Sina tõenäoliselt samastud selle poisiga Oomenist. | - You probably identify with the kid from The Omen, right? - Ooh. |
- Ilmselt ma samastusin temaga. | - I guess I just identified with her. |
Kohtunikud peavad samastuma kaitsega. | The jury has to identify with the defendant. |
Ma hakkan selle tüdrukuga rohkem ja rohkem samastuma. | I'm starting to identify with this girl more and more. |
Ma nagu samastuda need poisid. | I kind of identify with those boys. |
Ma usun, et noor Marcellus, kellega ta suudab samastuda ja teda hellitada, on võti mu venna vaevatud hinge päästmiseks. | I believe that young Marcellus with whom he can identify and even nurture holds the key to our brother's troubled soul. |
Tee sellele kõigele lõpp. Sõnad, millega ma suudan samastuda. | Put an end to all this, finally words I can identify with. |