира | Norwegian | blokkere, sperre |
Polish | blokować, zablokować | Portuguese | bloquear, obturar |
Romanian | bloca | Russian | блокировать, заблокировать, преградить, преграждать |
Spanish | blocar, bloquear | Swedish | blockera, spärra |
Thai | บล็อก | Turkish | engellemek |
Vietnamese | chặn, róc rách |