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Identificar (to identify) conjugation

101 examples

Conjugation of identificar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I identify
you identify
he/she/it identifies
we identify
you all identify
they identify
Present perfect tense
he identificado
I have identified
has identificado
you have identified
ha identificado
he/she/it has identified
hemos identificado
we have identified
habéis identificado
you all have identified
han identificado
they have identified
Past preterite tense
I identified
you identified
he/she/it identified
we identified
you all identified
they identified
Future tense
I will identify
you will identify
he/she/it will identify
we will identify
you all will identify
they will identify
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would identify
you would identify
he/she/it would identify
we would identify
you all would identify
they would identify
Past imperfect tense
I used to identify
you used to identify
he/she/it used to identify
we used to identify
you all used to identify
they used to identify
Past perfect tense
había identificado
I had identified
habías identificado
you had identified
había identificado
he/she/it had identified
habíamos identificado
we had identified
habíais identificado
you all had identified
habían identificado
they had identified
Future perfect tense
habré identificado
I will have identified
habrás identificado
you will have identified
habrá identificado
he/she/it will have identified
habremos identificado
we will have identified
habréis identificado
you all will have identified
habrán identificado
they will have identified
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I identify
(if/so that) you identify
(if/so that) he/she/it identify
(if/so that) we identify
(if/so that) you all identify
(if/so that) they identify
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya identificado
I have identified
hayas identificado
you have identified
haya identificado
he/she/it has identified
hayamos identificado
we have identified
hayáis identificado
you all have identified
hayan identificado
they have identified
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have identified
(if/so that) you have identified
(if/so that) he/she/it have identified
(if/so that) we have identified
(if/so that) you all have identified
(if/so that) they have identified
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have identified
(if/so that) you have identified
(if/so that) he/she/it have identified
(if/so that) we have identified
(if/so that) you all have identified
(if/so that) they have identified
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera identificado
I had identified
hubieras identificado
you had identified
hubiera identificado
he/she/it had identified
hubiéramos identificado
we had identified
hubierais identificado
you all had identified
hubieran identificado
they had identified
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese identificado
I had identified
hubieses identificado
you had identified
hubiese identificado
he/she/it had identified
hubiésemos identificado
we had identified
hubieseis identificado
you all had identified
hubiesen identificado
they had identified
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have identified
(if/so that) you will have identified
(if/so that) he/she/it will have identified
(if/so that) we will have identified
(if/so that) you all will have identified
(if/so that) they will have identified
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere identificado
I will have identified
hubieres identificado
you will have identified
hubiere identificado
he/she/it will have identified
hubiéremos identificado
we will have identified
hubiereis identificado
you all will have identified
hubieren identificado
they will have identified
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's identify!
Imperative negative mood
no identifiques
do not identify!
no identifique
let him/her/it identify!
no identifiquemos
let us not identify!
no identifiquéis
do not identify!
no identifiquen
do not identify!

Examples of identificar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Fui incapaz de identificar a los tiradores."I was unable to identify the gunmen.
"Noticias de última hora, oficiales de la Policía de Las Vegas aún intentan... identificar el cuerpo de una mujer desnuda encontrado ayer en la noche... [a un lado de la Carretera 51.In other news,local Las Vegas police officers are still trying to identify the body of a nude woman found off Highway 51 early yesterday morning.
"Paneles de mampostería premontados..." esa era una palabra código que usamos hace meses para identificar suministros de Neutronio."Preassembled masonry panels"... that was a code word we used a few months back to identify shipments of neutronium.
"Para-humano es un termino descriptiva usado... para identificar un hibrido animal-humano"."Para-human is a descriptive term used "to identify an animal-human hybrid.
"Tratan de identificar a los cadáveres.""They're working to identify the bodies."
"Hola, tengo una baja autoestima y me identifico con los insectos"."Hi, I have low self-esteem and identify with bugs."
- Me gustó esta novela porque fue capaz de Me identifico con el personaje, ya que yo mismo una señora Arnoux en mi vida.- I liked this novel because I was able I identify with the character, Since I myself mime a Mme Arnoux in my life.
- Mis padres son mexicanos. - Me identifico con ellos- You identify with it.
- ¿Cómo me identifico?- How do I identify with it?
-Sí. Puedo identificarme con eso porque me identifico con ellos.I can really identify with that because I really identify with these guys.
- Por eso, la identificas.- That's how you can identify it.
- Te identificas con ella.You identify with her.
- para ver si lo identificas.- see if you can identify him.
Acabas con aspectos de tu propia personalidad. Cuando te identificas como gay.You give up aspects of your own individuality the moment you identify yourself as gay.
Acaso ves lo que hay y lo aceptas como natural, dado por Dios o ves a la sociedad como algo donde identificas un problema y encuentras una solución creativa para ello?What attitude do you have to society? Do you look at what there is and you accept that as God given? Or do you see society as something where you identify a problem and then you find a creative solution for that problem?
"La policía identifica a terroristas buscados: vivos o muertos. "'Police identifies terrorists wanted: Dead or alive'
"Leonard se identifica conmigo... "y está convencido de que es médico."Leonard identifies with me and is convinced that he is a doctor. "
"Nimbo" es un halo, que identifica lo sagrado."Nimbo" is a halo, which identifies the holy.
"Se identifica melancólicamente amoroso con licantropía... ""He identifies amorous melancholy with lincantropy..."
"Utiliza la computadora correctamente "se identifica como una enfermera registrada" y puntuación alta por valor a la diversidad en pacientes y familias."Utilizes computers correctly, identifies self as registered nurse," and you get high marks for evaluating diversity in patients and their families.
- No identificamos a la asesina.We still can't identify whoever killed the security guard.
A medida que nos identificamos con nuestro personaje, devenimos su esclavo.As long as we identify with our character, we are its slave.
Ahora, cuando identificamos a gente que parece tener esta habilidad. Y parece que existen en todo el mundo. Les pedimos que vengan al laboratorio para poder medir su exactitud.Now, when we identify people who seem to have this ability-- and they seem to exist all over the globe-- we ask them to come to our lab so we can measure their accuracy.
Al horrible, lo identificamos.The nasty ones, we identify.
Aquellos que nos identificamos con S.O estamos totalmente capacitados para formar una fuerte relación con objetos físicos.Those of us who identify ourselves with O.S. Are fully capable of forming a strong relationship with... physical objects.
- ¿Que identifican a un sospechoso?They identify a suspect?
... los efectos personales hallados en la escena le identifican como Tony Wong, jefe de los Chinatown Triads.... personal effects found at the scene preliminarily identify him as Tony Wong, head of the Chinatown Triads.
A veces identifican la deidad con Dios o Cristo, y a veces no.Sometimes they identify that deity as God or Christ, and sometimes they don't.
Al desplegar la bandera del Frente de Liberación de Vietnam del Sur se identifican con los revolucionarios que atacan al imperialismo norteamericano en 3 continentes.Waving the flag of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam they openly identify with the revolutionaries who attack American imperialism on three continents.
Aquí identifican a los sospechosos sin ser vistos.Victims and witnesses can safely identify suspects.
"Implosiona ola de escándalos contables" Me identifiqué con la esperanza de probar mi argumento de que Enron debía atender esta situación.I identified myself in the hopes of really making my point that Enron really needed to address this situation.
- Bueno, identifiqué la corteza.- Why, I identified the bark.
- E identifiqué la voz.Oh, and I, I identified the voice. - Who?
- Me identifiqué con mucho de lo que dijiste. - ¿Sí?- I identified with a lot of it. - You did?
- Nunca identifiqué los blancos.I never identified the target.
- Soy Dave, identificaste el cuerpo que voló en mi carro?- It's Dave. Have you identified the body that blew up in my car?
Angela, por favor, simplemente sube al estrado y di que identificaste a la víctima.angela, please, just go on the stand and say that you identified the victim.
Bueno, dijiste que te identificaste, estabas muy identificada...Well, you said you identified, you so identified...
Bueno, identificaste a alguien en base a un reconocimiento de Abby.Well,you saw someone abby identified with.
Cogí la primera de las áreas que identificaste...I took the earliest of the three areas you identified--
! Él lo identificó en una línea de la policía ! .He identified him in a police line-up!
"Aunque el jefe de policía P. Hammond identificó a Buck, hermano de Clyde,"Though Chief Percy Hammond, who first identified Clyde Barrow's brother, Buck...
"Considerando que a los acusados se les identificó como miembros... de las fuerzas armadas de los Estados Unidos de América... un enemigo con el cual está en guerra el imperio japonés... y considerando que el 1 8 de abril de 1 942... las ciudades de Tokio, Yokohama..."Whereas the defendants have been identified as members of the armed forces of the United States of America, an enemy with which the Japanese Empire is at war, and whereas on the 18th day of April in the year of 1942, the cities of Tokyo, Yokohama,
"El forense de Chicago lo identificó como Manuel "Flaco" Rodriguez, `presunto líder de la banda callejera "Insane Kings", buscado por unos asesinatos sin resolver en West Side, dijo un portavoz del departamento de policía de Chicago.""The Chicago medical examiner identified it to be that of Manuel 'Flaco' Rodriguez, purported leader of the street gang, Insane Kings, wanted for a string of unsolved West Side murders, said a C.P.D. spokesman."
"La víctima identificó al atacante: el fugitivo... - ...- "Victim identified the shooter as escaped convict Lee McCall."
"Los doctores lo identificaron como un hongo que ataca el cerebro... "y destruye el tejido cerebral. ""Doctors identified the problem as a fungus that attacks the brain stem destroying brain tissue."
- Dos prostitutas identificaron a Langdon y Neveu tomando un taxi en Bois de Boulogne.Two prostitutes identified Langdon and Neveu getting into a taxi in the Bois de Boulogne.
- Estos perros lo identificaron.These dogs identified him, didn't they? !
- Nate identificaron sus dientes.- Nate they identified her teeth.
- Sí. Ninguna de las chicas que lo identificaron mencionó eso.But this was not mentioned by any of the girls who identified you.
Eso significa que el asesino tendría que haber planeado el homicidio por mucho tiempo antes así que algunos de ustedes, a quien identificaré muy pronto es un manipulador de sangre fría.That means the killer would've had to have planned the murder a long way in advance, so one of you, who I will identify shortly, is a cold-blooded schemer.
Les diré que fui secuestrada en la calle, y que identificaré a mis atacantes.I will tell them that I was abducted off the street, and I will identify my attackers.
- Gregory le identificará.- Gregory will identify him.
Así que, si dices que nos darás los videos el asesino se identificará.So if you say you'll give us the videos, the killer will identify himself.
Aún no sabemos cómo se identificará Jake.We don't know yet how Jake will identify.
Con esta nota con mi emblema, mi chofer lo identificará."This note bearing my crest will identify you to my chauffeur.
Cualquier intento de ayudarlo o atacar a esas cosas... os identificará como una fuente secundaria de infección. ¡Quietos!Any attempt to help him, or attack those things, will identify you as a secondary source of infection. Stay still!
Así se identificarán. ¿Comprende?This will identify you to each other. Do you understand?
Con frecuencia, los rehenes se identificarán con su captor en un desesperado, pero inconscientes, acto de autopreservación.Frequently, hostages will identify with their captor in a desperate, but unconscious, act of self-preservation.
El prisionero niega su identidad... pero podemos presentar varios testigos... que lo identificarán de inmediato.The prisoner denies his identity... yet we are ready to produce witness after witness... who will identify him at once.
Ellos me identificarán.They will identify me.
Estas chicas te identificarán.These girls will identify you.
No me importaría tener algo implantado permanentemente en mi brazo! Eso me identificaría.I wouldn't mind having something planted permanently in my arm... that would identify me.
No pensabas que lo identificaría.You did not think I would identify him.
Y porque todo el mundo me identificaría como negro y así ha sido durante la mayor parte de mi vida.And because everybody else would identify me as black. And did for the most of my life.
¿De verdad crees que el asesino se identificaría a sí mismo tan fácilmente?Do you really think the killer would identify himself so easily?
Gloria, te entregué el libro porque pensé que te identificarías con él.Gloria, I gave you the book because I thought you would identify with him.
Sólo tú te identificarías con Deméter la diosa griega de las plantas.Only you would identify yourself with Demeter the Greek goddess of plants.
- Deja que Bartlow la identifique.- Let Mr. Bartlow identify the body.
- Necesitamos que identifique el cuerpo.- We need you to identify the body.
- No hay nada que le identifique, sólo esta llave y páginas arrancadas de un libro.- Nothing to identify him, just this key and pages torn from a book.
- No quiero que identifique mi voz.'Cause I don't want him to identify my voice.
- ¿Tienes otra cosa que te identifique?Do you have any other articles that might identify you?
"A" quiere que lo identifiques."a" wants you to identify him.
"Nunca te identifiques con aquello que es objeto de tu estudio".Pay heed not to identify yourself too much with the objects we study.
Creo de principio a fin que la gente solo cuida aquello que ama, y no puedes amar algo a menos que te identifiques completamente con ello.I believe from beginning to end the only people cares what he loves, and you can not love something unless you identify completely with this.
Es mejor que identifiques al atacante.Much better you identify assailant.
Jax necesitará que identifiques a Dun.Jax is gonna need you to identify Dun.
- Quizás identifiquemos al asesino.- Maybe with enough to identify the killer.
Ahora, identifiquemos algunas característicasNow how about identifying characteristics?
Bueno, porque quiere que identifiquemos todos los cuerpos, y sólo identificamos a dos.Well, 'cause he wants us to identify all the bodies, and we've only done two.
Confiamos en que cuando identifiquemos a un candidato apropiado la Sra. Campbell y los ministros verán la sabiduría del nuevo liderazgo.We're confident that when we identify a suitable candidate, Ms. Campbell and the ministers will see the wisdom of new leadership.
Cuando identifiquemos al asesino, lo llevaré a Castalia para un juicio.When we identify the killer, I'll turn him over to Castalia for trial.
"Será mejor que le identifiquéis" ." Better for you if you identify him."
"Con los que los lectores se identifiquen."With whom readers identify.
- Dudo que se identifiquen.- l doubt they'll identify themselves.
- No he sido capaz de encontrar partículas que identifiquen quienes son estos tíos.I have not been able to find any particulates that identify who these guys are.
- No sabemos. Precisamos que la identifiquen.We need sοmebοdy tο identify her.
- No, lo entiendo, pero debido al Clostridium y a las infecciones, primero quiero que identifiquen positivamente de quién es.I want to first positively identify whose it is.
" Parece que es el contenido ambientalista pero el grupo aún no ha sido identificado " .However, it may be of an ecological nature, though the group has not yet identified itself.
" UN hombre del legless, identificado como W. J. Pickens, se descubrió tarde del domingo en el cuarto de un hombres en una posada cerca de Alva. ""A legless man, identified as W.J. Pickens, was discovered Sunday afternoon in a men's room at a rest stop near Alva."
". El no identificado encubierto colgado en a los 80 kilómetros por hora""The unidentified undercover hanging on at 80 miles an hour."
"El cadáver mutilado que encontraron en un contenedor hace tres semanas... "El cadáver mutilado que encontraron en un contenedor hace tres semanas... y que la oficina del forense describió como eviscerado... ha sido identificado como Martín Haber, de 28 años... visto por última vez con una mujer no identificada... en D'Oblique, un sitio de moda para solteros"."A badly mutilated body found nearly three weeks ago described by the coroner's office as eviscerated has been identified as 28-year-old Martin Haber.
"El hombre que ven aquí... besando apasionadamente a la Premier de South Wales ha sido identificado como un abogado criminal Cleaver Greene..."The man seen here passionately kissing the New South Wales Premier has been identified as criminal barrister Cleaver Greene.
- En ese caso identificando variables de un ladrón en particular.- In this case, identifying variables of a particular theft.
- Estábamos en nuestra excursión de invierno, identificando plantas, variedades de musgo.We were on a winter nature hike identifying perennials, moss.
- Ha tenido dificultad identificando algunos artefactos.- Oh, you've had difficulty identifying some of the artifacts.
- He estado identificando a todos los demás ocupantes del edificio de Stephanie cuando desapareció- I've been identifying all the other occupants at Stephanie's building at the time she went missing
- No. Sigo pensando que el asesino es una mujer. Pero identificando a papá nos podría llevar más cerca a identificarla a ella.But identifying dad might get us closer to identifying her.
Te identificás con el que observa con tu voluntad.You identify with the one observing, with your will.
¿Si no te identificás con el cuerpo, con qué?If you don't identify with your body, how can you do it?

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