Rehusar (to refuse) conjugation

88 examples

Conjugation of rehusar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I refuse
you refuse
he/she/it refuses
we refuse
you all refuse
they refuse
Present perfect tense
he rehusado
I have refused
has rehusado
you have refused
ha rehusado
he/she/it has refused
hemos rehusado
we have refused
habéis rehusado
you all have refused
han rehusado
they have refused
Past preterite tense
I refused
you refused
he/she/it refused
we refused
you all refused
they refused
Future tense
I will refuse
you will refuse
he/she/it will refuse
we will refuse
you all will refuse
they will refuse
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would refuse
you would refuse
he/she/it would refuse
we would refuse
you all would refuse
they would refuse
Past imperfect tense
I used to refuse
you used to refuse
he/she/it used to refuse
we used to refuse
you all used to refuse
they used to refuse
Past perfect tense
había rehusado
I had refused
habías rehusado
you had refused
había rehusado
he/she/it had refused
habíamos rehusado
we had refused
habíais rehusado
you all had refused
habían rehusado
they had refused
Future perfect tense
habré rehusado
I will have refused
habrás rehusado
you will have refused
habrá rehusado
he/she/it will have refused
habremos rehusado
we will have refused
habréis rehusado
you all will have refused
habrán rehusado
they will have refused
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I refuse
(if/so that) you refuse
(if/so that) he/she/it refuse
(if/so that) we refuse
(if/so that) you all refuse
(if/so that) they refuse
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya rehusado
I have refused
hayas rehusado
you have refused
haya rehusado
he/she/it has refused
hayamos rehusado
we have refused
hayáis rehusado
you all have refused
hayan rehusado
they have refused
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have refused
(if/so that) you have refused
(if/so that) he/she/it have refused
(if/so that) we have refused
(if/so that) you all have refused
(if/so that) they have refused
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have refused
(if/so that) you have refused
(if/so that) he/she/it have refused
(if/so that) we have refused
(if/so that) you all have refused
(if/so that) they have refused
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera rehusado
I had refused
hubieras rehusado
you had refused
hubiera rehusado
he/she/it had refused
hubiéramos rehusado
we had refused
hubierais rehusado
you all had refused
hubieran rehusado
they had refused
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese rehusado
I had refused
hubieses rehusado
you had refused
hubiese rehusado
he/she/it had refused
hubiésemos rehusado
we had refused
hubieseis rehusado
you all had refused
hubiesen rehusado
they had refused
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have refused
(if/so that) you will have refused
(if/so that) he/she/it will have refused
(if/so that) we will have refused
(if/so that) you all will have refused
(if/so that) they will have refused
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere rehusado
I will have refused
hubieres rehusado
you will have refused
hubiere rehusado
he/she/it will have refused
hubiéremos rehusado
we will have refused
hubiereis rehusado
you all will have refused
hubieren rehusado
they will have refused
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's refuse!
Imperative negative mood
no rehúses
do not refuse!
no rehúse
let him/her/it refuse!
no rehusemos
let us not refuse!
no rehuséis
do not refuse!
no rehúsen
do not refuse!

Examples of rehusar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Pero tuvo que rehusar cuando el instructor de danza americana quiso 50 dólares la lección.- But he wants to refuse since the American dance teacher wants 50 dollars a lesson.
Cuando ha dicho Navidad, no he tenido el valor de rehusar.I'm sorry, Therese. He said it was Christmas... and I couldn't find the strength to refuse.
Debes rehusar. Dime que no, que no lo harás.You've to refuse firmly.
En mi mundo, es un mayor honor rehusar.In my world, it's a greater honor to refuse.
Es una apuesta difícil de rehusar.That's a hard bet to refuse.
"Todo yo rehúso y a vos elijo.""All I refuse and you I choose."
- ... enfermedades, cáncer, defectos congénitos. - ... para responder a los cargos... - ... enfermedad mental, hongos, alergias caries, acné, pie de atleta... - ... rehúso responder en base a- - ... sarampión, tumor cerebral.- ... disease, cancer, birth defects - ... to answer on grounds ... mental illness, ringworm, poison ivy- ...tooth decay, acne, dandruff, athletes' ... refuse to answer on grounds ... measles, brain tumor-
- ... rehúso responder a esto - ... nunca te dejan abajo, abajo sino arriba, arriba.- ... refuse to answer on- - ... never lets ya down, down, down, but picks you up, up-
- Me rehúso a decirla.- I refuse to say it.
- Me rehúso a pagar el wiffi.I refuse to pay for the wiffi.
"¿Por qué te rehúsas a hablar?""Why do you refuse to talk?"
- Un error si te rehúsas.No mistake. A mistake if you refuse.
- Una pareja vegetariana entra a un mercado, y te rehúsas a venderles vegetales.- A vegetarian couple walks into a market, and you refuse to sell them vegetables.
-Entonces no ves nada malo en tu infidelidad y aún rehúsas mantener tus deberes con tu marido!- So you see nothing wrong with your infidelity yet refuse to perform the same duties for your husband!
-Pero rehúsas.- But you refuse.
"16 días de observación, el paciente sigue letárgico, se rehúsa a hablar.""Sixteenth day of observation, "patient still lethargic, still refuses to speak. "
"Incluso ahora que ha sido condenado por la muerte de David, se rehúsa a decirnos dónde encontrar el cuerpo de David"."Even now he's been convicted of David's murder, he refuses to tell us where David's body can be found."
"La sonrisa fácil de Erica esconde una voluntad de hierro que se rehúsa a sucumbir a los embates de la vida.""Erica's easy smile hides a will of iron which refuses to succumb to the ravages of life."
- Fatal. Se rehúsa a cooperar con su abogado, el guapo Lloyd hijo.She refuses to cooperate with her lawyer, that nice-looking Lloyd boy.
- Pero se rehúsa a desatarme.- But he refuses to untie me.
- Nos rehusamos a conformarnos.- We refuse to conform.
- ¿ Y si rehusamos?If we refuse?
Al igual que gente como Gentle Giant y otras bandas... Simplemente nos rehusamos a tocar cualquier cosa que sonara a Tin Pan Alley (NT: Musica popular americana)I'm sure people like Gentle Giant and other bands... we just refused to play anything that sounded anything like a Tin Pan Alley.
Cada minuto que nos rehusamos a amar a alguien una mascota derrama otra lágrima.Every minute that we refuse to love one another, another puppy cries another tear.
Cuando nos rehusamos a recurrir a la violencia....When we refused to resort to violence...
Morid pues por este Cristo ahogado en vos que me llama con un grito terrible y que rehusáis darme.Die then for this Christ drowned in you who calls me with a terrible cry and whom you refuse to give me.
Rodrigo de Vivar, conocido como " El Cid, ¿sólo vos rehusáis arrodillaros?Rodrigo of Vivar... called the Cid... why do you alone refuse me fealty?
Si rehusáis leer esta carta, será quemada."lf you refuse to read this letter, it will be burned.
Si rehusáis vuestra ayuda en esta...If you refuse your aid in this...
"Si se rehúsan, levantaré un grito de guerra en su contra que será recordado por siempre.""if you refuse, I shall raise a war cry against you that will be remembered forever."
"Y si se rehúsan a obedecer sus órdenes, siéntase libre de dispararles".Oh. "And if they refuse to follow orders, please feel free to shoot them."
- Estos perros rehúsan moverse.The lazy dogs refuse to move!
- Padres también rehúsan.Parents refuse, too.
- ¿Y si se rehúsan?- And what if they refuse?
- Me rehusé a verlo.- I refused to look at it.
Ahora, después de la muerte de Sara Carlos sugirió que lo borrara y me rehusé.Now, after Sara's death, Carlos suggested that we... erase the record, and I refused.
Algo que me rehusé mucho entender, pero que hoy me parece una verdad fundamental:Something I have long refused to understand, but which seems to me today to be a basic truth.
Arrestada... porque rehusé aliarme con... el Dominar Bishan eso no es un crimenArrested because I refused allegiance to Dominar Bishan. Oh, that's no crime.
- Te rehusaste. ¡Rehusaste mi don!You refused my gift!
Bueno, claro que te rehusaste.Well, of course you refused.
Bueno, sí, esa no era una de las opciones. Entonces, escribiré que rehusaste a contestar la pregunta.Yeah, well, that wasn't one of the choices, so I'll just write that you refused to answer the question.
Cuando las picaduras de abejas, te rehusaste a salir del apartamento.In bee stings, you refused to leave the apartment.
Cuando te dije que te afeitaras la barba, te rehusasteWhen I told you to shave your beard,you refused.
"El congreso no creará ninguna ley que coarte la libertad de expresión esas leyes expiraron cuando Jefferson se rehusó a cumplirlas pero dos generaciones más tarde otro presidente diría que podía arrestar a agentes del estado y editores de periódicos"congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech" Those laws expired, when Jefferson refused to enforce them but two generations later another president would argue that he could arrest state officials and newspaper editors with whom he had political differences and two generations after that the government enacted the espionage act of 1917
"Por favor, tome nuestra evidencia sobre los crímenes que hemos visto", el gobierno se rehusó desde entonces hasta el día de hoy, 8 años después, siguen sin tomar mi testimonio y el de David sobre crímenes cometidos por nuestra inteligencia."Please, take our evidence about the crimes we have seen", the government refused then, until this day 8 years on they're still refusing to take David's evidence and my evidence about crimes committed by our intelligence agencies.
- rehusó a tragar.- refused to swallow.
- Lynn se rehusó a hacerlo.- Lynn refused.
- Natalie se rehusó a traerme.- Natalie refused to bring me.
Al parecer, vosotros chicos rehusasteis hacerla en Maybelle.Apparently, you guys refused to do it at Maybelle.
En cierta ocasión os pedí que salierais al jardín a pasear conmigo y rehusasteis.You know, I once asked you to walk in this garden with me, and you refused.
- Algunos se rehusaron a ir.-These are the ones who refused to go.
- Miladi... si ambas niñas Stark se rehusaron a su servicio, tal vez este liberada de su voto.- My Lady... if both Stark girls refused your service, maybe you're released from your vow.
- Pero se rehusaron y escaparon.- But they refused and took off.
- Sí, pero se rehusaron a traicionarse.Yes, but they refused to betray one another.
Aquí, señora... es una lista de todas las obreras de la fábrica de fósforos que rehusaron una compensación por sus agravios.Here, madam - it is a list of all the women from the match factory who refused settlement for their grievances.
A menudo no morirá se rehusará, seguirá dentro de todos nosotros.Often you will not die , you will refuse It will continue on within all of us.
Hasta que no haya agua, ella se rehusará.As long as there's no water, she will refuse him.
Mi padre rehusará a hacerlo.My father will refuse.
Se rehusará.He will refuse.
Por eso, si los agentes alemanes envenenan a las mulas, los franceses acusaran a los españoles de venderles animales enfermos, ... y entonces, rehusarán establecer una alianza con ellos.So, if the German agents poison the mules, the French will accuse the Spanish of selling them sick animals, and therefore, will refuse to form an alliance with them.
Se rehusarán.The will refuse
En mi opinión el general Gordon se rehusaría.In my opinion, General Gordon would refuse.
Jesús se rehusaría a ser parte de él pero probablemente le tenía reservado un lugar especial allá arriba para quien revelara un memo secreto de Citibank sobre su plan para dominar el mundo.Jesus would refuse to be part of it, but he probably had a special place up there for whoever leaked a secret Citibank memo about their plan to rule the world.
Ni siquiera un rey rehusaría jurar en materia de fe.Not even a king would refuse to take an oath in a matter of faith.
"Está autorizado a dispararle a quién se rehúse a cumplir con su deber""You are hereby authorized to shoot any man who refuses to do his duty."
Cualquiera que rehúse comprender que el amor puede cambiar, transferirse... ..o abandonarse es un idiota. Punto final.Anybody who refuses to understand, what love can change or be transferred or just quit is an idiot, period.
En segundo lugar, tengo esperanzas de que usted no rehúse ayudarme... en un asunto que concierne a los intereses... de su hermana Avdotia Románovna.In the second place, I do hope you will not refuse to help me in a matter that concerns the best interests of your sister.
En una época donde la libertad nunca ha sido más precaria en el país el que ella rehúse el derecho civil y legal de pagar sus impuestos mientras nuestros soldados mueren allá hace que su acto deliberado sea tan antipatriótico y tan antiestadounidense como ilegal.At a time when freedom has never been more precarious in this county... for her to refuse her civic and legal duty to pay her taxes... while we have soldiers dying over there... this woman's deliberate action... is as unpatriotic, as un-American as it is illegal.
Me rehúse a pesarme.I refused to weigh in.
Cada vez que rehúses tomaremos algo de ti.Each time you refuse, we take something away.
No rehúses su regalo Es una prueba de amorDon't refuse his gift, it is an offering of love
Será una pena que rehúses cooperar.A shame if you refuse to cooperate.
Quizá si jugamos bien nuestras cartas, nos haga una oferta que no rehusemos.Maybe if we play our cards just right, he'll make us an offer we can't refuse.
Aquellos que rehúsen hacerlo... serán tomados como culpables de traición y enviados a prisiónThose who refuse to take it... will be accounted guilty of treason and sent to prison.
Aquellos que rehúsen serán apresadosThose who refuse are put in prison.
El dos por ciento con la condición que se rehúsen a identificar a VijayTwo percent on condition that you refuse to identify Vijay.
Hoy no solo protegerá a Anarkali sino a todos los amantes... cuyos latidos rehúsen ser esclavizados por un emperadorToday, it shall not only protect Anarkali... but also all lovers... whose heartbeats refuse to be enslaved by an emperor
Les aconsejaré que se rehúsen.I'll advise them to refuse.
- ¿cuándo me he rehusado?When have I refused? Now look;
Algunos mejicanos han rehusado pagar.Some Mexican must have refused to pay.
Billy Kid, le Katangés, ha rehusado el encuentro.That Katangeze refused the match.
Bueno, en realidad parece bastante inútil, pues ha rehusado la mejor oferta de este tipo, no puede esperar de nosotros que nos esforcemos en encontrarle otra oportunidad como esa.Well, really, it seems rather useless, since you refused the most excellent offer in this fashion, you could hardly expect us to exert ourselves to find another such opening for you.
Bueno, los Alemanes, hasta ahora, han rehusado... intercambiar prisioneros politicos.Well, the Germans, so far, have refused to exchange political prisoners.
Ahora se está rehusando a comer.Now he's refusing to eat.
Bueno, si me pregunta, él se esta rehusando a hacer ese truco, Porque él sabe que si lo hace bien, tendrá que hacerlo cuando venga visitaYes, well, if you ask me, he's refusing to do that trick because he knows if he does it right, you'll have him doing it every time we have company.
Con el Sr. Seville rehusando a poner su dinero para el rescate, estamos usando billetes nuestros reales y simulados.With Mr. Seville refusing to front the ransom money, we're using our own real and simulated bills.
Discúlpame, ¿te estás rehusando a hacer esto?Excuse-me... Are you refusing to do this?
El millonario estudiante de Harvard que se enlistó en la infantería rehusando la comisión de oficial a la que tenía derecho.The millionaire Harvard honors student who enlisted in the infantry, refusing the officer's commission to which he was entitled.

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