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Identifitseerima (to identify) conjugation

48 examples

Conjugation of identifitseerima

Pass. Neg.
Present tense
I identify
you identify
he/she/it identifies
we identify
you all identify
they identify
ei identifitseeri
(do/does) not identify
it is identified
ei identifitseerita
it is not identified
Past tense
I identified
you identified
he/she/it identified
we identified
you all identified
they identified
ei identifitseerinud
did not identify
it was identified
ei identifitseeritud
it was not identified
Conditional mood
identifitseeriksin, identifitseeriks
I would identify
identifitseeriksid, identifitseeriks
you would identify
he/she/it would identify
identifitseeriksime, identifitseeriks
we would identify
identifitseeriksite, identifitseeriks
you all would identify
identifitseeriksid, identifitseeriks
they would identify
ei identifitseeriks
would not identify
it would be identified
ei identifitseeritaks
it would not be identified
Imperative mood
let him/her/it identify
let's identify
let them identify
be identified
Imperative negative mood
ära identifitseeri
do not identify
ärgu identifitseerigu
let him/her/it not identify
ärgem identifitseerigem, ärme identifitseerime
let him/her/it not identify
ärge identifitseerige
do not identify
ärgu identifitseerigu
let them not identify
ärgu identifitseeritagu
do not be identified
Infinitive -ma
Infinitive -da
Past active participle
Past passive participle
been identified
Pass. Neg.
Perfect tense
olen identifitseerinud
I have identified
oled identifitseerinud
you have identified
on identifitseerinud
he/she/it has identified
oleme identifitseerinud
we have identified
olete identifitseerinud
you all have identified
on identifitseerinud
they have identified
ei ole identifitseerinud, pole identifitseerinud
(have/has) not identified
on identifitseeritud
it has been identified
ei ole identifitseeritud, pole identifitseeritud
it has not been identified
Pluperfect past tense
olin identifitseerinud
I had identified
olid identifitseerinud
you had identified
oli identifitseerinud
he/she/it had identified
olime identifitseerinud
we had identified
olite identifitseerinud
you all had identified
oli identifitseerinud
they had identified
ei olnud identifitseerinud, polnud identifitseerinud
had not identified
oli identifitseeritud
it had been identified
ei olnud identifitseeritud, polnud identifitseeritud
it had not been identified
Conditional perfect mood
oleksin identifitseerinud; oleks identifitseerinud; identifitseerinuksin; identifitseerinuks
I would have identified
oleksid identifitseerinud; oleks identifitseerinud; identifitseerinuksid; identifitseerinuks
you would have identified
oleks identifitseerinud; identifitseerinuks
he/she/it would have identified
oleksime identifitseerinud; oleks identifitseerinud; identifitseerinuksime; identifitseerinuks
we would have identified
oleksite identifitseerinud; oleks identifitseerinud; identifitseerinuksite; identifitseerinuks
you all would have identified
oleksid identifitseerinud; oleks identifitseerinud; identifitseerinuksid; identifitseerinuks
they would have identified
ei oleks identifitseerinud; poleks identifitseerinud; ei identifitseerinuks
would not have identified
oleks identifitseeritud
it would have been identified
ei oleks identifitseeritud; poleks identifitseeritud
it would not have been identified
Quotative tense
he/she/it (allegedly) identifies
ei identifitseerivat
(allegedly) does not identify
(allegedly) it is identified
ei identifitseeritavat
(allegedly) it is not identified
Pass. Neg.
Quotative perfect tense
olevat identifitseerinud; identifitseerinuvat
he/she/it (allegedly) has identified
ei olevat identifitseerinud; polevat identifitseerinud; ei identifitseerinuvat
(allegedly) has not identified
olevat identifitseeritud
(allegedly) it has been identified
ei olevat identifitseeritud; polevat identifitseeritud
(allegedly) it has not been identified
Jussive mood
so that he/she/it identify
ärgu identifitseerigu
so that he/she/it do not identify
so that it be identified
ärgu identifitseeritagu
so that it not be identified
Jussive perfect mood
olgu identifitseerinud
so that he/she/it have identified
ärgu olgu identifitseerinud
so that he/she/it do not have identified
olgu identifitseeritud
so that it have been identified
ärgu olgu identifitseeritud
so that it not have been identified
des form
ma inessive
ma elative
ma translative
ma abessive
participle pres. active
participle pres. passive
Other forms
while identifying
while identifying
(due to/following/for) identifying
for the purpose of identifying
without identify
that can be identified
being identified

Examples of identifitseerima

Example in EstonianTranslation in English
Otsin käitumistendentse ja identifitseerin kriminaalseid mustreid.I find behavioral tendencies in data and identify criminal patterns.
Sina ütle, mina identifitseerin selle.You name it, I can identify it.
Sa loobud oma individuaalsetest seisukohtadest kohe, kui sa identifitseerid ennast kui geid.You give up aspects of your own individuality the moment you identify yourself as gay.
Ta tuleb välja, Kate identifitseerib ta, ja siis me võtame ta maha. Kiirelt ja elusalt.He comes out, Kate identifies him, then we'll take him out surgically.
Ta tuleb välja, Kate identifitseerib ta, ja siis me võtame ta maha.He comes out with everybody else. Kate identifies him.
Meie identifitseerime nad ja valitsus jälitab neid ja mõned viiakse kinnimajja.We identify them, government tracks them, and some go to the compound.
Hieroglüüfid identifitseerivad purgi nagu lsise omandi, kes on Egiptuse ema Jumal.The hieroglyphs identify the jar... ..as belonging to Isis, who is the Egyptian mother goddess.
Hieroglüüfid identifitseerivad purgi... ..nagu lsise omandi, kes on Egiptuse ema Jumal.The hieroglyphs identify the jar... ..as belonging to lsis, who is the Egyptian mother goddess.
Bill, kui me ei identifitseeri ja jälita igat ühte, kellega sa kontakti sattusid, siis meil tuleb ülelinnaline epideemia, nii et kui palju inimesi?Bill, if we do not identify and track down everyone you have come in contact with, we are gonna have a citywide epidemic, so how many people?
Ja nad identifitseerisid selle tüdruku keha, kes järvest leiti.And that girl in the lake identified.
Nad identifitseerisid koodi.They identified the code.
Tunni ajaga oli Delta rühm koha peal, kus nad identifitseerisid mitmeid meie poolt tagaotsitavaid mässajaid.Within the hour, Delta Team was on site. where they identified multiple insurgents on our hit list.
Ühest tema koputamisest, nad identifitseerisid Valery Martynovi ja Sergei Motorini, kaks KGB agenti, keda me värbasime.In one of his drops he identified Valery Martynov... ...and Sergei Motorin, two KGB agents we'd turned.
- SAS identifitseeris Dennis Cooley.- SAS just identified Cooley.
- SETI New Mexico'st identifitseeris signaali.- SETI in New Mexico identified a signal.
-SETI New Mexico'st identifitseeris signaali.- SETI in New Mexico identified a signal.
Ja me identifitseerisime selle surnud naise Winnebagost... kui narkokuninganna Louisvillest, Kentuckyst-Lucy Garfield.And, uh, we have identified the dead woman from that Winnebago... as a drug "queenpin" from Louisville, Kentucky- Lucy Garfield.
Jah, me identifitseerisime sihtmärgi.RAMSEY: Yes, we've identified the target.
Nii et snaiper identifitseeriti kui Punaste Brigaadide liige.So the shooter was identified as a member of the Red Brigade.
Paulson identifitseeriti oma tätoveeringu järgi.Paulson was identified by his custom tattoo.
-Piloot, identifitseeri ennast.- Pilot, identify yourself.
Bill, kui me ei identifitseeri ja jälita igat ühte, kellega sa kontakti sattusid, siis meil tuleb ülelinnaline epideemia, nii et kui palju inimesi?Bill, if we do not identify and track down everyone you have come in contact with, we are gonna have a citywide epidemic, so how many people?
Hüppaja kolm, palun identifitseeri ennast.- Jumper 3, please identify.
- Palun identifitseerige ennast.-Please identify yourself.
- Vastaja, palun identifitseerige ennast.Roger. Responder, please identify.
1-5-9 kraadi, 3-3 minutit läänes. Palun luba luua kontakti kanalil 16 ja palun identifitseerige ennast.Request you establish communications with my vessel on V.H.F. channel 16... and identify yourself, over.
Kordan, identifitseerige.Repeat, identify.
Kui keegi kuuleb, siis identifitseerige end ja oma asukoht.If anyone is receiving this... we ask that you identify yourself and your location. Over.
- Peame surnukeha identifitseerima, leidma ta sõbrad ja...- What? - We need to identify the corpse, find out about his friends and...
Isetute juhid peavad end identifitseerima.Abnegation leaders must identify themselves.
Jah, kes läheb surnukeha identifitseerima?Yes, who's going to identify the dead body?
- Kas me saame seda kuidagi identifitseerida?- Do we have any way of identifying it?
- Ma saan ka lõksud identifitseerida, tehniliselt.- Technically, I can identify the traps.
- Suudaksid sa ta identifitseerida? Jah.- Could you identify him?
FBI on identifitseerinud mehe, keda nad usuvad, et teda kasutatakse biorelva rünnaku korraldamiseks.FBI's identified the man they believe is going to carry out the bioweapon's attack.
Halb on see, et me oleme juba identifitseerinud pool tosinat isikut, kes olid seotud Abu Naziriga.On the receiving end, we've already identified half a dozen known associates of Abu Nazir.
Kapten, oleme Geordiga identifitseerinud autoriseerimata arvutikasutuse allika ja oleme arvatavasti leidnud viisi kuidas saavutada taktikaline eelis.- Go ahead. We have identified the source of the unauthorized computer access. We have found a tactical advantage.
Kas te olete ta identifitseerinud?Have you identified it?
- Külmutatud mees on identifitseeritud.- The hibernated man has been identified.
- On nad identifitseeritud?- Have they been identified?
- Ta on identifitseeritud kui leitnant James Dove, kes edukalt tegi kahjutuks lõhkeseadeldise.- He's been identified as... Lieutenant James Dove, who successfully disengaged a device.
- Ta on identifitseeritud kui- He's been identified as...
Esimesena on identifitseeritud Frieder Triumpf, 55 aastane mees Berliinist.The first has been identified as Frieder Trumpf, 55, of Berlin.
- Külmutatud mees on identifitseeritud.- The hibernated man has been identified.
Esimesena on identifitseeritud Frieder Triumpf, 55 aastane mees Berliinist.The first has been identified as Frieder Trumpf, 55, of Berlin.
Me saime kinnituse, laev on identifitseeritud.We have confirmation: craft has been identified.
Viimastel aastatel on keegi Euroopast saatnud koopia - koos päisega ja nii edasi, ilma ennast identifitseerimata.In recent years someone from Europe has sent a machine copy - with the letterhead and so forth, without identifying himself.
Kas sa tõesti arvad, et tapja identifitseeriks end nii lihtsalt?Do you really think the killer would identify himself so easily?

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