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Blokeerima (to block) conjugation

58 examples

Conjugation of blokeerima

Pass. Neg.
Present tense
I block
you block
he/she/it blocks
we block
you all block
they block
ei blokeeri
(do/does) not block
it is blocked
ei blokeerita
it is not blocked
Past tense
I blocked
you blocked
he/she/it blocked
we blocked
you all blocked
they blocked
ei blokeerinud
did not block
it was blocked
ei blokeeritud
it was not blocked
Conditional mood
blokeeriksin, blokeeriks
I would block
blokeeriksid, blokeeriks
you would block
he/she/it would block
blokeeriksime, blokeeriks
we would block
blokeeriksite, blokeeriks
you all would block
blokeeriksid, blokeeriks
they would block
ei blokeeriks
would not block
it would be blocked
ei blokeeritaks
it would not be blocked
Imperative mood
let him/her/it block
let's block
let them block
be blocked
Imperative negative mood
ära blokeeri
do not block
ärgu blokeerigu
let him/her/it not block
ärgem blokeerigem, ärme blokeerime
let him/her/it not block
ärge blokeerige
do not block
ärgu blokeerigu
let them not block
ärgu blokeeritagu
do not be blocked
Infinitive -ma
Infinitive -da
Past active participle
Past passive participle
been blocked
Pass. Neg.
Perfect tense
olen blokeerinud
I have blocked
oled blokeerinud
you have blocked
on blokeerinud
he/she/it has blocked
oleme blokeerinud
we have blocked
olete blokeerinud
you all have blocked
on blokeerinud
they have blocked
ei ole blokeerinud, pole blokeerinud
(have/has) not blocked
on blokeeritud
it has been blocked
ei ole blokeeritud, pole blokeeritud
it has not been blocked
Pluperfect past tense
olin blokeerinud
I had blocked
olid blokeerinud
you had blocked
oli blokeerinud
he/she/it had blocked
olime blokeerinud
we had blocked
olite blokeerinud
you all had blocked
oli blokeerinud
they had blocked
ei olnud blokeerinud, polnud blokeerinud
had not blocked
oli blokeeritud
it had been blocked
ei olnud blokeeritud, polnud blokeeritud
it had not been blocked
Conditional perfect mood
oleksin blokeerinud; oleks blokeerinud; blokeerinuksin; blokeerinuks
I would have blocked
oleksid blokeerinud; oleks blokeerinud; blokeerinuksid; blokeerinuks
you would have blocked
oleks blokeerinud; blokeerinuks
he/she/it would have blocked
oleksime blokeerinud; oleks blokeerinud; blokeerinuksime; blokeerinuks
we would have blocked
oleksite blokeerinud; oleks blokeerinud; blokeerinuksite; blokeerinuks
you all would have blocked
oleksid blokeerinud; oleks blokeerinud; blokeerinuksid; blokeerinuks
they would have blocked
ei oleks blokeerinud; poleks blokeerinud; ei blokeerinuks
would not have blocked
oleks blokeeritud
it would have been blocked
ei oleks blokeeritud; poleks blokeeritud
it would not have been blocked
Quotative tense
he/she/it (allegedly) blocks
ei blokeerivat
(allegedly) does not block
(allegedly) it is blocked
ei blokeeritavat
(allegedly) it is not blocked
Pass. Neg.
Quotative perfect tense
olevat blokeerinud; blokeerinuvat
he/she/it (allegedly) has blocked
ei olevat blokeerinud; polevat blokeerinud; ei blokeerinuvat
(allegedly) has not blocked
olevat blokeeritud
(allegedly) it has been blocked
ei olevat blokeeritud; polevat blokeeritud
(allegedly) it has not been blocked
Jussive mood
so that he/she/it block
ärgu blokeerigu
so that he/she/it do not block
so that it be blocked
ärgu blokeeritagu
so that it not be blocked
Jussive perfect mood
olgu blokeerinud
so that he/she/it have blocked
ärgu olgu blokeerinud
so that he/she/it do not have blocked
olgu blokeeritud
so that it have been blocked
ärgu olgu blokeeritud
so that it not have been blocked
des form
ma inessive
ma elative
ma translative
ma abessive
participle pres. active
participle pres. passive
Other forms
while blocking
while blocking
(due to/following/for) blocking
for the purpose of blocking
without block
that can be blocked
being blocked

Examples of blokeerima

Example in EstonianTranslation in English
Kus sa sellega lähed? Ma kõigest blokeerin esimese väljapääsu siis me pole nii haavatavad.I'm just gonna block the first point of egress here so that we're not vulnerable.
Ma blokeerin inimeste mõtteid.l'm blocking out people's thoughts.
Ma blokeerin kuule.I'm blocking bullets.
Ma blokeerin kõik sõnumid inimestelt, keda ma ei teaI'm gonna block all messages from people that I don't know--
- Sa blokeerid sagedust.- You're blocking the freq.
- Ta üritab anda endast kõik, et sulle meeldida, kuid sina blokeerid kõik tema katsed.- She's doing her best to please you... but you're blocking her attempts to bond.
Ehk sa lihtsalt blokeerid neid.Maybe you're just blocking them.
Enamasti blokeerid.Mostly blockin'.
- sellist keemiat mis blokeerib minu hääle.- a chemical that blocks out my voice.
Eile see poiss võitis loteriis, täna mingi hull eit blokeerib tee ning poiss pääseb viimase aasta.. ..suurimast liiklusõnnetusest.Today, some loony bitch blocks traffic and he avoids the worst pileup in years. I should be so damn 'unlucky.'
Aga kui me blokeerime närviimpulsi lihtsalt lisades kohalikku survet, mida saab teha iga tavalise metallklambriga, paigutatuna täpselt tagumiste närvijuurte laiendile ütleme, viieks-kuueks sekundiks?But what if we block the nerve impulse by simply applying local pressure… which can be done with any ordinary metal clamp… just at the swelling on the posterior nerve roots… for, oh, say… five or six seconds?
Aga kui me blokeerime närviimpulsi lihtsalt lisades kohalikku survet, mida saab teha iga tavalise metallklambriga, paigutatuna täpselt tagumiste närvijuurte laiendileBut what if we block the nerve impulse by simply applying local pressure, which can be done with any ordinary metal clamp just at the swelling on the posterior nerve roots
Chibs, mine Tigiga, me blokeerime ta!Chibs, stay with Tig, we'll block him off!
Kes iganes te ka olete... te blokeerite Rooma kodanike teed.Whoever you are... you are blocking the path of a citizen of Rome.
Kui olete palli saanud, siis blokeerite vastast... oma vasaku käega ja annate paremaga vastu lõuga... ja ma garanteerin teile, härrased, et ta on mõneks ajaks võimetuks muudetud. Selge?...the ball is snapped, you go into your opponent, blocking him with your left arm and bring this hand up into his chin, and I'll guarantee he'll be incapacitated for the next several moments.
Te blokeerite minu väljasõiduteed!You're blocking my driveway.
Te blokeerite mu sissesõiduteed.Hey, you're blocking my driveway.
- Ei. Sõdurid blokeerivad.The soldiers are blocking.
- Need blokeerivad peatee.- They'll block off the main drag.
- Need vist blokeerivad seda.There must be blocking it.
Ma ei blokeeri midagi.I'm not blocking anything.
Äkki nad ei blokeeri signaali, mis levib baasi sees?Maybe they're not blocking the signal from inside the base.
- Pole midagi, ma blokeerisin.I blocked it and deflected it back. Oh.
- Sest ma blokeerisin sinu oma.- Because I blocked it.
Kuidagi moodi blokeerisin selle ära.So somehow, I blocked it out.
-Võmmid blokeerisid tee.- Police have blocked the road. - What should I do?
Inimesed ilmselt blokeerisid veokitega väljapääsud ära, kuid siis hakkas kõik halvasti minema.The people, they must have blocked the exits with one of those trucks back when everything started to go bad.
Isa, nad blokeerisid toru.- Daddy, they've blocked the pipe. - Ohh!
- Oota... Sa püüdis teda aeglustada ja ta blokeeris sulle juurdepääsu? Ei, ei, ei.So, you actually tried to slow him down and he blocked your access?
- Tanker blokeeris marae.- Septic tank's blocked down at the marae.
- Üritasin Sennast mööduda, ta blokeeris mind kogu sõidu, ei tundu väga korrektne.I tried to overtake Senna. It was... He blocked me during the whole race, not very correct.
Agent Navarro blokeeris juurdepääsu linna kaameratele.Agent Navarro blocked our access to CCTV cameras.
Me blokeerisime mobiilisignaali kaua aega tagasi.We blocked all cell reception a long time ago.
Me blokeerisime su signaali.We blocked your signal.
Me blokeerisime ta sagedust kogu territooriumil.We've blocked the frequency in the area.
Kõik me saime, kuni signaal blokeeriti ja ette tuli see:We all got e-mails, until the signal was blocked. And this popped up.
- Nüüd blokeeri kõik muu ära.- Now block everything out.
Argpüksid ei blokeeri kedagi.Let's go. Who's a coward? Cowards won't block.
Blokeerige nad, blokeerige nad, blokeerige nad.Block them, block them, block them.
David, Dianne, blokeerige see aken!OK, David, Dianne, let's block up this window!
Ehitage tamm, blokeerige jõgi, las ahjud töötavad päeval ja ööl.Build a dam, block the stream, work the furnaces night and day.
Homme õpetan sind blokeerima.Tomorrow I'll teach you to block.
Howard, me peame kõik teed blokeerima... Ja mul on vaja Hueyst.Howard, we are going to have to put up some roadblocks... and I'm going to need some Hueys.
- Jah, tuleb lihtsalt blokeerida teatud madalamad sagedused.Yeah, it's a simple matter of blocking out certain subsonic frequencies.
- Kas saad selle blokeerida?Longwave. - Could you block it?
- Mida? Wraithid püüavad alati blokeerida rünnatava planeedi Väravat. Tavaliselt sisse valides.The Wraith always try to block the Gate of a planet they're attacking, usually by dialing in.
Ja on võimalus, et nad pole seda veel blokeerinud.There's a chance they haven't blocked it off yet.
Kas te olete levi kuidagi blokeerinud või...Have you blocked the signal somehow or--
Kui 165. on ära blokeerinud, tähendab see, et teiste teedega on sama lugu.If troopers got 165 blocked, that means they got other roads blocked, too.
"Tee on blokeeritud pahade inimestega..." No mis selles paremat on?"Oh, no, our path has been blocked by bad people. " What's the fun in that?
"meie valitud tee püramiidi on blokeeritud."The path we took upon our entry into the pyramid has been blocked.
Bostoni ajaloos. Meedia on blokeeritud otsesest kontaktist kuriteopaigaga, ning ainus, mis saime teada, et keha leiti sandistatuna, mida võidi teha jahinoaga.The media has been blocked from the immediate crime scene and all we could cope was that a body was found mutilated by what might have been a hunting knife.
Kõik peamised liiklus- teed on blokeeritud.All major traffic routes have been blocked.
Kõik võimalikud pääseteed on blokeeritud kiirteed, tänavad, tuletõrje teed...Every possible exit has been blocked, every highway, every road, every fire break.
"Tee on blokeeritud pahade inimestega..." No mis selles paremat on?"Oh, no, our path has been blocked by bad people. " What's the fun in that?
"meie valitud tee püramiidi on blokeeritud."The path we took upon our entry into the pyramid has been blocked.
Bostoni ajaloos. Meedia on blokeeritud otsesest kontaktist kuriteopaigaga, ning ainus, mis saime teada, et keha leiti sandistatuna, mida võidi teha jahinoaga.The media has been blocked from the immediate crime scene and all we could cope was that a body was found mutilated by what might have been a hunting knife.
Kõik võimalikud pääseteed on blokeeritud kiirteed, tänavad, tuletõrje teed...Every possible exit has been blocked, every highway, every road, every fire break.

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