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Bloquear (to block) conjugation

108 examples

Conjugation of bloquear

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I block
you block
he/she/it blocks
we block
you all block
they block
Present perfect tense
he bloqueado
I have blocked
has bloqueado
you have blocked
ha bloqueado
he/she/it has blocked
hemos bloqueado
we have blocked
habéis bloqueado
you all have blocked
han bloqueado
they have blocked
Past preterite tense
I blocked
you blocked
he/she/it blocked
we blocked
you all blocked
they blocked
Future tense
I will block
you will block
he/she/it will block
we will block
you all will block
they will block
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would block
you would block
he/she/it would block
we would block
you all would block
they would block
Past imperfect tense
I used to block
you used to block
he/she/it used to block
we used to block
you all used to block
they used to block
Past perfect tense
había bloqueado
I had blocked
habías bloqueado
you had blocked
había bloqueado
he/she/it had blocked
habíamos bloqueado
we had blocked
habíais bloqueado
you all had blocked
habían bloqueado
they had blocked
Future perfect tense
habré bloqueado
I will have blocked
habrás bloqueado
you will have blocked
habrá bloqueado
he/she/it will have blocked
habremos bloqueado
we will have blocked
habréis bloqueado
you all will have blocked
habrán bloqueado
they will have blocked
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I block
(if/so that) you block
(if/so that) he/she/it block
(if/so that) we block
(if/so that) you all block
(if/so that) they block
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya bloqueado
I have blocked
hayas bloqueado
you have blocked
haya bloqueado
he/she/it has blocked
hayamos bloqueado
we have blocked
hayáis bloqueado
you all have blocked
hayan bloqueado
they have blocked
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have blocked
(if/so that) you have blocked
(if/so that) he/she/it have blocked
(if/so that) we have blocked
(if/so that) you all have blocked
(if/so that) they have blocked
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have blocked
(if/so that) you have blocked
(if/so that) he/she/it have blocked
(if/so that) we have blocked
(if/so that) you all have blocked
(if/so that) they have blocked
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera bloqueado
I had blocked
hubieras bloqueado
you had blocked
hubiera bloqueado
he/she/it had blocked
hubiéramos bloqueado
we had blocked
hubierais bloqueado
you all had blocked
hubieran bloqueado
they had blocked
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese bloqueado
I had blocked
hubieses bloqueado
you had blocked
hubiese bloqueado
he/she/it had blocked
hubiésemos bloqueado
we had blocked
hubieseis bloqueado
you all had blocked
hubiesen bloqueado
they had blocked
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have blocked
(if/so that) you will have blocked
(if/so that) he/she/it will have blocked
(if/so that) we will have blocked
(if/so that) you all will have blocked
(if/so that) they will have blocked
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere bloqueado
I will have blocked
hubieres bloqueado
you will have blocked
hubiere bloqueado
he/she/it will have blocked
hubiéremos bloqueado
we will have blocked
hubiereis bloqueado
you all will have blocked
hubieren bloqueado
they will have blocked
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's block!
Imperative negative mood
no bloquees
do not block!
no bloquee
let him/her/it block!
no bloqueemos
let us not block!
no bloqueéis
do not block!
no bloqueen
do not block!

Examples of bloquear

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"...para bloquear la trayectoria del ejercito...""to block the path of the army
"Buques de guerra se están movilizando para bloquear los puertos".Battleships are moving in to block our ports.
"El primer proyecto de la Cámara de Ley contra el terrorismo era tan poco consistente que permitía a las autoridades definir como acto de terrorismo, perseguible por el Gobierno Federal, desde que tu esposo te amenazase con una pistola, hasta bloquear una clínica de aborto.The first draft of the House Anti-Terrorism Bill was so loose, it could let authorities define as an Act of Terrorism, prosecutable by the Federal Government, everything from threatening your spouse with a gun, to blocking an abortion clinic.
"En primer lugar, las milicias fueron a bloquear la carretera.""First, the militia went off to block the highroad."
"Hemos venido aquí dos veces para bloquear el Puerto Ryojun""We've come here twice already to block this Port Ryojun.
! ) Tom, la policia a desplegado un bloqueo justo donde se dirige el Go-Go Action Bronco.Tom, the police have set a roadblock right where the Go-Go Action Bronco is heading.
"Capitaneaba un barco que intentó romper el bloqueo de Yorktown y reabastecer a Cornwallis"'He was captaining a ship that was attempting to break the blockade at Yorktown and resupply Cornwallis.
"Con el bloqueo impuesto por el gobierno de Papua Nueva Guinea... pensamos que cada familia debería ser auto-suficiente en su alimentación.With the blockade being imposed by Papua New Guinea government we found that every family must be self-sufficient for the foodstuff.
"Duele si no las oigo, si las bloqueo y no las escribo."It hurts if I don't hear them, if I block it out and I don't write it down.
"Yo creo que con el bloqueo, la guerra de Bougainville es como un centro educacional o, diría mas, es una universidad para todos los que estamos en Bougainville."I think with the blockade the Bougainville war is like an educational centre or furthermore I could say it's a university for all of us who are on Bougainville.
"¿Por qué siempre me bloqueas la comida?""Why are you always food-blocking, bro?"
- Eres como un portero, ¡los bloqueas! ¿Entiendes?- Like a guard dog, you block them, you understand?
15 segundos, o te bloqueas... o eres pintura en el tren.15 seconds, you're either blocked in or you're paint on the train.
Agarras, entras, bloqueas. y entonces, lanzasGrab, approach, block and throw yourself into it.
Ahora que dudo que podamos separar el ADN Goa'uld del suyo, pero puede que podamos bloqueas esos conocimientos de su mente consciente y evitar que la poseanI doubt we can unmarry the Goa'uld DNA from hers, but we may be able to block the knowledge from her conscious mind. Stop it from possessing her.
"El Naltrexone bloquea los efectos de los narcóticos."Naltrexone blocks the effects of heroin and of opiates.
- Dempsey ataca, Carpentier bloquea.- Dempsey attacks. Carpentier blocks a right.
- Fue amañado con algo que bloquea la magia.- They rigged it with something that blocks magic.
- No está armado, y el plomo bloquea toda la radiación...- It is not armed, and the lead blocks all the radiation...
- No puedo, por si me bloquea.- I can't, in case he blocks me.
- Perderemos si no bloqueamos bien.- If we don't block this, it's over.
- Si las bloqueamos a todas--- So if we block all those...
- Tú y yo bloqueamos; él los hace salir.- We're blocking; he's flushing.
Agente Lisbon, bloqueamos los caminos y enviamos oficiales en busca de O'Brien.Agent Lisbon, we've set up road blocks. Sending officers to look for O'Brien.
Creo que bloqueamos más aún.I think we're blocking more than that.
- bloqueáis el acceso a la lista.You're blocking the list.
Mientras que tú y tu pequeña flota de Renegados bloqueáis su puerto.While you and your little fleet of rejects blockade their harbor.
¿Por qué bloqueáis el camino caminando hombro con hombro?Why are you two blocking the road by walking side by side?
"Al igual que las imágenes que bloquean las paredes"? Like the pictures that block your walls ?
, polvos para la cara, polvos de talco, bicarbonato, entonces cuando se inyectan durante mucho tiempo, si las venas no se rompen, se bloquean.face powder, talcum powder, bicarbonate of soda, so when they've been injecting for long enough, if the veins haven't collapsed, they get blocked.
- Ellos bloquean la puerta.- The jump blocks at the door.
- Es como cuando digo que quiero ser independiente, pero todas esas pequeñas cosas se añaden y me bloquean para serlo.- Absolutely. - It's like I'm saying I want to be independent, but all these little things, they add up and they just block me from it.
- No. Los soldados bloquean.The soldiers are blocking.
- Lo bloqueé intencionalmente.Pretty sure I intentionally blocked it out.
- Lo bloqueé totalmente.- I've blocked it out.
- Porque lo bloqueé.- Because I blocked it.
- Stu, bloqueé tu número.- Stu, I blocked your number.
- También la bloqueé.-l got that blocked off too.
Bueno, lo bloqueaste, ¿no?Well, you blocked him, right?
Creo que algo traumático te sucedió y lo bloqueaste.I think something traumatic happened to you and you've blocked it out.
Deliberadamente bloqueaste este coche, cierto?You deliberately blocked this car, right?
Diles que te bloqueaste a algo.Tell them you're blocked or something.
Es obvio que bloqueaste tus recuerdos de las humanas.You obviously blocked out memories of what human women are like.
"Después bloqueó la puerta"Then, he blocked the gate..."
- El fragmento de la bala embolizó y bloqueó la arteria pulmonar.- The bullet fragment embolized and blocked the pulmonary artery.
- Ella sabía de ordenadores, cerró y bloqueó el chat room con toda la información.She knew computers, blocked the chat room and everyone on it.
- Garry usando una estrategia maravillosa, logró una posición que le bloqueó varias jugadas, eso es lo que se supone se haga contra la computadora, bloquearle jugadas, y así la computadora no sabrá que hacer, el jugaría y la máquina no podría desarrollar ningún tipo de estrategia.Gary was using his usual antikompjutersku strategy. Bokirao the position. When the position is blocked computer does not know what to do.
-Traté de ser su amiga y me bloqueó.- I tried to friend her. She blocked me.
! Padre, bloquearon la canería!- Daddy, they've blocked the pipe.
- Lo bloquearon.- They've blocked him.
- No, también la bloquearon.They blocked that one, too.
- ¡Nos bloquearon!- We're blocked in!
Además unos coches bloquearon la entrada del garaje policial.Cars drove up in front of the Police garage and blocked the entrance.
Cuando esté lleno de vida... y mi poder se restablezca bloquearé su sol.When I am fully alive... and my power restored we will block out their sun.
Te bloquearéI wwill block you.
"Bombas de Explosion" enterradas en el suelo bloqueará el camino de Godzilla hacia el reactor.If you go to the reactor bombs hidden under the earth will block the road. Well.
Alguien la bloqueará.Someone will block it.
Cogeremos su tartana, la corbeta inglesa nos bloqueará nos registrarán y estos documentos serán enviados urgentemente al almirante Nelson.With your tartan. The English will block us, search us, and the documents will be send to the admiral Nelson.
Comenzamos a sospechar que la tierra bloqueará nuestro pasaje.We start to suspect the land will block our passage.
El Crucero bloqueará Babylon 5... hasta que nuestras naves sean devueltas a custodia Centauri intactas y sin abrir.The cruiser will blockade Babylon 5... until our ships are returned to Centauri custody, intact and unopened.
Ki Nam y yo bloquearemos el callejón trasero.Ki-nam and I will block the back alley.
¡Cartman y yo lo bloquearemos por este lado!Cartman and I will block him from the side!
- Porque los pelitos de la nariz bloquearán el asbesto.Because your nose hair will block the asbestos.
Codeina... dos de estas malas chicas te bloquearán durante una semana.Codeine... two of these bad boys will block you up for a week.
Eso le bloquearía la vista.That would block his view.
Joe descubrió que esta "burbuja u órbita" de energía bloquearía todos los tipos conocidos de radiación electromagnética.Joe found that this bubble or energy orb would block all known types of electromagnetic radiation.
Pensé que el escenario bloquearía las cámaras.I thought the set would block the cameras.
Pensé que lo bloquearía o algo por el estilo.I mean, I thought he would block it or something.
Sabía que la puerta bloquearía la cámara.He knew the door would block the camera.
-Diez pisos se la bloquearían.-Ten stories would block his view.
Si está al norte de nosotros, las montañas bloquearían su vista.If he's north of us, the mountains would block his view.
- Espero que no se bloquee de nuevo.- Hopefully she won't block again.
- No parece tener nada que la bloquee.Doesn't seem to be any blockage.
- No se bloquee, Gerry.- Don´t block, Gerry.
- Que seguridad bloquee las salidas.Have security block all exits. I'm on it.
- Tan sólo no bloquee el pasillo.- Only, don't block the aisle.
Ahora, mira... necesito que bloquees la puerta... porque Jack es muy resbaladizo.Okay, now, look, I may need you to block the door, because Jack is real slippery. All right, kind of quick.
Dean odia que bloquees la entrada.Dean hates it when you block the entrance.
Hagas lo que hagas, no bloquees al árbitro.Whatever you do, don't block the ref.
La próxima vez, no bloquees mi tiro.Next time don't block my shot.
No bloquees el pasillo.Sit down! Don't block the aisle.
- Dije: "Mike, no lo bloqueemos.-I said, "Mike, let's not block this.
- Que bloqueemos los citatorios pero sabe que no podemos una vez que se entregaron.- To block the subpoenas, but he knows we can't once those things go out.
- ¿Quieren que bloqueemos las calles?- You want streets blocked off?
David, Dianne, bloqueemos esta ventana.OK, David, Dianne, let's block up this window!
Oficial, bloqueemos esta manzana.Officer, let's lock down this block.
No bloqueéis la entrada.Please don't block the doorway.
No bloqueéis las entradas.Unblock the entrances.
"Pero yo no tengo miedo, no hay manera que bloqueen mi camino"♫ But I am not afraid, no way. ♪ ♫ If they block my road, ♪
- Haré que bloqueen la carretera.I'll have them set up a roadblock.
- Mami, los niños bloqueen la TV.- Yeah. - Mommy, the boys keep blocking the TV.
- Vayan y bloqueen todas las salidas.- Go out and block all the exits!
- ¡No será encantadora ya que nos bloqueen el sol con su monstruoso edificio!-It won't be charming once you block out the sun with this condo-hoteI monstrosity!
Sarah, ¿pidió que le bloquearan algún cliente?Sarah, were there any clients that she asked to have blocked?
3ª unidad, bloquead la carretera trasera.3rd unit, block off the back road
Coches patrulla, bloquead las salidas este y oeste.Patrol units, block west and east ends.
Ok, bloquead todas las carreteras, salgo para allá.Okay, block all the roads, I'm driving out.
Sólo bloquead las cámaras.Just block the cameras.
Unidades de investigaciones especiales, bloquead el lado norte.S.I.S. Units, block off the north side.
"Alguien que ha bloqueado toda la zona."Someone that has blocked the entire area.
"Continuaremos hasta que el puerto sea bloqueado""We will continue so until the port is blocked."
"El camino que tomamos para entrar a la pirámide... ha sido bloqueado"."The path we took upon our entry into the pyramid has been blocked.
"Juliette me ha bloqueado en facebook. ""Juliette has blocked me on facebook. "
"Debido a un cortejo fúnebre bloqueando la entrada."Due to a funeral procession blocking the driveway.
"Esto es muy extraño". "No hay nada bloqueando la puerta".There's nothing blocking the door
"Se los dije" bloqueando la sangre de mi cerebro.blocking the blood to my brain.
- ... bloqueando la rotonda.-...blocking the roundabout.
- Algo debe estar bloqueando la señal.- Something must be blocking the signal.

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